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Thread: I need recommendation for good family solicitor to bring my children to UK

  1. #1
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    Unhappy I need recommendation for good family solicitor to bring my children to UK

    Hello everyone,

    Im Palangga, living in Gloucestershire for more than 5 yrs now. I applied my children as my dependent last Nov 2008 but the visa was denied. They are saying that my children doesn't need my presence since I am away since 1998. I used to work in Saudi Arabia before and normally comes home in Philippines every 6 months. When I started to come in UK in 2005 and since then I only go home once a year to see them. My papers and documents are complete but dont know why their visa was denied. I did not re-appeal because of solicitor cost a lot of money. I want to re applied their visa again, I want them to be with me and miss them so much. Everyday is sooo hard for me. Am worried that once i will process their paper it will be disapprove again. Please help me..

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    without knowing the exact reasons for refusal, but you do say that the embassy said your children don't need you're presence.

    since 1998 you've not lived with your children?, I'll guess they refused the visa because you don't have 'sole responsibility' for them, and I'm guessing the embassy said who ever looks after your children has 'sole responsibility'

    appealing doesn't cost anything but from what you've said it looks to me you don't have 'sole responsibility' , and you probably wouldn't win an appeal.

    i think you'll be refused again for the same reasons, thou you should get (some free ) legal advice from your local law centre or/and contact for some help

    are you married to a brit ? and how old are your children ?
    what type of visa do you have ? ilr / citizenship ?

    maybe the only way you can get around this is to go back and live in the phils with your children for 6 months or a year hopefully that should be long enough to say you have 'sole responsibility' but seek legal advice..

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