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Thread: All I ever wanted is to be happy

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    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Thumbs up All I ever wanted is to be happy

    Hi everyone!

    I would like to share to you my story. I am a filipina as my profile says. I had been in a relationship with a british guy for a year now and counting. We first met online through a dating site but I was just there to find nice people to talk too since I just came from a heartbreak which was a filipino guy.

    We became friends and constantly been communicating. Until we got ourselves busy with each others priority in life. After a couple of months he left me an offline message asking how am I doing. Then it was the start of our constant communication until we have confessed to each other that we already like and love each other.

    It was really strange for I felt a very strong love for him even though we are just communicating through video calls and mobile calls and even sms and emails. I know what we have now is a match made in heaven and it was gods faith that help us to find each other. He is the only guy who had loved me this much. I know that his love for me is true and no one else could love me the way he do now. In my end, I do love him far more than I have imagine. I love him so much that it is so hard to be away from him.

    We have been doing plans to be together like me doing to UK and we will get married or he will visit me here in my country meet my family and get married. He constantly communicates with my relatives most especially my mom and to my brother telling them how grateful he was to have me in his life and that no matter what happens we will make everything we wanted to happen.

    But certain things holds us to be together which is part of the visa and all. Now that he wants to come here and see and meet my family he can't because he has no job and does not have any savings. He is doing his best each and everyday to find a job but sad to say he has no luck. He would like to work in a security agency already which it has been his job when he was a kid. By the way, his parents passed away already so unlike the other english man, my boyfriend is an orphan. To continue, he has took his SIA course already which is part of a security work and passed it already but then again there is a problem..he needs a comprehensive disclosure which until now he has not got it due to the requirement of 5 year address history. After he is able to accomplish his disclosure he needs to get his security badge for him to be able to work again normal in security aspects. I feel sad that until now he has no job and still in the process of looking. I wish there would be miracles to happen so at least he could get into a job. As her gf, I did somethings for him like looking jobs for him over there so at least I could be able to find him a job that he may apply over the UK. Thats the least that I can do for now.

    But recently, I took the decision to find a job over there taking chances to be lucky enough. I think I am qualified though because I am a skilled person. Graduated as a chemical engineer and is currently working in a food manufacturing firm overseeing the compliance in sanitation of the food manufacturing but sad to say working here means having a low salary. But it is fine with me again because I believe being hard working has a good blessing in return. Well back to me looking for a job over there, unluckily I was not yet lucky enough as employment is given first to british people before to foreign ones. I was taking this chance because I thought if I would be lucky enough I would be able to work there and be with my boyfriend.

    Guys, in this life of mine I only wanted to be happy. But I was thinking, why am I not given a chance to be happy. All my life, I only wanted to be loved and cared for. I never met my dad until now even though my mom tells me and my brother he is working abroad. But me and my brother already knows that my dad has a real family and we are just his accident family which up to this moment is not yet being opened to us. My mom and dad seems have no plan confessing this issue to us. I don't know when but I hope they would before its time for any of us to go and be back to our creator. Being left alone having my family crisis, I was wishing and praying that at least I would marry a man that can love and protect me until my last breath. I have found this character in my boyfriend now but the sad part is until now I am not seeing a clear picture of us seeing each other which is currently killing me.

    I fell in love him because he loves me unconditionally and we do have the same character. We are almost the replica of each other which is something funny but we find it really nice since we get along very well with so many things. I only wanted to be with him because I love him so much that I wanna give him the love he really deserves. I never loved him because I wanna go to his country, I never loved him for what he has for I love him and accepted him for who he is and what he is and promised myself to be at his side forever until my last breath.

    Guys, please pray for us and that may God bless us and help us go through with this trial. Thank you everyone.

  2. #2
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    hello Dennie!
    Welcome to the forum...

    i understand how you both will be hard and difficult for both you facing the circumstances. I know you wonna be together...just remember that these things coming along your ways is to make you more stronger. God wants to test how much you love each other and how long you 2 can wait and how long is your patience, honesty and loyalty to each other.

    Communication and trust toeach other is one of the most important part in your relationship.

    It needs a lot of effort and hardwork to get to where you want. But it will definitely come if you hold on to it and determine to make your dreams come true.

    You will go through a lot of processing and waiting so you need a lot of patience too.

    If you need any advice regarding fiancee visa or spouse visa give us a shout and were all here to help you as we have gone through it.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  3. #3
    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -sillybilly- View Post
    hello Dennie!
    Welcome to the forum...

    i understand how you both will be hard and difficult for both you facing the circumstances. I know you wonna be together...just remember that these things coming along your ways is to make you more stronger. God wants to test how much you love each other and how long you 2 can wait and how long is your patience, honesty and loyalty to each other.

