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Thread: I hate who I work for

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    ..... Its not like he's going to know the difference is he?!
    He may enjoy Christmas, you never know.
    There are moderate Egyptians who drink liquor and get up to all sorts of things
    The more I travelled, the more I realised that nothing is as it seems

  2. #2
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    He may enjoy Christmas, you never know.
    There are moderate Egyptians who drink liquor and get up to all sorts of things
    The more I travelled, the more I realised that nothing is as it seems
    Very true, those that work for my company tend to fairly hard line though.

    Anyway the oldman has just come to me to say that the office in the infinate wisdom going against all the has been offered to them by the 2 captains in way of advice are sending this bloke out on wednesday to relieve me. Useless.

    THis man has never held a senior watch on a dsv before so its stupidly dangerous that he's even coming in this capacity. Plus xmas, hospital and getting out of debt have all gone for a burton. What a bunch of imcompetant

    So angery at the moment its insane how 5 months can be wiped out in one f***ed up decision by some dick in the office.

    Anyone got a job thats highly paid, that involves doing very little, don't have to pay tax, let me know please. BEst be quick though I feel like stringing myself up
    It's been emontional

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Very true, those that work for my company tend to fairly hard line though.

    Anyway the oldman has just come to me to say that the office in the infinate wisdom going against all the has been offered to them by the 2 captains in way of advice are sending this bloke out on wednesday to relieve me. Useless.

    THis man has never held a senior watch on a dsv before so its stupidly dangerous that he's even coming in this capacity. Plus xmas, hospital and getting out of debt have all gone for a burton. What a bunch of imcompetant

    So angery at the moment its insane how 5 months can be wiped out in one f***ed up decision by some dick in the office.

    Anyone got a job thats highly paid, that involves doing very little, don't have to pay tax, let me know please. BEst be quick though I feel like stringing myself up
    I think you have to look at life's bigger picture
    There are few jobs that pays you big money without paying tax.
    I did this for a few years but there are always reasons why you get the big money - it is a lot more headaches and responsibility.
    It is not very good to have oodles of money in the bank and have a heart attack and not be there to spend it
    I earned big £ as they say but I am now far happier earning a quarter to a third of what I used to and I get to see my wife and child every night, with one or two days off per week.
    I used to work 6 to 8 months a year, but I found that when I was home, I was far more crazy as I wanted everything NOW.

    I fell into the trap of working overseas for many years, and as I look back now, I wish I had quit to work at home earlier.
    I saw the world and am happy about that because that was the reason why I started, but you get older and your values change.
    I would never change to go overseas to work again if my wife and family were alone.
    A married status job would be the only way I would do it again but I don't look around for this at all.
    One life only......................

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