Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
OK, so you may think I am splitting hairs, but if one is going to think that a Filipino with dual nationality might lie about being married in another country, how about a Filipino who has lived in another country, or say were employed as a seaman, etc., should they get a CNI from every country they have visited to ensure they are not married anywhere else.

I cannot imagine that because a UK citizen may have lived in another country that he/she would be asked for a CNI from that / those countries,if they were getting married in UK.

The law in UK (and I assume anywhere else, including RP) covers misleading/false statements when applying for a marriage licence, its called perjury.
if a filipino who live elsewhere were about to get married and were asked for CNI where to du think they will get it?...its still in phils not where they have worked or live...but since the topic person holds dual nationality he was asked to do the same.

when we were at the consul uk embassy in manila there's a couple who is applying for CNI one is brit and one is a filipina who holds a british passport...they were both required a CNI to get married in philippines and another CNI for filipina from NSO even though she was in UK for a long time...