    Communication and trust toeach other is one of the most important part in your relationship.

    It needs a lot of effort and hardwork to get to where you want. But it will definitely come if you hold on to it and determine to make your dreams come true.

    You will go through a lot of processing and waiting so you need a lot of patience too.

    If you need any advice regarding fiancee visa or spouse visa give us a shout and were all here to help you as we have gone through it.
    thank you for the comment silly billy. i know these are trials that we need to undergo and to test to our love as well. i hope the gods would help us through.

    for the spousal visa what we are concerned about is the stability to support since he is currently does not have any work and does not having savings as well which is another reason why we cant see each other personally which is another requirement in the visa

  4. #4
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dennie View Post
    thank you for the comment silly billy. i know these are trials that we need to undergo and to test to our love as well. i hope the gods would help us through.

    for the spousal visa what we are concerned about is the stability to support since he is currently does not have any work and does not having savings as well which is another reason why we cant see each other personally which is another requirement in the visa
    Sorry to hear about that. I cant help you with the job thing of your fiance but im sure theres a lot of members here who can give you advice. With regards to the savings it doesnt have to be in big amount.

    Goodluck Dennie..
    Just keep us inform and keep asking if you need any help. Try to read the old threads aswell..there has been a lot of similar topics like yours. You just have to be patient digging the old threads.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  5. #5
    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -sillybilly- View Post
    Sorry to hear about that. I cant help you with the job thing of your fiance but im sure theres a lot of members here who can give you advice. With regards to the savings it doesnt have to be in big amount.

    Goodluck Dennie..
    Just keep us inform and keep asking if you need any help. Try to read the old threads aswell..there has been a lot of similar topics like yours. You just have to be patient digging the old threads.
    thanks again for replying yep yep thats what we are so concerned now. what taking us too long is that his disclosure could not be processed due to the 5 years history address :( which he himself could not recall all :( do you know any other ways he can retrieve his residential addresses aside from the council since the council is too busy to attend to his concern immediately..and for the savings, do you have any idea how much should it be?? do i need to have a savings as well??

  6. #6
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    I think everyone here understands how sad it is to be apart from the one you love. It is indeed very frustrating especially when you start on the visa process and encounter problems and makes you think why can't things be just easier. The worse, if visa is denied. So on your part, since you haven't started applying yet, you both have the time to gather evidences and sort things out.

    He is doing right in finding a job first. Just keep noon trying. Once he finds one, then savings will follow. It doesn't even have to huge. The ECO would just want to see if there's an income flow coming in order for him to support you.

    Does he need a disclosure even if he's going to find another job? If not, then he might as well just find a job that doesn't need one to start. How about working in a shop? like stocking shelves, etc.. just to have a progres on your plan.

  7. #7
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    He is doing right in finding a job first. Just keep no trying. Once he finds one, then savings will follow. It doesn't even have to be huge.

  8. #8
    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axelandpixel View Post
    I think everyone here understands how sad it is to be apart from the one you love. It is indeed very frustrating especially when you start on the visa process and encounter problems and makes you think why can't things be just easier. The worse, if visa is denied. So on your part, since you haven't started applying yet, you both have the time to gather evidences and sort things out.

    He is doing right in finding a job first. Just keep noon trying. Once he finds one, then savings will follow. It doesn't even have to huge. The ECO would just want to see if there's an income flow coming in order for him to support you.

    Does he need a disclosure even if he's going to find another job? If not, then he might as well just find a job that doesn't need one to start. How about working in a shop? like stocking shelves, etc.. just to have a progres on your plan.
    hi alexandpixel! as of now he is trying everyday to get a job that he can start immediately while he waits for the 5 year history coming from the council. he does this everyday going to the job center to the council searching online but sad to say no one calls and gives him offer. can you probably help us out on where to find a job that does not need disclosure at this moment?? because even a cleaner in scotland needs one! how depressing is it right?

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    hi dennie , be strong everyone has difficulties in life ..a lot of us members here didnt make it all easy in processing all our visas,some took years,months and endless nights and days to be with our partners.
    patience and prayers helps a lot
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty of jobs available in the horseracing industry but no one wants them so they have to bring in Eastern Europeans.
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    hi dennie , be strong everyone has difficulties in life ..a lot of us members here didnt make it all easy in processing all our visas,some took years,months and endless nights and days to be with our partners.
    patience and prayers helps a lot
    i understand and pretty much aware of just so painful and sad to be away from the person you love. the person you value the most. it is just that every single minute of the day im worried about him for his safety and health. just wanna be with him to take care of him and give him endless love.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Plenty of jobs available in the horseracing industry but no one wants them so they have to bring in Eastern Europeans.
    win2win, who are classified as Eastern Europeans? By the way my boyfriend (not used to call him like this LOL) coz we really call each other husband and wife... he lives in scotland now and i know someone here can help me find a job for him until he gets his disclosure.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Plenty of jobs available in the horseracing industry but no one wants them so they have to bring in Eastern Europeans.
    A lot of my weekends when I was a kid were spent at race meetings around the country.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    A lot of my weekends when I was a kid were spent at race meetings around the country.
    wow thats nice time to relax

