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Thread: Advice please on getting British Passport for Filipino wife.

  1. #1
    Member kiwiflyer57's Avatar
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    Advice please on getting British Passport for Filipino wife.

    I am a UK citizen, my wife is from Manila, We were married while visiting New Zealand (As it was less complicated ) 18 months ago.

    Would someone more experienced in the legal options, please advise us on the quickest way possible to be able to get, first, a long term visa for the UK for my wife, and also the best way to get a British citizenship for her.

    She has been here in the UK 4 times on a 6 month visitors visa.

    We will appreciate any advice.

    Thank you.

    John and Emilie

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Well doesnt sound like your have to many issues with the Visa application as long as you took plenty of photos together in various place. Plus as she has been to the UK 4 times and return plus been to new Zealand and returned. If you have a place which can accommodate you both and you can show evidence you can support your Wife (or even she has adequate savings) to ensure she is not a burden on British public funds.

    It should all count. If your married simply applying for a spouse visa then ILR or whatever its changed to after 2 years and then a year later and one day can apply for British citizenship and then a passport ..

    So will take the time to apply for a spouse Visa then roughly three more years or so from entering the Uk to get British Citizenship unless the rules change.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
    Member kiwiflyer57's Avatar
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    Thanks for your advice, Emilie has been into England on a 6 month Visiters visa 5 times before we got married and we also have loads of photos and of course Stamped Passports.

    Does anyone know what Gov department is the best one to make the application, or is it best to just brows through the emmigration site?

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    What country are you in first port of call is to read the British Embassy website for that country and google ukvisas for more info. The actual procedure varies from one embassy to another..

    Nothing complicated most on here have done it, doing it or like you just about to..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    It's nice to see you posting again on the forum, John ... goodluck to you and Emilie!

  6. #6
    Member kiwiflyer57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    What country are you in first port of call is to read the British Embassy website for that country and google ukvisas for more info. The actual procedure varies from one embassy to another..

    Nothing complicated most on here have done it, doing it or like you just about to..
    Thank you again Somebody
    I will get Emilie on to the task today to sort through the agencies and web sites.

    Will report back on our results.

  7. #7
    Member kiwiflyer57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    It's nice to see you posting again on the forum, John ... goodluck to you and Emilie!
    Thanks Arthur,

    I will try and keep up to date and more active in the forums in future.

    John and Emilie

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