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Thread: aqpplying Visa

  1. #1
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    aqpplying Visa

    i know so much on here but so much repeated wish thier was somting where you se a good letter (sponcer for spouse visa)
    all what you need so much info but so many places to looka nd search i got a headache now trying to take it all in

    so could anyone give all info a good letter and anything that i must not forget
    like i have just seen have to have copies of everthing i send did not know that till now
    so could have fell at first hurdle
    so please all the advice you can give would help so much

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Hi Spurs

    I think some have sponsor letters they dont mind showing. But to be honest the sponsors letter is more about explaining your situation.

    Do take Some time and read though the this site and though the UK visas site and the Brit embassy in Phill website for the very latest.

    For some the sponsor letter is quite short but if you have an area or feel you need to put over some very important information which the ECO might miss otherwise.

    It sounds like you have plenty of evidence being a couple. Do you have a Job, a Bank account which is looking healthy and a place which the two of you can live in?

    To help you with your Letter we would need more infomation along those lines.

    Ie is there a weak point your concerned about?

    Very true about making sure you have both genuine copies and duplicates which are clearly identified otherwise your unlikely to get the originals back..

    I think from your first Post your going for the finacee visa have you got everything arranged or at least all the details that the ECO may request? Im not to up on the finacee visa so others may be able to advise you better.

    Good luck im sure liek all the others you will soon be together
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
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    no have all we need really lucky i found things from 2years ago
    bank account ok
    self employed but never been overdrawn tax all paid etc
    place to live
    all seems good
    but worry about missing that little thing i not thinking about
    i keep reading but sometmes get a bit confused with all the info
    some seems to conditict each other

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