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Thread: Bad Boys in the Philipines

  1. #1
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Bad Boys in the Philipines

    Once upon a time, it was to Spain all the UK. bad boys fled to, but not no more it seems. I've been living here in Leyte for 10 months now (I WILL NEVER EVER say a bad thing about the UK after living here..) and so far have met 3 really bad scumbags. One is a murderer,another a kiddy fiddler and the other one is a Rapist who got 7 years prison in Manchester but escaped and is wreaking havok here in Leyte..(anyone from the Padro Burgos area will know to whom I'm refering ) The local police seem to be turning a blind eye to these scumbags and as there is no extradition back to the UK. nothing will be done about them. My brother in law is a policeman in Cebu and he says the place is rife with Europeans now who are wanted by their respective countries but have a safe haven to live in here in the Philipines. It's cetainly giving us ex-pats who keep ourselves clean a hard time. Since I arrived here I have learned a lot what never gets written about on little bit of advice to guys who want to live here....Don't...its so, so different from what you will be led to believe....Come meet your intended and try your best to take her back to the UK. The country is so hot, everyone is ruled by religion and the insects scare the living daylights out of me.....but....the people are nice and they never ever count it against you because we have things and they dont..its just accepted as a factor of life. Another thing I found out is that 20% of the young girls here suffer from bipolar disorder (something we are not told about) I cannot wait for my holidays then I can come home and get some real food inside me...hehehe..

  2. #2
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    Quote: The local police seem to be turning a blind eye to these scumbags and as there is no extradition back to the UK

    No idea how you came up with that idea, See:--

    The extradition Treaty with Spain was not renewed for several years and was when people wanted in UK 'escaped' to Spain. Of course that was put right a long time ago

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    I cannot wait for my holidays then I can come home and get some real food inside me...hehehe..
    Well Jack, I am just going to sit down in front of steak,chips, salad and slices of bread and butter, yum yum

    They probably turn a blind eye to the scum you described until their money runs out, but I am surprised that the locals haven`t tagged them yet.
    I`m sure there are some lovely places to live over there especially if you are surrounded by family in rural locations but when I visit with my wife she will never let me go anywhere on my own. Her family live in probably the worst city in the PI, Angeles, and when we visited with the children when they were young we stayed at Hotels because they were cooler with the air con. The Hotels were full of people you describe and the kids used to share the swimming pool with the perverts and the prostitutes. One English guy I got in conversation with at the bar was an English teacher in Hong Kong who used to holiday in Angeles because he could get young early pubescent girls easier and cheaper. No one batted an eyelid when they joined him at the bar, he used to get 3 at a time. There used to be men talking about there conquests at tables surrounding us in the breakfast restaurant while me ,my wife and kids ate. They didn`t give a It was a relief when we built an extension at my in laws and fitted air con so that we did not have to mix with the like again.
    Time and again you hear of foreigners being killed in their houses, I think an American family were just slaughtered in Palawan, and everyone says how nice the people are but there certainly are some bad ones as well.
    You have to be level headed and vigilant about your safety in some areas, maybe not so in others. Never heard the BiPolar topic mentioned before, maybe that`s the tampo often described on here.
    To sum up Jack, I could not live there and nor does my wife, and good luck if you are trying to relocate.

