Hi guys,
its been a while that been active in the forum, nevertheless..it feels good to be back, start writing and and intent to post..

Am engaged for 6months now with an english guy, he is 49 yrs old ,working as a supervisor at the train. and i can say he is physically fit at his age.

We get along well, since day one. By the way, i known him for 1yr before we make it official.

So, why bring me to post here.. So part of being into relationship is to have intimate moments.
So far so good for the 1st month, but lately then, he is having dysfunctional erection.And things always end up miserable,
him feeling humiliated or me on the other hand.

We tried to patch things, if it happen, consoling him in a way that its ok and let it be...
But the more he feel self pity does resulting to argument and fight...

Considering its part of the old age process, but if u are physically active and not the grouchy type then this should not be an issue.

Want to help him in anyways i can, but when i see him feeling humiliated on this circurmstance the more i feel helpless..

For lad here, anything else that contributes to this problem?, can be pshycological or what?
In case,what do u expect from your lady to do, i mean in terms of support ?

The topic i consider sensitive and would assumed that most of us here are matured enough to gasp it.

Well..Life still goes on... Good day to everyone.
