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Thread: Agencies in manila

  1. #1
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    Agencies in manila

    First post here so apologies if its out of place, I have a wife and 1 month old daughter in bacolod. We were married in the philippines last april. Im fairly sure of the immigration process and know my daughter automatically has a right to uk citizenship, I have been to the philippines four times and we spent a total of 2 months together.

    My wife isn't so great with organising paperwork although i have assembled just about all of the document required for an application to vfs with a lot of extra detail.

    Has anyone had any experience with an agency in manila who they would consider honest, they really just need to assemble the paperwork in the right order and check the immigration case looks solid.


  2. #2
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    my advice is to stay away from from agencies they are expensive & do nothing that you cant do yourself just follow all the good advice on this forum & your application should be fine

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you can do it all, put it in order and send it to her, put post-it notes where she needs to do something like sign here sure she can cope
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    my advice is to stay away from from agencies they are expensive & do nothing that you cant do yourself just follow all the good advice on this forum & your application should be fine
    Dont be tempted to use an agancy called OLvis in they do exactly that...nothing and charge you for it.

  5. #5
    Member mistermatty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pkelly_uk View Post
    First post here so apologies if its out of place, I have a wife and 1 month old daughter in bacolod. We were married in the philippines last april. Im fairly sure of the immigration process and know my daughter automatically has a right to uk citizenship, I have been to the philippines four times and we spent a total of 2 months together.

    My wife isn't so great with organising paperwork although i have assembled just about all of the document required for an application to vfs with a lot of extra detail.

    Has anyone had any experience with an agency in manila who they would consider honest, they really just need to assemble the paperwork in the right order and check the immigration case looks solid.

    DONT use a agency , my wife is how can i say navie and a little daft sometimes but she managed to lodge a succesful spouse application , the help on this forum was invaluable that and the following the VFS checklist are easy peasy .....hey you could do most of the application , get yourself a clear pocket a4 folder and get the papers in the correct order , make the photocopies and just leave empty sleeves for the things that she needs to get at her end like NSO certficates for the marriage and your daughter , then send it by DHL ( check my post history for details on how to get the right price ) it will be there in a couple of days and then she can add the NSO certficates and then make the application !!

  6. #6
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    i have a friend who has a travel agency here in manila but if what you need is someone who can just assist her to assemble papers and the likes, then i can help her.. the problem is that i am living in manila and she's in bacolod...

    with the help of the friends here in the forum, i think the use of the travel agency is not necessary.

    let me know how can i be of help.. good luck

  7. #7
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    thanks for the advice, i think i will sort through the paperwork with her over skype. Has anyone used LBC in the UK to send documents before? i notice they have a branch in twickenham and we used them when i was last in bacolod going through the whole cni to cenomar process with the uk embassy.

    Im not really in a rush as we bought a house and lot in a subdivision in mansilingan barangay just before we got married so i know my wife and daughter are in a quiet and safe place. This helps as her home barangay was a bit manic.

  8. #8
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    hello there!

    I know you are just trying to be careful and not to waste a single effort but i dont think you will need an agency to arrange all your documents.

    All of the suggestions here are right. You can do it your self. Just label every single part of the document and instruct your wife to put it in the same way when she photocopies everything.
    Please do remind that she will need to provide a photocopy of each document when she submit her application as that will be their record. they will send her back all the original ones.

    As long as you have the checklist then that will be your guide in arranging the documents. VFS staff can be picky sometimes, it depends on their mood. They will ask you to arrange them accordingly and have to go back till they call your name. Thats based from our experienced.

    So all the best and Good luck!

    I can suggest you send the docs with DHL as you can track the shipment online and chase them up to deliver it to your wife as soon as possible. I got mine in just 2 days.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

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