  4. #4
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    I lived in rp on and off for over 6years the last stint was 3years until later part of last year i had to come back to england because my business went bust. apart from leaving my wife and mainly my kids ther im so glad to be here after ive been back a while now, and i didnt think i would ever be saying that. some reasons im glad to be home is seeing my friends and family,and small things like driving my car here and not being cut up or forced off the roads like i get back in rp wen i drive by bus and jeepney drivers. other reasons is here i dont get people knocking on my door day in day out wanting wanting wanting and wanting it for free free free. one time a so called friend and neigbour at are old house wanted to borrow sum cash because he and his wife was being supported by his sister working as a nurse in canada and she was late sending. i said no, next thing he started throwing stones on are roof at night waking us up, that went on for a whlie, next thing he shot my wifes and kids 3 cats, next day i saw red and decked the little lazy filipino sqwert. then i was arrested banged up beating up for short time in jail, only got out after wife handed over large wad of peso to the chief,, and the asshole who shot the cats got away scott free. he had family in police thats why,,corruption,, thats another reason im so happy to be home now in england.. rp is very very over rated you no wen you have lived ther,, its seems like paradise if your ther in beach resort for 2 or 3 weeks but try living ther its totally differant..ther are many places in the world a thousand times better than rp.. i went back in june for 21 days to see the wife and kids that was long enough in rp for me now. my plans now is getting my wifes visa, kids dont need one british citizens and all living here and i dont care about are house ther, and if my wife dose not like it here she can go back to rp on her own, she aint taking my kids back to that hot stinking country again.. and some member posted about some foriegners ther being bad boys,, in certain places ther its full of them,, 50+ drunks with very young filipina girls hanging off ther arms, its embarrasing being a foriegner ther with these dick heads about....

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Yes,this country is not for everyone`s tastes just the same as the UK either is or isn't..Some people love it...Some hate it.. Most cant live here if they wanted to as they simply cant make a living here.

    Whilst we were living in the UK the thing that scared me the most was letting the kids play on our local green..Paranoia usually set in and I ended their fun , dragging them in early and actually ordering them to use the Playstation!!
    Just cant decide who to trust anymore around my kids there in the UK and thats not a life I can live.
    Here I dont feel this paranoia..
    In regards to "Bad Brits" I have not come across any here....

    We may have to go back to the UK for a couple of years whilst the kids get their GCSE`s .
    I feel like Im preparing to do a jail term..

  6. #6
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I have never visited Bohol Fred but from what you have said I would like to. Its not so bad here for kids, my younger 2 boys both played rugby and that kept them out of trouble. They have grown up now with the youngest at 18 and now he really worries me what with all this disrespect crap thats going on out there.
    You seem quite settled in PI, good on ya

  7. #7
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    It's important to remember, its a 3rd World Country. Once you get over that, and understand the culture and way of life your fine. You learn a new way of streetwise and just get on with it.

    We have experienced very few problems ourselves, I don't mind driving here, I never get asked for money and haven't been involved in anything thats given me hassle, but then I don't put myself in a position where I could end up in trouble!

    It's a country of pro's and con's.

  8. #8
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Bad Boys in the Philipines

    Hmm..the replies for my rant have taken me by surprise..I thought I would be shouted at at least by someone...well johncar54 I respect the time you took to read my rant, but I was talking to the mayor today (he's my uncle in law) and he agree's....the Philipines don't extradite people back to the UK... but I was told that unofficialy...up to 20 bodies a month get shipped out of the Philipines...believe that or not, just passing on what was told to me by someone who knows..(not the Mayor by the way).as for driving here, I have a motorbike and have been driving for 6 months, the only things that scare me are the long distance, they own the road (two bad crashes lately..30 odd and 40 odd killed) and my concentration which lapses when on a long run and kids and dogs run out in front of me.. Bohol....brilliant place..they don't stand for the crap there..I loved the place, went on a biking ride with 3 aussies there and had a great time..The Aussie big man here ran a kiddy fiddler out of town a couple of months ago and earned all our respect for that. As for the bipolar thing...the lady next door is a nurse in the Maasin hospital and she agreed with the quote, but says its much higher in young girls here, and the Aids thingy is on the rise and also here we now have Denghui fever in the hospital, a terrible thing for the children...over 25 cases now...But in spite of my rantings, I still like the place and I also happen to have the best wife in my World....

  9. #9
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    Rearding Aids, the Philippines still remains one of the lowest countries in the world.

    Seriously question mate, what were you expecting when you went to the Philippines? What did you imagine it would be like? Did you have a holiday there before you moved?

