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Thread: Please help - need help on Fiance Visa Interview

  1. #1
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    Smile Please help - need help on Fiance Visa Interview

    Hello. How are you?

    I have been looking for a forum about Fiance Visa Interviews.

    I have an interview on tuesday next week, Aug 24. I would like some help and tips.

    Thanks sooo much. :-)

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you use the search function you will find a lot of advice..

    Opening Questions

    * Your Full name Please ?
    * In what language do you wish to be interviewed in ?
    * Please tell me right away if you do not understand anything
    * Are you fit and well to be interviewed today ?
    * Who completed your application form ? (she may say her husband/partner helped)
    * Are you satisfied that all your answers in the application form are correct ?

    Visa Related Questions
    * Is this your first application for a UK Visa ?
    * Have you ever applied for a visa to another country.?
    * Have you ever been refused a visa ?
    * Is this your first visit overseas ?
    * Is this your first and only passport ?
    * How long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom ?
    * Why do you want to go to the UK ? I want to be with my husband.
    * What are you going to do in the UK? I answered, I am going to take care of my husband. I am also considering of working and studying.

    Meeting Questions

    * When did you first meet your husband/Fiance ? How did you meet your husband/Fiance ?
    * Did you stay with him when you met ?
    * So how long did you live with him or stay with him ?
    * Did he write or call you, How have you communicated ?

    Accomodation Questions

    * Where do you live ?
    * Where are you going to live in the UK?
    * How big is your husband's apartment?

    Financial Questions

    * What does your husband/fiance do for his job ?
    * Do you know how much money he earns ?
    * Does he send you any money for your expenses ?

    General Questions

    * What are the things you like to do together?
    * What are your Fiance/husbands hobbies? What does he do in his spare time ?
    * Why did you marry him after being together for only a week, such a fast decision ?
    * What do you like most about him ?
    * What are the real reasons that you married him ?
    * Where is his family living?
    * Have you met his family? (tell their names, elaborate, you may say you keep in touch with them also)
    * What is his shoe size?
    * What is his eye colour?


    When did you and your fiance become engaged? Who proposed? How was it done? What happened?

    What wedding plans have you made? Will you have a hen night? Will your fiance have a stag-do?

    What sort of wedding dress will you wear?

    Who have you invited to your wedding? Who is printing your invitations?

    Where will your wedding be held?

    Who is on your invitation list?

    What sort of ceremony will you have? NOTE: prepare for this one in some depth!

    Will there be a reception after the wedding? If so where?

    Where do your fiance's parents live? What are their names? Have you met them?

    How did you decide on a wedding date?

    How much money does your fiance earn each month?

    Where will you live? What are the accommodations like there? How long will you live there?

    How did you decide where you would live?

    Is your marriage dependent upon your relocating to the UK?

    What does your fiance do for a living?

    Have you or your sponsor been engaged before?

    Did you ever attempt to settle in the UK before? When? What happened?

    Do you have relatives in the UK? Who? What do they do?

    What role did your fiance's residence in the UK play in your decision to get married?

    May we have your engagement ring examined by a jeweler to assure it is genuine?

    Is your fiance conservative or liberal? For which political party does your fiance normally vote?

    Why do you want to marry a rich Englishman?

    Do you have children? Has your fiance met them?

    What relatives will you leave behind if you settle in the UK?

    Has your fiancé met your family? Where? When? Answer: YES! My fiance brought gifts for my parents, and we went to five star restaurant for dinner, the receipt is included in the application.

    What sort of work will you do in the UK? Trick question! Answer: I am qualified in several fields, but I want to focus on my wedding plans when I arrive in the UK. My ultimate employment is too far into the future to even speculate. NOTE: The answer here must come from a personal motivation rather than a knowledge of visa laws. Be careful!

    Do your fiancé's children know about your marriage plans? Trick question! This is designed to assess the applicant's body language. Answer: His children know that he intends to remarry. They have not met me, and my fiance will introduce me when I arrive in the UK, and he will select the venue such that it will be a memorable and happy event. I look forward to a good relationship with [child's name] and [child's name].

    What will you do if your application is refused? Answer: I will give notice of appeal today, and I will fax the relevant materials to my fiance. Wrong answer: we will marry in a 3rd country (they may take you up on it!). Correct response: According to UK law, we are entitled to marry in the UK and we will seek to do so by all legal avenues available to us. We will appeal a refusal and provide all additional information needed to substantiate our claim.

    (from transpondia)

  3. #3
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    Thank you sooo much joebloggs! You are sooo helpful. You have blessed me.

    Thank you. More blessings to you!

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if you use the search function you will find a lot of advice..

    Opening Questions

    * Your Full name Please ?
    * In what language do you wish to be interviewed in ?
    * Please tell me right away if you do not understand anything
    * Are you fit and well to be interviewed today ?
    * Who completed your application form ? (she may say her husband/partner helped)
    * Are you satisfied that all your answers in the application form are correct ?

