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Thread: Am not afraid to speak my mind about Muslim filth!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Angry Am not afraid to speak my mind about Muslim filth!!

    A good friend of mine has been murdered by her drunken Muslim husband who was always beating her.
    She was English!

    Somebody needs to make a stand with these so called honor killings!!

    Call me cranky if you like, but I just don't care right now!

    I knew him, and he said women were the lowest form of property

    She was a nice sweet girl who was liked by many!!
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  2. #2
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    i can see this becoming a hot topic!


    Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme.

    translation: Dawood

  3. #3
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Thank you.


    Am not afraid anymore to speak out.

    Women are sacred, as are all decent people.

    I see now why the fat drunken pig beat her, and boasted about it to his sick pias friends in the pub!!

    Seems the only way out of a Muslim relationship for a Woman is death.

    Please tell me I'm wrong????


    I didn't think I was somehow!!

    Thank you my friend.

    i am not going to let this lie.

    Don't care anymore.

    Somebody needs to say something.

    As for my safety????

    It comes last!!!

    Am going to speak loud, and clear!!
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  4. #4
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    I think in general the world has become scared little pussy cats because of this professedly "peaceful" religion ... "islam - i-salam" ...

    Personally, I wish that someone would just kick out the PC thing for a year, sort the problem out ... then we can return to UK being "PC world"

    but that's just my fantasy sadly!

    James "assalam alaikum" Hubbard

  5. #5
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    Tread carefully on this thread as criticism of any non British wrongdoers could lead to you being childishly branded a "Racist Bigot" as I was earlier. I think Gordon Brown lost an Election over a similar immature insult

  6. #6
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    true mate ...

    although, if they want to us off, we're fair game ...

    coz we is PC, you get me, innit!

  7. #7
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Very good James. Thank you.
    Anybody else wish to show some backbone?

    I won't see my friend die in vain!!
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    coz we is PC, you get me, innit!

    Hear hear Mr G
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    coz we is PC, you get me, innit!

    Hear hear Mr G
    for real

  10. #10
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Another Islamic fable.

    Beat your Wife every morning, because if she doesn't know why you did, you! at least would!!

    How ****ed up is that?
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  11. #11
    Respected Member kenny's Avatar
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    Muslims are a different race of people alltogether, they just want to change a country to suit them.
    You go to a muslim country and you have to abide by their way and follow their conduct of life and rules.
    I just see them as trouble makers, look at this video for example

  12. #12
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny View Post
    Muslims are a different race of people alltogether, they just want to change a country to suit them.
    You go to a muslim country and you have to abide by their way and follow their conduct of life and rules.
    I just see them as trouble makers, look at this video for example
    Thank you for that my friend.
    Must be hot in the summer Lol
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny View Post
    Muslims are a different race of people alltogether, they just want to change a country to suit them.
    You go to a muslim country and you have to abide by their way and follow their conduct of life and rules.
    I just see them as trouble makers, look at this video for example
    It's the "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile" situation which was encouraged by the last Govt pandering to them in the quest for the Holy Grail of Multiculturalism. Of course Muslim drug dealers in the UK don't fancy the idea of being dealt with under Shariah law as they would be wandering about headless and handless or dangling from a crane jib.

    This country has welcomed immigrants for centuries and over time the newcomers have assimilated and integrated into our culture, values and way of life. This is how it should be but as a means of buying votes for citizenship Labour made life easy for the criminals and extremists.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Very very good reply my friend.

    At last, somebody with some backbone!
    You are of course quite right in everything you say.

    I just wonder if it is indeed too late for us
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  15. #15
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    Fritzy, sorry to hear about your friend. And without more information to go off, I am assuming your friend lived in the Philippines, perhaps the island where my mahal comes from - Mindanao. Speaking of Mindanao, there is a heartbreaking story of a young Filipina who left Islam because of how she was abused in Saudi Arabia. Her story can be found here...

    I disagree with some of the comments above, Muslims are not a race of people. And when you consider the many different ways Muslims practice Islam. It would be truer to say that there were many forms of Islam, not just Islam as a whole.