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I think what is for sure is Phill has far more areas where things like Law enforcement seem to vary greatly. While the areas of the UK where you may feel really unsafe are very small when you sit back and think about it.

    Angles I would not be suprised is in many charts as one of the most dodgy locations in the world

    A restort where the Wifes Mum grew up and near the Wifes home town was infamous untill recently for pedos looking and most likely finding young children

    When the Wife and her family chat about the crime which for a decent size town in laguna just outside of Manila is very varied.

    I felt safe strolling around as i think most Phills realised interfreing with a whitey would mean the police may investigate and feel compelled to act. Also during the day even with few police about it feels pretty safe. But I heard plenty of reports of Shop owners being killed, kidnapped, drug factories and the gangs being rounded up. Horrific rapes and attacks which didnt seem to shock the Phill family as much it did me. The family having houses which were all compounds gated and bolted in for the night many who had staff have armed nightwatchmen!! Weapons on the door of the bedrooms part ornamental part hoped they are never needed.
    From what I have of Chief police officers in manila being interviewed and from the media the figures for crime dont seem to match up with what real examples I was hearing from people who witnessed actuall events happening. I could well belive the majority of crime is not reported or accurate figures are kept. Firstly few have insurance so no need to get a "URN" for a claim, while if it was an assault many in the Uk only report for the compenstation or insurance again and most Phills i speak to simply would not bother if it merely a street theft/ attack as what the Police going to do was the general consenus.

    I remeber coming across western people in Phill who seemed to make a big effort to tell me their story and from what i could tell they seemed to be telling me porkies but mainly only about their background from the west. Im sure many were not law breakers on the run as such but may have pasts they wish to forget. While many of us would like a fresh start it does make you wonder..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Yes answer to your questions...officially the Philipines has one of the lowest Aids count but unofficially it is different, but I'm not decrying that fact and its meant as no slur on the people here..honestly..Yes we did live here for a while before coming permanently housed here, but we lived in Manilla (very full of smoke and car fumes) we have a house on the Island of Limasawa which I rarely go to...I like electric, air conditioning and the food that I like... this rant was about the Western people who come to live here who are....well naughty to say the least..not a slight on the Philipines.....but reading and listening to people back home talk about the life in the Philipines is a lot different from the way it really is. By the way, most UK guys I have met here don't go out of their way to even talk to you...just seem to put their heads down and keep quiet. All the Aussies and Americans here comment about this...I dont know why or the answer...nobody seems to... I see you live near Cebu...I go there every 2 months to get my visa renewed and and afterwards myself and my missus head straight to Starbucks in the Mall....its like being on holiday all over again...I really look forward to that... hehehe....This Friday cannot come sooner for me Have a good week...again I'm not being detrimental to you or the people who live here, just saying it as I find it...Oh by the way..the English Rapist guy has done a runner again...maybe he reads this forum? Good ridance...

  12. #12
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    I know what your saying jackmac, personally in Cebu we've been into a few places and a met a few ex-pats we'd rather not meet again. For me, I prefer living in Manila and we were there before, I met a lot more ex-pats closer to my age who were working in Manila.
    In Cebu, if you do look around, you'll find the genuine guys, but definately these places attract the wrong sorts.

    I've been to so many 3rd World Countries that the shock starts to wear off, but I pretty much knew what I was walking in to.

  13. #13
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    This website needs no explaining;


  14. #14
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    What a horrible person that man seems to be in the article, and the pictures got my missus very angry.!! Here's my Neighbour....a wonderful inhuman being...being bad also. Treating the locals like crap, but I think one day they will sort him out for good...

    Hmm, sorry the link does not seem to work now...Just google ..traffords most wanted criminals...Gary Lee Johnson

  15. #15
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    One of the characters runs a very popular cebu/expat forum online, and many others members of the same. That forum has some good info on it, but a very very different feel to it when compared to this forum and a good few members I wouldn't want to associate with.

  16. #16
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    Have you called Crimestoppers?

