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Thread: I hate who I work for

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Every company I've worked for I've had issues with one person or another, usually jobsworths who trip off the power. When my kids were young it used to drive me up the wall working with this , just me and him stuck in a room together for 8 hours a day (didn't help him being a Man utd fan, me Liverpool ). It used to wind me up that I was spending more time with this idiot than I was my kids (I'd get in around 6 and they'd be in bed by 9).

    I'm not proud of this, but I finally flipped one day and threatened to knock him out. I quickly resigned before I was fired. It's a sad predicament working for a company that you're spending most of your waking hours with people you wouldn't normally choose to be with

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I was working offshore in the early 80's in the Gulf of Suez when everything got shut down.
    Somebody pulled the wrong lever or pressed the wrong button and a French diver had his insides sucked out in the bell whilst on the loo.
    Strange and often terrible things happened a lot back then

  3. #3
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I was working offshore in the early 80's in the Gulf of Suez when everything got shut down.
    Somebody pulled the wrong lever or pressed the wrong button and a French diver had his insides sucked out in the bell whilst on the loo.
    Strange and often terrible things happened a lot back then
    THats shocking. Nothing quite that bad but its a wonder how we've not killed anyone on here with the standard of divers / supervisors we get. PLenty of run away spool pieces rocketing up to the surface, very lucky that the divers managed to clear their umbilicals before getting dragged to the surface as well!!

    Standard problem here is everything is done on such a shoe string that its a wonder we've not killed / maimed anyone or been shut down. We run so close to being illegal its mad.
    It's been emontional

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    ... usually jobsworths who trip off the power. It's a sad predicament working for a company that you're spending most of your waking hours with people you wouldn't normally choose to be with
    , Paul. I spent over fourteen years in a small offshoot of the former Regional Council Social Work Department ... where I was more or less my own boss and given free-reign as Records Officer ... until, one day, I "shot my mouth off" [with GOOD reason, I might add!] and found myself transferred - without prior warning - to the mainstream office. And I absolutely detested this move, because I was forced to work with a wee shte called Morris (whom I nicknamed 'Morris Minor') roughly the same age as myself; a proper little "Hitler" ... and no mistake!

    At the time, both he and I were fast approaching the age of 50. Unfortunately, he was senior to me by a couple of grades ... and there was no prospect of either of us progressing any further up the line in what was, by then, largely a "young man's world". So, rather than spend the rest of what, at this late stage in my working life, barely passed as a career ... festering alongside him, I applied for - and was granted - early retiral. It turned out to be a decision I've NEVER, to this day, had cause to regret! Last time I saw the pompous , he was shuffling along with the aid of a stick, and I actually felt sorry for him. Karma, eh?

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