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    before you can apply for a spouse or fiancee visa he needs to met you first,

    didnt anyone tell him before he started his course he would need a 5yr checkable address/work history ?

    there are jobs, but might not be ones he would like to do (try temp employment agencies) but if he means so much to you, he'll do what ever to go and see you..

    after a few months of work he could go and see you, all he needs is about £1,000. (£650 airticket and some spending money)

    many people have faced the same problems, but step by step they have over come them.. it just takes bit of time and GOYA

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    before you can apply for a spouse or fiancee visa he needs to met you first,

    didnt anyone tell him before he started his course he would need a 5yr checkable address/work history ?

    there are jobs, but might not be ones he would like to do (try temp employment agencies) but if he means so much to you, he'll do what ever to go and see you..

    after a few months of work he could go and see you, all he needs is about £1,000. (£650 airticket and some spending money)

    many people have faced the same problems, but step by step they have over come them.. it just takes bit of time and GOYA
    hi joebloggs! no one informed him that he needs that 5 year address history as well right after taking his course. he only knew it after passing it and was informed that to get a badge he needs that disclosure and the disclosure service told him he need to supply a five year address.

    yes we know that in the application we need to make sure and show the ECO that we have met each other personally face to face. is 1000 pounds enough to be save for him to come over here?? waaa if that is the case i will inform him then... by the way what jobs are you referring too??

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dennie View Post
    wow thats nice time to relax
    No time for relaxing, my Dad was working, still had a laugh though

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    No time for relaxing, my Dad was working, still had a laugh though
    ahaha LOL i thought it was a time for you to relax

  19. #19
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Hi Dennie.. Welcome to the forum!!

    I know how you feel coz I've been in your situation.. There were many times I felt I want to give up, seems hopeless, impossible for us to be together but because of our LOVE, TRUST, and FAITH to each other and mostly to GOD we still together in love. We promised to keep and fight our relationship forever. Mostly we put GOD between our relationship by reminding each other to pray and HE has best plan for us..

    Me and Simon, we waited 5 years before we met in person and got married. During that time he lost his business twice and everything but because of those i mentioned above i patiently waited for him and supported to all his plans. While waiting i finished my studies and worked so he can be more proud of me.

    We married more than one year now, my visa refused and until now still waiting for the result of my appeal. We are sad sometimes coz we missed each other so much. But there are lots of reasons to be very happy and in love and one reason is we both know how blessed we are to have each other. I thank those difficulties we encountered in the past made us and our relationship very strong.

    Good luck to both of you..... God bless..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    Me and Simon, we waited 5 years before we met in person and got married. During that time he lost his business twice and everything but because of those i mentioned above i patiently waited for him and supported to all his plans. While waiting i finished my studies and worked so he can be more proud of me.

    We married more than one year now, my visa refused and until now still waiting for the result of my appeal.
    5yrs , i thought i was bad making the misses wait a couple of years b4 i met her.

    in fact work went bust that's why i went to see her, and also just before i was about to apply for ILR for the misses where i worked went bust ,

    good luck with your appeal , you will be together soon

  21. #21
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    You can tell your BF to improve his skills by studying.
    I had same similar issue before as hubby was driving a bus before and he was moaning for his wages.
    Told him to study about webdesign and driving bigger truck and he did.
    He can apply his ILA Scotland account.

    Regarding your dad, you can work it with yourself.
    Start asking info from your Mom's closed friend.
    I remember I had a friend who has daughter and hide the father to her until she reached 16. Her daughter visited me onced and asked me if I can help her. I accompanied her to her dad's home and they met.
    They cried together and I was carried lols! After 16 years they met at last!

  22. #22
    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    Hi Dennie.. Welcome to the forum!!

    I know how you feel coz I've been in your situation.. There were many times I felt I want to give up, seems hopeless, impossible for us to be together but because of our LOVE, TRUST, and FAITH to each other and mostly to GOD we still together in love. We promised to keep and fight our relationship forever. Mostly we put GOD between our relationship by reminding each other to pray and HE has best plan for us..

    Me and Simon, we waited 5 years before we met in person and got married. During that time he lost his business twice and everything but because of those i mentioned above i patiently waited for him and supported to all his plans. While waiting i finished my studies and worked so he can be more proud of me.