    There are Muslims who follow a particular brand of that faith which is violent and vengeful in its teachings. The Salafis (or wahabis) will happily tell you how an ex Muslim is to be punished by death, or how Jews are Apes and Pigs, or how a woman is chattel and can be beaten if she acts in a way to warrant it. And yes, these Salafis are prominent in these isles thanks to the funding of Saudi style mosques in the UK and Europe.

    There are also many Muslims who take those teachings with a pinch of salt, like how Christians take the Biblical verses calling on men to stone their new wives should they find out they were not virgins on the wedding night.. So it is unfair to judge all Muslims for the acts of a few.

    That said, I do agree that Multiculturalism has failed (as it is). We should not have pockets of this society or that society, refusing to mix with the native population. This creates fear and mistrust of others, plus a lack of bridges due to the cultural gap only divides us more.

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    The day a mosque is built in Harrogate is the day I'm moving out and yes ban the Burka as it appears the majority don't agree with covering up in this country.

    If any of us go to a muslim ruled country we have to abide by their rules but not in good old pc correct uk.

    If muslims are adamant they want to live seperatley to us thats fine head for pakistan where you can do whatever you wish.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Well most of you should start to convert to the muslim faith or re connect with your own as the only way to stop the relentless march is make your own religion stronger, fight fire with fire, or in this case heaven with heaven.
    This governments stance is as bad as the previous, if anything worse with the liberal influence, riding roughshod over the electorate again. The latest US poodle Cameron, is supporting the EU application of Turkey at the request of the US, so that will be another 70million people with the legitimate right of entry.
    As for Cameron calling us the Junior partner in the 2nd world war when we stood alone with our commonwealth against the nazis is a disgrace. No chance for this country now, call yourself a junior, get treated by everyone as a junior.

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Honor killings are actually a cultural tradition to save face on the male part and have nothing to do with being a Muslim or any religion, as they happened before today's main religions existed, so please do not blame it on religion.

    The guy who just murdered his 2 kids and wife because he lost his honor over the family debts isn't referred to as a Christian honor killing is it?
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I think the big brush brigade are out again. I am no liberal, but it is always the few who make it bad for the many.
    We will never stop the hating between different religions, We have to tollerate it, or we are as bad as the offenders.
    So what is the answer? 'send 'em back' ? go back to the dark ages? it's not going to happen.

    Just as an addition, there is quite a large Muslim population in the Philippines, so where we were bitching about upsetting Christians the other day, I think we need to make sure we don't upset anyone of the Islam faith here also. Right ?
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Honor killings are actually a cultural tradition to save face on the male part and have nothing to do with being a Muslim or any religion, as they happened before today's main religions existed, so please do not blame it on religion.
    Very True the most recent "honor killing" that I read about was by a Sikh man in India. Clearly it is a cultural phenomenon, not a religious one! And from reading the above I doubt this killing was anything to do with honor, just a drunken, abusive husband. And they come from all religions and cultures...

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  22. #22
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  23. #23
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    Despite the fact that honour killings are a cultural phenomenon, and not a religious one, I can see, from the passage of the qu'ran that I put in post number 2, which I will include in this one, encased again in "quotes", that in Islam, if your wife disobeys you - actually worse, if you fear she is disobeying you ... then you may send her to a separate bed and BEAT her.

    Spousal abuse is not only tolerated in Islam, but it's mandated in the holiest of all Muslim Holy writ.

    And from the quote below, I'd like to make 3 commonsense observations

    ( 1 ) The man is superior to the woman. Superior.

    ( 2 ) The wife must obey the man, as he is superior, no matter how twisted his mind, what fetishes he has or desires, the woman must always submit - every single time.

    ( 3 ) If the guy - so much as thinks - (in his insecure and deluded mind) that his wife is "disobeying" him - in any way shape or form then he is permitted to beat her up.

    here it is below (if you think the translation is bad, I can get you 4 or 5 other translations - they'll all make you sick)


    Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme.

    translation: Dawood

    Ya ... peaceful religion, right?

    Let's not offend them, right?

    With the full hijab and burka etc, it's hard to see the bruises.

    I for one am disgusted at the idea, not only that the man is superior to the woman, but that relentless disobedience is needed, and that a man can beat up his wife, even if in his small, deluded, no-self-esteem brain, he thinks she's disobedient to him in any way, shape or form.

    Can anyone here justify tolerance of the above?

