Thanks guys.Appreciate it a lot.
I had my interview today. The ECO was suspicious because I had been denied business visit visa twice this year and now I have applied for fiance visa. He said that I seemed to want to be in the UK and finding ways to be there - now applying for fiance visa for it. The business visit was for training (my Irish British friend Trish wanted to work in business with me and wanted to train me) and my fiance is involved in the company so it was suppose to be win-win for me - learning more through trainings and getting to know my fiance in person for a longer period of time. They denied my business visit visa application twice because they said I don't have much reason to come back to the Philippines and my involvement with the company has been just a few months.
My fiance decided to visit me here last June 2010 to take our relationship to the next level and so we could decide if we want to marry or not. And we were so happy when we met and have decided to marry. God has made us for each other. :-)
I told the ECO that I wanted to get to know my fiance more in person in a working environment while I was supposed to be training in London but my business visit was denied. My fiance decided if I can't go to him then he came to me. :-)
I hope the ECO sees that our relationship is genuine. Please pray for me guys. Thanks so much.
I claim it Lord. I'm going to have the visa soon. In Jesus' name. Amen. :-)
The ECO said he will review my application again and in a very short time, a couple of days, he will contact me. Is that good?
Well guys, I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for everything.
God bless you all!