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Thread: Help my friend got married in philippines but now he been told his marriage not valid

  1. #31
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puppylov View Post
    Hi there sorry late reply...yes i think you have missed something the main thing for this advice i am requesting....If you read the first thread i said my friend got married through a judge in the court out in philippines but was told he wont be issused a mariage licence until my friend gets the legal capacity to marriage from the british embassy which he didnt he choose to get it here in uk. The judge said he wud just back date the form once he has recieved the legal capacity to marriage form if not put the relevant date once he recieves it. Only problem is now he has heard he has to go all the way back to philippines just to go to the british embassy in person just to transfer the british version into their local one.... What he is askin is there anyway he can get that transferred without goin in person? is can somebody go their on his behalf? Its not his fault he was misguided all he did was get married and though that was it and it would be a simple process just to send a form from uk stating he nto married now he has encountered this problem and he really stressing...Yes maybe he should of gone to the embassy in philippines but he made a mistake he only human and not like he has been married before and has no intentions on marryin again... They are good people and I really feel sorry for them as they not like these other fake marriages that happen just to go abroad or etc... they a genuine kind couple...This is why I am helpin them out in any way I can....please help me find a way to get this form transferred for them without him goin if not please advise me on what is best to do...Thank u all for helping really appreciate it
    so,theres no problem now with regards to the status of the Marriage which means its legal and the only thing that matters now is the CNI from the UK and the Philippine version of it to be able to register it to the NSO and make it valid.

    Tell your friend from the UK to contact or email British embassy manila and call or email them if its possible to send the CNI and convert it without his presence in the Philippines.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  2. #32
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puppylov View Post
    Hi there sorry late reply...yes i think you have missed something the main thing for this advice i am requesting....If you read the first thread i said my friend got married through a judge in the court out in philippines but was told he wont be issused a mariage licence until my friend gets the legal capacity to marriage from the british embassy which he didnt he choose to get it here in uk. The judge said he wud just back date the form once he has recieved the legal capacity to marriage form if not put the relevant date once he recieves it. Only problem is now he has heard he has to go all the way back to philippines just to go to the british embassy in person just to transfer the british version into their local one.... What he is askin is there anyway he can get that transferred without goin in person? is can somebody go their on his behalf? Its not his fault he was misguided all he did was get married and though that was it and it would be a simple process just to send a form from uk stating he nto married now he has encountered this problem and he really stressing...Yes maybe he should of gone to the embassy in philippines but he made a mistake he only human and not like he has been married before and has no intentions on marryin again... They are good people and I really feel sorry for them as they not like these other fake marriages that happen just to go abroad or etc... they a genuine kind couple...This is why I am helpin them out in any way I can....please help me find a way to get this form transferred for them without him goin if not please advise me on what is best to do...Thank u all for helping really appreciate it
    theres no other way but for your friend to go back here in philippines to be consistent with the dates of application, date of marriage and date of immigration stamp saying he is here in philippines at the time of the processing of papers and at the time of marriage..he cannot tell the embassy that the ceremony was done first before the paperworks as it it illegal...the judge knows about this 100 percent sure

  3. #33
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    Sorry if I am being obtuse.

    As both parties are Filipinos I don't see why they need any paperwork from UK.

    I am on the point of getting Irish Nationality which will mean dual Irish/ British. If I were to go to Ireland and get married to an Irish Citizen why would UK become involved ?

    In this case surely all that needs sorting is the RP paperwork to show that both parties were Filipinos. I would think that could be done without both parties being present in RP.

    Am I missing something ?

  4. #34
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    Hi there thanks... But surely because my friend is dual he has to provide both cni's from both countries stayting he is not married right? Or does he not? he worried if he don't it will only make it harder for his wife to come over if he does not declare himself british even though his wife has been abroad before even worked in canada for 2 years

  5. #35
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    hi john r u mixed filipino? and where are you gettin married?

  6. #36
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puppylov View Post
    Thanks for the advise...But would if he goes as a Filipino would it make it harder for him to bring her to uk? or no difference? And him being British would surely mean he would have to declare his statue in uk right?
    it doesn't matter if his dual citizen or not the most important is he should get the CNI first before they got married
    all things are possible!

  7. #37
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Sorry if I am being obtuse.

    As both parties are Filipinos I don't see why they need any paperwork from UK.

    I am on the point of getting Irish Nationality which will mean dual Irish/ British. If I were to go to Ireland and get married to an Irish Citizen why would UK become involved ?

    In this case surely all that needs sorting is the RP paperwork to show that both parties were Filipinos. I would think that could be done without both parties being present in RP.

    Am I missing something ?
    if my memory serves me correct (correct me if not) when the phil goverment first introduce the dual citizenship mainly for a reason that a natural born filipino can still own a property thus exempt them to pay more taxes among others not became a foreign to their native land...what i can see here is that he was asked for CNI maybe b'coz he is not actually a resident of the philippine for along time...CNI was introduced to protect the right of filipino as there were so many cases before that a foreigner marry a filipina but also married to someone else in their country...same with the UK embassy...there were cases that a british marry a married pinay as now the UK embassy required CNI as well from filipina who is going to marry a brit national..

