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Thread: Barrio Fiestas...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cool Barrio Fiestas...

    Yesterday, together with Badrock and Sweet816, we went to the Liverpool Barrio Fiesta in Croxteth park.
    Apart from the initial disappointment in being directed to the wrong place at first , we managed to find it without further problems. It seemed to us that someone cocked up on advertising the wrong postcode online, as there were several cars full of pinoys in the same situation.
    Cannot blame the sat-nav....
    we parked up, and had a short walk to the venue site, and it looked nice enough and extremely clean, taking into account that we went on the second day.
    Not a piece of rubbish to be seen anywhere.
    The usual stalls were on hand, ie sari-sari, PNB, Iremit, Pagibig, food stands with tables, and a few marked with the different pinoy north west associations.
    Apparently, as I found out, the Heaton Park Barrio Fiesta in Manchester will not take place.
    I was given this piece of news, by a very officious and pompous bloke, introducing himself as some kind of president of this, that and the other...
    The irritating thing was that he was quizzing me on why I wanted to know, and what my business with it was...???
    Apparently, to cut a very long and disjointed story short, several Local Pinoy associations have seen the light and joined up together into some kind of committee, and proposals for venues are voted on....
    Yup, it makes lots of sense....
    Well, if Liverpool was to judge by, it wasn't a patch on last year's in Manchester.
    Anyway....The place started filling up as it does......, lots of Phil-Uk couples, lots of families, pitching the tents and building gazebos, bringing pic-nics and what have you...
    Lots of youngsters were there too, and as usual there were no problems whatsoever, a nicely behaved family affair, and for the life of me, I cannot imagine why the two coppers on pusbikes came around and one of their cctv vans was parked on the verge.... Total waste of taxpayers money...
    The food was nice, the entertainment ok, and when 3 pmish arrived and some berd decided to totally destroy "Help" by the Beatles, we realized that it was time for us to depart.
    The weather was nice and dry, and all in all it was an enjoyable day out.

    This is Jet's and mine third Barrio Fiesta in one month period....
    We started in London, then we went to Blackpool a few weeks ago, and now Liverpool...
    Nothing bad to report, we will do it again next year....

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    missed me again dom
    how could you

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    missed me again dom
    how could you
    Well, you must be as blind as a mancunian bat if you cannot spot a white Chelsea hat from 20 paces....

    Ok, where the heck were you, then...?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Lots of youngsters were there too, and as usual there were no problems whatsoever, a nicely behaved family affair, and for the life of me, I cannot imagine why the two coppers on pusbikes came around and one of their cctv vans was parked on the verge.... Total waste of taxpayers money...
    You did say it was in Liverpool didn't you ?........................... Sounds like low key policing

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sat at home my misses was doing a 12hr shift so i couldn't go

    you were lucky you weren't wearing a chelsea top in lillypud, maybe the scousers thought you were

    next time dom

  6. #6
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    Thanks aromulus.........really enjoyed the day. weather was good and managed not to get force fed by idea why she,s trying to build me up.

  7. #7
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    true about the music....Lennon turning in his grave

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Apparently..they reckon I went to the Dauis barrio fiesta 2 days ago?
    Must have been good.. I can`t remember a thing.

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Yesterday, together with Badrock and Sweet816, we went to the Liverpool Barrio Fiesta in Croxteth park.
    Apart from the initial disappointment in being directed to the wrong place at first , we managed to find it without further problems. It seemed to us that someone cocked up on advertising the wrong postcode online, as there were several cars full of pinoys in the same situation.
    Cannot blame the sat-nav....
    we parked up, and had a short walk to the venue site, and it looked nice enough and extremely clean, taking into account that we went on the second day.
    Not a piece of rubbish to be seen anywhere.
    The usual stalls were on hand, ie sari-sari, PNB, Iremit, Pagibig, food stands with tables, and a few marked with the different pinoy north west associations.
    Apparently, as I found out, the Heaton Park Barrio Fiesta in Manchester will not take place.
    I was given this piece of news, by a very officious and pompous bloke, introducing himself as some kind of president of this, that and the other...
    The irritating thing was that he was quizzing me on why I wanted to know, and what my business with it was...???
    Apparently, to cut a very long and disjointed story short, several Local Pinoy associations have seen the light and joined up together into some kind of committee, and proposals for venues are voted on....
    Yup, it makes lots of sense....
    Well, if Liverpool was to judge by, it wasn't a patch on last year's in Manchester.
    Anyway....The place started filling up as it does......, lots of Phil-Uk couples, lots of families, pitching the tents and building gazebos, bringing pic-nics and what have you...
    Lots of youngsters were there too, and as usual there were no problems whatsoever, a nicely behaved family affair, and for the life of me, I cannot imagine why the two coppers on pusbikes came around and one of their cctv vans was parked on the verge.... Total waste of taxpayers money...
    The food was nice, the entertainment ok, and when 3 pmish arrived and some berd decided to totally destroy "Help" by the Beatles, we realized that it was time for us to depart.
    The weather was nice and dry, and all in all it was an enjoyable day out.

    This is Jet's and mine third Barrio Fiesta in one month period....
    We started in London, then we went to Blackpool a few weeks ago, and now Liverpool...
    Nothing bad to report, we will do it again next year....

    Sounds like you had a good day out

    It seems many of us seem to not notice the chelski hat

    But the old bill is not quite a waste I dont know the numbers there but if Like hounslow with 30k in quite a small area I think the police were there for the usual what if it all goes pete tong as are the other emgency services.
    At Hounslow in the food area if there had been a fire or someone trip over one of the families siting in the walkways there was a chance of a stampede or crushing

    Also sadly i would not be suprised if they are not there to ensure no wholesale gatecrashing of the event or pickpocketing goes on..

    I remeber thinking Hounslow would have been a pick pockets dream with everyone so relaxed and at ease..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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