  24. #24
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Actually, she lived in Hayes Middlesex, not the Phils!!

    Is nice to hear all your opinions.

    He killed her by setting fire to the house, and himself.

    This has come as a shock to all concerned

    I just wanted to see if people shared my views, and thank you all.
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  25. #25
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    Sure the Koran pushes sexist views onto the people who read and believe in it. Likewise the bible did too, many years ago before Europe had the enlightenment.. But I think the difference is that Christian Children do not grow up being forced to read the bible and learn it off by heart, as is taught in Muslim schools. So Christian children grow up with their own interpretation of God and for the most part that God is a forgiving and kind being (I always recommend he movie "Millions" as a good example of this). Whereas Allah is a vengeful being who punishes for the slightest of transgressions.

    There is also a line that is blurred. That line is where culture starts and where religion ends! I know that the burka or full face coverings did not happen during Mohammed's lifetime, this was after he died, but it is still accepted as a religious duty. Although it is more likely a symbol of Saudi sexism than anything else, just mixed up with a little religious force to make it seem acceptable. Like how African Muslims mix female genital mutilation with religion to enforce it, despite it not being mandated or warranted in the Koran or Hadith. Same with honor killings....

    And Jim, I do not disagree with your posting.. And I think we can easily find worse in the Koran. Just take a look here for more.

    And Fitzy, again sorry about your friend. But I doubt this was based on religion (unless there are more facts I am not aware of), I just think this man was a nut case and it is a shame he was not sent to prison or deported long ago.

  26. #26
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    Sean, you make many valid points

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Now we have a Christian twisting the Muslim faith .... most of those quotes are either non-existent or out of context.

    Anyway, at least he was only killing a wife, not wiping out entire nations in the name of religion.
    When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are about to enter and occupy, he will clear away many nations ahead of you: the Hittites, Girga*****s, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. These seven nations are all more powerful than you. When the LORD your God hands these nations over to you and you conquer them, you must completely destroy them. Make no treaties with them and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them, and don't let your daughters and sons marry their sons and daughters. They will lead your young people away from me to worship other gods. Then the anger of the LORD will burn against you, and he will destroy you. - Deuteronomy 7:1-4

    So when your own religion is PERFECT you can quote things like you did, until then keep it zipped..... end of.

    Genetically Man is superior to Woman - FACT - We just knowingly act more stupid
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
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    Hey, I am not gonna say that it doesn't disgust me when there are disgusting things written in the Bible.

    Where did I ever confess to being any sort of fundamentalist?

    Regarding the non-existence of the quote that I put ... how could it be non-existent if i quoted it? lol

    But the point that Sean made is important.

    Most Christians - be they "cultural", "christened", "baptised" or whatever, don't actually read or regard the bible, whereas, Muslims - especially the Wahabis in UK have fundamentalism drilled into them.

    Sure there are 'orrible passages in the bible ... so let's see them for what they are. They are the ancient writings of men who thought in this war-mentality --much like George Bush ....

    But, culturally, in Churches in the UK especially, God is taught as being "Love"...

    when is the last time Allah was called "Love"?

    There is no argument here.

    we agree mostly

    Old testament = Cruel.
    Islamic books = Cruel.

    It's just that they believe theirs, Christians often don't!

  29. #29
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Hey, I am not gonna say that it doesn't disgust me when there are disgusting things written in the Bible.

    Where did I ever confess to being any sort of fundamentalist?

    Regarding the non-existence of the quote that I put ... how could it be non-existent if i quoted it? lol

    But the point that Sean made is important.

    Most Christians - be they "cultural", "christened", "baptised" or whatever, don't actually read or regard the bible, whereas, Muslims - especially the Wahabis in UK have fundamentalism drilled into them.

    Sure there are 'orrible passages in the bible ... so let's see them for what they are. They are the ancient writings of men who thought in this war-mentality --much like George Bush ....

    But, culturally, in Churches in the UK especially, God is taught as being "Love"...

    when is the last time Allah was called "Love"?

    There is no argument here.

    we agree mostly

    Old testament = Cruel.
    Islamic books = Cruel.

    It's just that they believe theirs, Christians often don't!
    Very good analogy worth a rep point

  30. #30
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    Thanks for that Les

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