    We married more than one year now, my visa refused and until now still waiting for the result of my appeal. We are sad sometimes coz we missed each other so much. But there are lots of reasons to be very happy and in love and one reason is we both know how blessed we are to have each other. I thank those difficulties we encountered in the past made us and our relationship very strong.

    Good luck to both of you..... God bless..
    Hi simonline!!! Thank you for sharing to me your wonderful story about love. Yes I do agree with what you said. At some point in time I felt like giving up and was telling myself that we will not be together but I have realize that if we are not meant to be together why did God allowed us to meet and find each other and have this strong love for each other even though the seas divides us physically. We love each other so much that we are praying and asking God to help us along the way. We do have that Trust, Love and Faith with our relationship and God. Me and my fiance is aware that our Love was not just an ordinary one because this kind of relationship are offered to those that are strong enough to accept the difficulties and that our relationship was a match made in heaven for we have encounter the same difficulties in life before we met.

    I am sad to hear that your fiance visa was rejected. But soon enough it will be given to the both of you. This is just part of the trial we have to face for god to test our love for each other. I wish you luck and will pray for you as well my dear. May God bless you and your husband.

    I am very much willing to wait for my "baby boy" that is what i call him. He is such a baby to me. Very very cute.. He knows how much I love him. Even though im an ocean away from him Im doing all the things that I can possibly do for him just at least he knows that no matter what happens Im supporting him all the way.

    Are you residing here in the Philippines?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    You can tell your BF to improve his skills by studying.
    I had same similar issue before as hubby was driving a bus before and he was moaning for his wages.
    Told him to study about webdesign and driving bigger truck and he did.
    He can apply his ILA Scotland account.

    Regarding your dad, you can work it with yourself.
    Start asking info from your Mom's closed friend.
    I remember I had a friend who has daughter and hide the father to her until she reached 16. Her daughter visited me onced and asked me if I can help her. I accompanied her to her dad's home and they met.
    They cried together and I was carried lols! After 16 years they met at last!
    Hi again Ms. Penny! Thank you for replying to my post and for accepting me as your friend I have asked my BF to do that but what matters to him at this point is to have a work and be able to come with him over there before he pursue to schooling again. I told him that I want him to finish school when the time permits us to be together already. I knew for a fact that he always want to finish school but during his early age he was not able due to the feeling that he needs to work since he was an orphan and need to earn for himself to be able to live. I understand it though so I told him that I want him to finish it again when Im him even though his old because I don't mind if he studies again because I know I can work my ass 24/7 just to provide for our future family.

    Ms. Penny, thanks for giving me an info regarding the application in ILA Scotland..But LOL i honestly don't understand what you mean sorry I just know some things about UK process but not all Would you mind to help and explain this to me? I would like to recommend this to my BF while he is waiting for his disclosure to arrive

    Thanks and looking forwards to knowing you more!! God bless you and your hubby!!

  24. #24
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    You're welcome Dennie and thanks also for good luck and prayer.

    Yes reside here in Pasig.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    You're welcome Dennie and thanks also for good luck and prayer.

    Yes reside here in Pasig.
    you are very much welcome!! i work in pasig simoneline where in pasig do you live??

  26. #26
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    Napico Manggahan. ..

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    hello dennie.. i understand and i know hows the feeling.. sometimes there are lots of things that will going happend but also lots of reason and circumtances stopping everything.. jst be patience with evrything, always support each other emotional and mental aspect even if your thousands of miles apart.. anything can happend' jst keep on praying and trust him, everything will be possible...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    Napico Manggahan. ..
    Wow i know that place I live in cainta near Sta. Lucia Manggahan is close to Selecta sis YUM YUM ice cream

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    Quote Originally Posted by bher View Post
    hello dennie.. i understand and i know hows the feeling.. sometimes there are lots of things that will going happend but also lots of reason and circumtances stopping everything.. jst be patience with evrything, always support each other emotional and mental aspect even if your thousands of miles apart.. anything can happend' jst keep on praying and trust him, everything will be possible...
    Hi bher! Thanks for participating with my post We do trust in GOD and we have the Faith and the endless love for each other. Things happened for a reason and I hold on to Gods promise that what he gave us now will make us happy soon for he only wish good things for us Seek and you shall find AMEN

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by dennie View Post
    Hi bher! Thanks for participating with my post We do trust in GOD and we have the Faith and the endless love for each other. Things happened for a reason and I hold on to Gods promise that what he gave us now will make us happy soon for he only wish good things for us Seek and you shall find AMEN
    You would not have found each other by random, by chance... it is destined, as it was for myself and my syota. There is a plan - keep the faith, stay positive, pray all the time and explore ALL options available to you both. Good luck and best wishes!

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