Originally posted by gm47@Mar 25 2005, 09:10 AM
Clever !! :P
Thanks for that Pete, I'm not meeting anyone, I'm just going to have a look around and do some sports coaching.

I will try and give you a call, maybe we can have a pint together.

What do you think of the government warning regarding the immanent terrorist attack ?

I'm leaving for Heathrow in a couple of hours..... nervously !!
I wouldnt worry about it Gerry, just be alert, these things happen all the time, what can they do but warn us about these things, if these people strike they will strike what can we do about it, not much I am afraid, if you catch this have a good trip, see you at the other side, I will probably on my mobile from Tuesday onwards Gerry, 1st few days, I rarely get out of the room, mate if you know what I mean.

Best of luck Pete