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Thread: I hate who I work for

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  1. #1
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    I was far more crazy as I wanted everything NOW.

    Sounds very much like me that. I hear what your saying, but the honest truth is that I could never work shoreside in a 9-5 job. That would just send me nuts. I like the work that I do its just sometimes things happen that beggers belief. I suppose it seems worse to me as work on ship you've got no where to go, you live your work for 6 months.

    It is not very good to have oodles of money in the bank and have a heart attack and not be there to spend it.

    Wish that where true, but due to my "I want it now" mentality that just doesn't happen. Infact I really start to struggle by the end of the month. Sad but true.

    Everyone has there ups and downs in what ever job they do, it just seems due to the nature of the beast offshore seems to compound them.
    It's been emontional

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    ....Everyone has there ups and downs in what ever job they do, it just seems due to the nature of the beast offshore seems to compound them.
    Yes, everyone does have their ups and downs.
    Resign yourself to your lot and try to keep a smile on your face - you could be unemployed like so many in the UK
    Try to get your finances in order and plan ahead.
    Oh and by the way, working back home isn't as bad as it seems.
    People overseas get very negative about working in the UK and prefer to see the negatives of this to make their lot easier to handle.
    Look through all of the falseness and think about what it is you really want in life.
    Accept or change, and if this is difficult plan your next move wisely or you will dislike being on a ship more and more and time then drags.
    Best of luck in your decision

  3. #3
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Cheers aposhark, wise words. I don't ever seeing myself leaving this job, for me the pro's far outweigh the cons. Its just when something does happen to upset the balance it always seems so much worse. But that is the nature of the beast I suppose. Very few people have a job they enjoy and I'm lucky in that repect too as probably 80% of the time I enjoy what I do.

    The would like me home more of course but then with out this job we'd have never met etc so its done good things. Things may change as and when we have sprogs but I still can't see me leaving the sea.

    Like you say, put a smile on my face, I could be unemployed like soo many others.

    I'm hoping to have my spending sorted soon. I want the best of everytihng and I want it now, couple that with doing up a victorian house, help the wifes family and plans to emigrate and its all a bit draining on the bank account. Oh well only 4 days to the euro millions.
    It's been emontional

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