  17. #17
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    In my first post I told you about the English teacher from HK what I forgot to mention was he lived in HK with his English wife and she knew why he holidays in the PI. While he visits Angeles she returns to England.Turning a blind eye is worldwide.

    I too find the UK guys dont want to talk Jackmac, but then I wasn`t there for the same reasons, yet Aussies were ok and most yanks, but my best friend for years in AC was Korean.Sadly he was killed a few years back.

  18. #18
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    Sorry to hear about your friend..the Korean mate over here is an Irishman who suppports Leeds United....but then again..someone has to and Rickyf...a guy from over here put it on the website for crimestoppers and also on, but nothing has become of it...We know that the police know about him..on a brighter note..only 5 days now to Friday (Cebu, Starbucks day) I'm sick of 3-in-one coffee now take care everyone...

  19. #19
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we all live in differant places all have dreams too, but remember where ever you call home , be respeckfull keep your nose clean and abide the laws , my dream is still to be over in the phils and funny thing is we are looking at bohal

  20. #20
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    I think you'll live your dream with that attiude Steve.

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hope so ricky half my dream is here sitting close by the other half just have to save a little more

  22. #22
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    Although the country's obviously a destination of choice for "bad boys", from reading news reports I got the impression the authorities are trying to do something about it. When i was last over read a story of an American who had been captured and deported, a convicted pedophile who'd been on the run for over 20 years. He'd thrown his passport away years ago and had hidden away on Palawan.

  23. #23
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    Hi, I subscribed today as a member of several writers of the blog I had no attention to intervene to this discussion, leave it to its members to decide the validity of the claims and accusations mentioned. But your misleading information about the person you came here to defend prompted me to a short rebuttal of the facts. I said short, I'm not planning to bring our war in this forum.

    First. it is misleading to say his ex wife JJ stitched him up. It is false, it is a lie.. He slapped her more than once, he humiliated her in public more than once, he used her in illegal business like "introductions of the third type" and the like.

    Second. Paul Petrea has never donated blood to any one, he just has a thread in his forum about donating blood. So what? He just try to build an image, but what he tries to build with his right hand is immediately destroyed by his left one, making shameful statements on line and conducting himself as the lowest of the low lifers living in the Philippines. There are several updates starting this week regarding the Philippines bad guys, including Paul Petrea and his partners.

    Third. Your statement about the PI reporters "Filipino reporters are killed here on a regular basis. The lies they publish make their job here the most dangerous in the Philippines" is also misleading. They are not killed because of publishing lies but because of their courage to reveal the truth.

    Fourth: The site is not maintained by "anonymous" It is signed, everyone knows who's the author. Everything is there.

    Thanks to all

  24. #24
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    Gary Lee Johnson

    Hi Jack,

    I'm a reporter in Manchester and am writing an article about the convicted rapist Gary Lee Johnson being in the Philippines. Is Gary your neighbour? How much do you know about him?

    Could you please get in contact with me asap, either via this site or email me on

    Thank you

  25. #25
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manchester girl View Post
    Hi Jack,

    I'm a reporter in Manchester and am writing an article about the convicted rapist Gary Lee Johnson being in the Philippines. Is Gary your neighbour? How much do you know about him?

    Could you please get in contact with me asap, either via this site or email me on

    Thank you
    Just goes to show what written on here can become world news tomorrow.
    Why dont you go and stay in some Hotels in AC and watch what goes on, innocent girls from the provinces being procured into the sex industry.

  26. #26
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I will not discuss nor post any other thoughts regarding any person mentioned on your website unless you can show legal transcripts of when they were tried and convicted in a court of law. (Certainly NOT on an unprofessional looking blogsite that simply anyone with motives unknown to us could have hashed together in a hurry) I have no idea if any of the characters published there are what you say they are...
    The same would apply if they were to publish a picture of you on an opposing blog/webpage accompanied with allegations and hearsay. A very slippery slope IMO.