  8. #38
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    OK, so you may think I am splitting hairs, but if one is going to think that a Filipino with dual nationality might lie about being married in another country, how about a Filipino who has lived in another country, or say were employed as a seaman, etc., should they get a CNI from every country they have visited to ensure they are not married anywhere else.

    I cannot imagine that because a UK citizen may have lived in another country that he/she would be asked for a CNI from that / those countries,if they were getting married in UK.

    The law in UK (and I assume anywhere else, including RP) covers misleading/false statements when applying for a marriage licence, its called perjury.

  9. #39
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    OK, so you may think I am splitting hairs, but if one is going to think that a Filipino with dual nationality might lie about being married in another country, how about a Filipino who has lived in another country, or say were employed as a seaman, etc., should they get a CNI from every country they have visited to ensure they are not married anywhere else.

    I cannot imagine that because a UK citizen may have lived in another country that he/she would be asked for a CNI from that / those countries,if they were getting married in UK.

    The law in UK (and I assume anywhere else, including RP) covers misleading/false statements when applying for a marriage licence, its called perjury.
    if a filipino who live elsewhere were about to get married and were asked for CNI where to du think they will get it?...its still in phils not where they have worked or live...but since the topic person holds dual nationality he was asked to do the same.

    when we were at the consul uk embassy in manila there's a couple who is applying for CNI one is brit and one is a filipina who holds a british passport...they were both required a CNI to get married in philippines and another CNI for filipina from NSO even though she was in UK for a long time...

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by gparry2007 View Post
    if a filipino who live elsewhere were about to get married and were asked for CNI where to du think they will get it?...its still in phils not where they have worked or live...but since the topic person holds dual nationality he was asked to do the same.

    when we were at the consul uk embassy in manila there's a couple who is applying for CNI one is brit and one is a filipina who holds a british passport...they were both required a CNI to get married in philippines and another CNI for filipina from NSO even though she was in UK for a long time...

    But I don't think we are on the same wave length.

    You quote a 'Filipino who lives elsewhere' but if that person had a passport (nationality) for that country surely they would expect to be treated as a person who has that nationality, not as a Filipino, unless they choose to use that ID.

    My Filipino wife is applying for Spanish Nationality. When it is granted she will be Spanish (as well as Filipino) and entitled to be treated as Spanish. She will not need a visa to visit UK or Gibraltar for example, unless she wanted to enter as a Filipino. If she visits any other country using her Spanish passport she will be treated as Spanish. That would include RF. If she entered on her Spanish Passport she would be subject to the rules applying to Foreigners.

    In your second paragraph you refer to a dual nationality person. You say one was British the other held a UK passport. I do not think that the dual nationality person was obliged to behave as if they were not a Filipino unless that was the ID they were choosing to use. Had they said they were Filipino, as you say they were (British as well) I would be surprised if they could not proceed as a Filipino.

    If every one who had dual nationality had to comply with the rules appertaining to both countries what would be the point of holding the second nationality?

  11. #41
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    u know wat puppylove here in the philippines the judge wont conduct a marriage ceremony if your documents for wedding are not complete.. u have to apply first for the CNI to the british embassy or to the british consul office.. then the one who applied for that CNI have to wait for 21 days i guess because they will post it in their board and the consul will tell you wen will u going back.. u r blaaahh bllaaahhh, and want to marry blllaaahhh bbllaahhh and u live in blaaahhh blaaahhh... bcoz the embassy will check in UK if ur partner is still married/ divorce or single.. then aftr few weeks consul/embassy will release the CNI and make sure that u have SINGLENESS( i forgot wat exactly u call that) which come from NSO.. that will be the time u go to Munucipal/city hall and ask for other decuments that will be needed...

  12. #42
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    if you get your cni here in the uk at your local registrar then when you get to the british embassy in manila you can exchange the cni for the legal capacity to marry the same day you only have to wait 21 days if you apply for your cni at the british embassy in manila so well worth getting your cni here in the uk before you arrive in the phils

  13. #43
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    My friend has got the Cni from Uk already now is there anyway he can transfer it to the local one without having to go? Or can someone go for him.....Do u think if he told the embassy the whole exact truth do u think the emebassy would help? or would he just be penalised? Its not like it was his intention to do it this way he just kinda went along with what he was told

  14. #44
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    Shouldnt the judge will be looking for those documents before he/she wed the couple? Local CNI can only be applied by the applicant itself and no one else. But he can get it on his own, no need to bring the fiancee. get all the necessary paperworks and re marry again and make sure it gets registered at the NSO.
    Its always best to get things sorted and in proper way to avoid waste of money and effort.

    If hes got a dual citizenship, he can get his wife either on those nationalities. his wife can apply for spouse visas if he uses the british citizenship or she can apply for dependant visa if he uses the Filipino citizenship. As long as they met all the requirements.

    to be honest applying for dependant visa is as almost the same as spouse visa in providing the documents.
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  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    But I don't think we are on the same wave length.

