...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
When first arriving it may also be worth investigating if any vitmain or minernal supplments are needed. Plenty of Phills I know eat far more fish, loads more fruit and vegtables when in Phill.
But of course the foods they know are often far more expensive or un obtainable at least in the quanities they are used to.
So some of our more medically qualified Phill uk forum family members may want to comment but at least for a short term fix possibly multi vitamins and minerals plus may be fish oil (cod liver oil capusles )which seems to have a postive effect on hair skin and nails i belive
Pedicure seems to be the other big issue!!! Again Ladies when you fly over make sure your pedicure kit is in your suitcase so its not confiscated as a sharp item/s when going though customs![]()
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
OKHealth problems such as mental and physical illness are recognised in immigrants from certain countries because they may be illegal, don't have access to facilities and can't speak English
These will normally not apply to forum members, who usually have spouse or fiancee visas. They must expect their UK partners to look after them, including a balanced diet, in which case vitamin / mineral supplements should not be needed
As far as I know, the UK Border Agency does not require an X Ray or certificate to show freedom from infectious lung tuberculosis in immigrants from the Philippines, but it could be useful if you already have them.
It's still wise to register with a General Practitioner as soon as possible after arriving in the UKA routine check up should be reassuring, and it's best to be registered before any health problems arise.
Dark skinned immigrants may suffer bone disease ( osteoporosis / rickets) due to lack of vitamin D. They may not get enough sunlight to produce enough of their own vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements may be needed, but only if they also don't have enough milk and fatty fish.
Even with a caring partner, loneliness can bring health problems. Join this Forum![]()
Thank you Doc Alan. I do know that the Wife and some of her phill friends have mentioned their diet was all over the shop which while may not affect their health greatly might affect the skin and hair
All mentioned things stablised as they adapted to the western diet and differences in avaibilty, the first winter the wife suffered from a lot of coughs and cold. Skin and hair going haywire which I guess with worrying about this fact can get stuck in a bit of a vicous cycle.
Im sure most is in the mind but I can remeber the Wife commenting that her diet and food intake was all over the place. When at first she was stuck at home when I was at work with not much to do she did find comfort in junk food. Was not always so keen on the Veg and fruit we had at first. Found some days she was not so hungry due to worries or homesickness..
Also the wife last year had a flu jab (which we paid for from a vaccination clinic i think it was 15 quid but u can get cheaper. I do know the first winter cold the Wife had really really affected her yet no one who was a indigeous brit or phill who had been here for a few years in our family/social groupwho caught what we presume the same bug felt so bad.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
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