    Visa Related Questions
    * Is this your first application for a UK Visa ?
    * Have you ever applied for a visa to another country.?
    * Have you ever been refused a visa ?
    * Is this your first visit overseas ?
    * Is this your first and only passport ?
    * How long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom ?
    * Why do you want to go to the UK ? I want to be with my husband.
    * What are you going to do in the UK? I answered, I am going to take care of my husband. I am also considering of working and studying.

    Meeting Questions

    * When did you first meet your husband/Fiance ? How did you meet your husband/Fiance ?
    * Did you stay with him when you met ?
    * So how long did you live with him or stay with him ?
    * Did he write or call you, How have you communicated ?

    Accomodation Questions

    * Where do you live ?
    * Where are you going to live in the UK?
    * How big is your husband's apartment?

    Financial Questions

    * What does your husband/fiance do for his job ?
    * Do you know how much money he earns ?
    * Does he send you any money for your expenses ?

    General Questions

    * What are the things you like to do together?
    * What are your Fiance/husbands hobbies? What does he do in his spare time ?
    * Why did you marry him after being together for only a week, such a fast decision ?
    * What do you like most about him ?
    * What are the real reasons that you married him ?
    * Where is his family living?
    * Have you met his family? (tell their names, elaborate, you may say you keep in touch with them also)
    * What is his shoe size?
    * What is his eye colour?


    When did you and your fiance become engaged? Who proposed? How was it done? What happened?

    What wedding plans have you made? Will you have a hen night? Will your fiance have a stag-do?

    What sort of wedding dress will you wear?

    Who have you invited to your wedding? Who is printing your invitations?

    Where will your wedding be held?

    Who is on your invitation list?

    What sort of ceremony will you have? NOTE: prepare for this one in some depth!

    Will there be a reception after the wedding? If so where?

    Where do your fiance's parents live? What are their names? Have you met them?

    How did you decide on a wedding date?

    How much money does your fiance earn each month?

    Where will you live? What are the accommodations like there? How long will you live there?

    How did you decide where you would live?

    Is your marriage dependent upon your relocating to the UK?

    What does your fiance do for a living?

    Have you or your sponsor been engaged before?

    Did you ever attempt to settle in the UK before? When? What happened?

    Do you have relatives in the UK? Who? What do they do?

    What role did your fiance's residence in the UK play in your decision to get married?

    May we have your engagement ring examined by a jeweler to assure it is genuine?

    Is your fiance conservative or liberal? For which political party does your fiance normally vote?

    Why do you want to marry a rich Englishman?

    Do you have children? Has your fiance met them?

    What relatives will you leave behind if you settle in the UK?

    Has your fiancé met your family? Where? When? Answer: YES! My fiance brought gifts for my parents, and we went to five star restaurant for dinner, the receipt is included in the application.

    What sort of work will you do in the UK? Trick question! Answer: I am qualified in several fields, but I want to focus on my wedding plans when I arrive in the UK. My ultimate employment is too far into the future to even speculate. NOTE: The answer here must come from a personal motivation rather than a knowledge of visa laws. Be careful!

    Do your fiancé's children know about your marriage plans? Trick question! This is designed to assess the applicant's body language. Answer: His children know that he intends to remarry. They have not met me, and my fiance will introduce me when I arrive in the UK, and he will select the venue such that it will be a memorable and happy event. I look forward to a good relationship with [child's name] and [child's name].

    What will you do if your application is refused? Answer: I will give notice of appeal today, and I will fax the relevant materials to my fiance. Wrong answer: we will marry in a 3rd country (they may take you up on it!). Correct response: According to UK law, we are entitled to marry in the UK and we will seek to do so by all legal avenues available to us. We will appeal a refusal and provide all additional information needed to substantiate our claim.

    (from transpondia)

  4. #4
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    Thank you sooo much joebloggs! You are such a great help. You have blessed me.

    God bless you more!

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    THERE you go, Lois ... goodluck with your interview, and

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    THERE you go, Lois ... goodluck with your interview, and
    I second that
    Joebloggs, please don't resign ! You have the patience of a saint and you must have helped so many people !
    ....the link supplied elsewhere by joebloggs (Don't ask why I'm reading it!)

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    I second that
    Joebloggs, please *don't resign ! You have the patience of a saint and you must have helped so many people !
    ... and I second YOUR *plea, Alan ...

  8. #8
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    i agree with doc alan and arthur.... joebloggs is needed in this forum

  9. #9
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rani View Post
    i agree with doc alan and arthur.... joebloggs is needed in this forum
    i must say also please dont leave the forum as you knowledge of the immigration system is second to none

  10. #10
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    Thank you soooo much. You have blessed me all. :-)

    I claim it, I'm going to get the visa the same day of my interview. In the name of Jesus. :-)

    God bless you all! :-)

  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Joe has given you a great source. Also from what i recall of peoples experience of Interviews when they were very common just before we applied for a visa. But wife actually had an Interview booked when they changed the system. So we researched a great deal.