    You quote a 'Filipino who lives elsewhere' but if that person had a passport (nationality) for that country surely they would expect to be treated as a person who has that nationality, not as a Filipino, unless they choose to use that ID.

    My Filipino wife is applying for Spanish Nationality. When it is granted she will be Spanish (as well as Filipino) and entitled to be treated as Spanish. She will not need a visa to visit UK or Gibraltar for example, unless she wanted to enter as a Filipino. If she visits any other country using her Spanish passport she will be treated as Spanish. That would include RF. If she entered on her Spanish Passport she would be subject to the rules applying to Foreigners.

    In your second paragraph you refer to a dual nationality person. You say one was British the other held a UK passport. I do not think that the dual nationality person was obliged to behave as if they were not a Filipino unless that was the ID they were choosing to use. Had they said they were Filipino, as you say they were (British as well) I would be surprised if they could not proceed as a Filipino.

    If every one who had dual nationality had to comply with the rules appertaining to both countries what would be the point of holding the second nationality?
    But if the Judge insists on a British CNI converted to one accepted in the RP then it really doesn't matter I guess. I presuming the fact he could of married in the UK as he is a citzen there means its imperative to the Judge to ensure that he hasn't.

    I do understand where your coming from though John.

    Plus as the ruling Joe Blogss quoted it appears the Judge has followed that.

    As we know those with the power need to be appeased

    PS others on this website have had there CNI sent over and taken in to be converted by a third party. But you would need to search the site for the actual post/s. Plus the conversion of CNI after the Wedding may cause issues..
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  16. #46
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -sillybilly- View Post
    Shouldnt the judge will be looking for those documents before he/she wed the couple? Local CNI can only be applied by the applicant itself and no one else. But he can get it on his own, no need to bring the fiancee. get all the necessary paperworks and re marry again and make sure it gets registered at the NSO.
    Its always best to get things sorted and in proper way to avoid waste of money and effort.

    If hes got a dual citizenship, he can get his wife either on those nationalities. his wife can apply for spouse visas if he uses the british citizenship or she can apply for dependant visa if he uses the Filipino citizenship. As long as they met all the requirements.

    to be honest applying for dependant visa is as almost the same as spouse visa in providing the documents.
    very true...

    whether it is a judge, mayor, priest, pastor etc..they shouldn't do the wedding ceremony without the marriage license which take 10 days before it can be release and in order to apply for that they need to present/submit necessary paper works.

  17. #47
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    Sorry but I have become confused here.

    The basis of the first question has been lost it seems. I will thus bow out from trying to help.

    Maybe the original poster can repeat the question in anew post, setting out the full facts of what happened.

  18. #48
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    he can have it done without being there,

    this is a reply to an email i sent to the British Embassy in Manila

    You can ask the Embassy in Riyadh to send us a fax or e-mail of your original documents that they have seen. However, we will be needing to see your fiance's original documents here at the Embassy. Please take not that your fiance's birth certificate has to be from the NSO.

    Best Regards,
    Consular Section

    In addition the other option was to post them to her to take to the Embassy herself

  19. #49
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puppylov View Post
    Help please Hi everyone I am new hear and I do wish someone can help. My friend is a half Filipino half british man but has dual nationality. He recently went back to philippines for like 8 months as he always seems to go back there for vacation but this time he went back to marry his gf in which he did they were living together for like 5 months b4 they got married. He married at west not in a church and he married as a british so he would not find difficulity bringin his wife to uk. They married through a judge which they just paid for the ceremony and he was told after the weddin he has to get a legal capacity to marriage form from the uk embassy which he didnt...he went back to uk and got one there, Now he has been told that he has to hand it in person to the british embassy in order for them to change it to local. He hasnt got plans to go back there as he wants to stay in his job in order to sort out the paperwork for his mrs to go uk. Is there anyway he can just get someone else to go there and transfer it to local or can he send it there to get changed to local to save him goin there in person so then once its changed he can give to the judge where he got married so he will issue a marriage contract. Or is there any other way please help because I am their friend and they really r a good couple of same age and they not fake. Coz my friend is about to have a nervous breakdown please help many thanks...

    right, so it says here that the marriage took place without any paperwork, which one of it is the Local CNI, marriage licence!

    The guy should have done it before the judge wed the couple. So what i can see here, they got married and later on the judge will put the certain date on the marriage licence when all the paperwork is done. Ive heard of this and we were actually offered but refused to do it as it really sounds dodgy!

    So the problem now is that the husband is in the UK and couldnt get a local CNI in the philippines because of his work and gathering the documents for his wife's visa application.

    There is no way that the British embassy would give a local CNI in behalf of the applicant. He needs to go back to the Philippines and get one in person. And besides it is going to be a big question why the couple got married without providing the Local CNI. The Judge could get sacked by doing this!

    Now its gonna end up that the wedding was useless which means that the couple is not legally married.

    - No Local CNI
    - No Marriage Licence
    - No NSO Marriage Licence

    I guess they have to do it again according to the Philippine Law im afraid.
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