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Thread: Working Tax Credits / Child Tax Credits

  1. #1
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Working Tax Credits / Child Tax Credits

    A word of warning....

    If you are currently claiming working tax and/or child tax credits as a single person, and your missus arrives on a fiancee visa, you MUST re-submit another claim as a married couple immediately AFTER you get married.

    … even though she may not be in receipt of a FLR (Further Leave To Remain), or be in the legal position to work in the UK, HM Revenue & Customs view it as a change in your circumstances, and will expect you to inform them,

    …….otherwise when you do inform them, ie when she gets the FLR and the right to work in the UK, they will claim a “change in circumstances” on your part which you did not disclose to them, and demand repayment of the said working & child tax credits that you received as a single person when in fact you were married.

    …… and then the fun & games with HM Revenue & Customs really start, to try and get this amended …..

    I’m sure this is not obvious to most, as all correspondence with the UK Border Agent tends to continuously state …. “NO RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS”.....
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  2. #2
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    BUT....if you are a UK citizen, married to a Filipina, with one child born in the are intitled to Child benefit and child tax credit...right? ps - We are still waiting for our health in pregnancy grant decision after applying 17 weeks ago! ie. son was born over 2 weeks ago!!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    bluebirdjones is talking aobut if you was single and claiming certain benefits b4 your partner came to the uk , probably doesn't effect many people on here .

    yes your uk partner is entitled to claim what ever benefits they are eligible to claim.

    and that definately means child benefit, and depending on your incomes tax creds etc..

    i'm sure you will get your grant dont give up

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