    What many stressed as well as knowing the answers above is to genuinely know your Mahal as this would be natural for a loving couple such as you to.

    Take your time answering the questions. If your not sure what the interviewer said simply say im sorry I didn't catch that/ I didn't understand the question. If the interviewer has a strong accent or one you find hard to understand. Simply politely ask them to repeat and repeat back to them what they said if you want to check what they said.

    I would advise if possible you watch BBC news Channel if possible as much as possible listening to all the British accents. This will help a great deal my Wife watched religiously on cable at home and it helped her with understanding the different ways Brits pronounce the same words etc..

    If you can ask your husband and any friends or family he has to practise with you on skype or phone if possible. Asking you mock interview questions and simply talking to Brits. Will also be handy for the interview if you say you regularly chat to Your mahals friends and family

    I would also suggest using google maps street view if possible your hubby can give you his address of where he lives and other family plus places of note in the local area he lives in. So you can see what they look like and explore.. I doubt this really existed when the article above was created.

    Good Luck to you maam im sure you will be fine :-)
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Appreciate it a lot.

    I had my interview today. The ECO was suspicious because I had been denied business visit visa twice this year and now I have applied for fiance visa. He said that I seemed to want to be in the UK and finding ways to be there - now applying for fiance visa for it. The business visit was for training (my Irish British friend Trish wanted to work in business with me and wanted to train me) and my fiance is involved in the company so it was suppose to be win-win for me - learning more through trainings and getting to know my fiance in person for a longer period of time. They denied my business visit visa application twice because they said I don't have much reason to come back to the Philippines and my involvement with the company has been just a few months.

    My fiance decided to visit me here last June 2010 to take our relationship to the next level and so we could decide if we want to marry or not. And we were so happy when we met and have decided to marry. God has made us for each other. :-)

    I told the ECO that I wanted to get to know my fiance more in person in a working environment while I was supposed to be training in London but my business visit was denied. My fiance decided if I can't go to him then he came to me. :-)

    I hope the ECO sees that our relationship is genuine. Please pray for me guys. Thanks so much.

    I claim it Lord. I'm going to have the visa soon. In Jesus' name. Amen. :-)

    The ECO said he will review my application again and in a very short time, a couple of days, he will contact me. Is that good?

    Well guys, I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for everything.

    God bless you all!

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lois_Lane View Post
    Thanks guys. Appreciate it a lot.

    I had my interview today. The ECO was suspicious because I had been denied business visit visa twice this year and now I have applied for fiance visa. He said that I seemed to want to be in the UK and finding ways to be there - now applying for fiance visa for it.

    The ECO said he will review my application again and in a very short time, a couple of days, he will contact me. Is that good?

    Well guys, I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for everything.

    God bless you all!
    you didn't mention b4, you been refused 2 visa's this year (not unless i missed it, )

    usually, but not always they tell you straight away when the interview ends that you've been granted your visa..

    i hope its good news for you thou

  14. #14
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    I haven't because i really didn't think it was relevant. My friend Trisha wanted to work with me in business and wanted to train me so she wanted me to visit there. We applied for a business visit twice and it got denied.

    I was introduced to my fiance by my friend Trisha and our relationship progressed as we got to know each other. He decided to come to the Philippines since I wasn't granted the business visit visa for me to also get to know him in person while i'm supposed to be under training. We decided to get married before we met (he came here) and wanted to confirm if we feel comfortable about it in person and still decide the same. It was amazing. And so we decided to get married. Therefore, I applied for a fiance visa.

    I am believing I'm going to get the visa in a couple of days.

    I hope to get the CFO certificate soon.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lois_Lane View Post
    . He said that I seemed to want to be in the UK and finding ways to be there - now applying for fiance visa for it.
    not good at all.

    but hardly any spouse or fiancee visas are refused, 90%+ are granted..

    so i wish you good luck

  16. #16
    Member Lois_Lane's Avatar
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    Thank you. :-)

    I have done my best. I know in my heart I love my fiance and will love him forever.

    I'm not going to worry and will leave the rest to God and trust Him completely.

    He knows what's best for me and my fiance.

    God bless you for praying for me and helping out the best you can.

    The best in life are yet to come. I'm soooo excited!

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if the worse comes to the worse and your refused you can ask for reconsideration and an appeal if that doesn't work, many appeals are won, but hopefully it will not come to that and you'll have your visa very soon

  18. #18
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    Just become a member..hows everyone???..Few question i want to know..Does anyone knows or have any idea if how is the proccessing procedure been done for spouse visa?


  19. #19
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheila View Post
    Just become a member..hows everyone???..Few question i want to know..Does anyone knows or have any idea if how is the proccessing procedure been done for spouse visa?

    hi sheila
    welcome to the site

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