    Please dont get me wrong... The likes of Garry glitter and his perverted sick and dangerous ilk that have been tracked down,tried and convicted of paedophilia here in Asia should be put to death IMO... or given extremely hard life sentences .
    And let it be known I have nothing but respect for those that spend their private time and money helping to track this scum down and assist authorities to build a credible case and have them convicted and punished when PROVEN guilty.. Innocent until proven guilty none the less.

    Third. Your statement about the PI reporters "Filipino reporters are killed here on a regular basis. The lies they publish make their job here the most dangerous in the Philippines" is also misleading. They are not killed because of publishing lies but because of their courage to reveal the truth.
    I have no idea how long your connection with the Philippines go back but 30 years of personal experience tell me that your statement about the local press is extremely naive ..
    However please do not take offence as that is just my personal opinion and based on my own personal experience..
    And the personal opinion of just about every expat and middle class Filipino that I know BTW!!

    (EDIT..Having said that of course there are cases where reporters are killed for publishing stories regarding crooked governors,politicians.policemen etc but as newspaper reporters credibility here is so low its always difficult to establish the real reasons for their demise..This is the R.P..Prepare for smoke and mirrors!!.)

    I had no attention to intervene to this discussion, leave it to its members to decide the validity of the claims and accusations mentioned. But your misleading information about the person you came here to defend prompted me to a short rebuttal of the facts. I said short, I'm not planning to bring our war in this forum.
    I have been a member of this particular forum since Feb 2006 so yes we can let members decide if and when I have been trying to mislead or deceive any of them here in any way. If enough of them think I have then I will simply cancel my account here.



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  28. #28
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Yes Triple5..thats the guy..(I dont think my link worked properly). He has a little shop that is attached to the house(in his girlfriends name) he is having built in Padro Burgos and I went in for a bottle of Sprite and he was there sitting at one of the tables chatting to some Guys about the Whale Shark tours he does. I have to say in one way I'm a bit leery of having posted anything about this guy now, one of the Aussie ex-pats here has put papers on him (so they put it here..told the police and the Baranguy boss) about Mr. Johnson threatening him with a gun in front of witnesses...Made me feel a bit anxious to say the least. There are lots and lots of stories about what he has done here (cutting water off on his land so the locals had to pay for it on Limasawa Island..shooting and Killing his neighbours cow(?) and his Filipino girlfriend/wife has just been kicked out of the local school for hitting 2 kids. Thats genuine because we were there outside having a drink at the pub next door the the Baranguy hall and awaiting the result of another problem, and also because the kids dad works for my friend. Word is though, the locals will sort this problem out. The guy is so infamous here, just stop a Westerner in Maasin City and ask about him and they will all point the way to his house...

  29. #29
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    Hi Jack,

    Thanks for the info. My deadline is the next couple of hours. Is there anything else you know about this man's life in the Philippines? Is he married? Does he have kids? Does he go by his actual name or Gary Sams?


  30. #30
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi again Manchester Girl..
    I've just come back from Padre Burgos, and the news is he has
    done a runner..Taken his boat and gone up to Tacloban where his
    in-laws live..He always goes there when things get iffy for him.
    The word here is, he has been up to his old tricks and he has got
    a 16 years old girl from the mountain baranguy here pregnant
    and a couple of the man went to Burgos to have a word with
    him(?) He will be back with some money for them and all will be
    well for him...its happened before on one of the islands here.

    Nobody knows if he is actually married here or just living
    together..what is know though, he has two children with his
    G/F/Wife here. They are going through a trial separation at the
    moment but this is because she wants her teaching job back..
    apparently.. He is definitely here on a false passport which he
    bought in the UK. for £20,000 and living under another name. I
    think its Gary Samuels? but I'm not sure. The person who has
    given me this info is his old Aussie partner and also a cousin of
    the G/F...He actually conned the Aussie out of 1.5 million peso's
    (and I have the email receipt of the transaction given to me by
    the Australian man)

    He has also overstayed here in the Philipines for over 6 months
    now, so maybe they are waiting for him to surface at the
    Immigration office.

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