Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Her *Spouse Visa was granted on 23/02/09 ... she arrived in Manchester on 08/03/09 ... and *it is valid untl 23/05/11

So ... based on your answer to Kalabasa's question ... does it mean that Myrna can apply anytime from 26/01/11? [i.e. 28 days short of the 2yrs from which her visa was APPROVED] Or will she need to wait until 09/02/11? (which will be 2 yrs from her ARRIVAL in the UK less 28 days)

And I realise she will NEED to have applied - at the LATEST - "a few days" BEFORE her visa expires on May 23 ... when the 27 months are used up. But how MANY [days] would that BE?

Sorry, if I seem to have complicated what I'd like verified.
Arthur, its not when the visa was issued that's important , its when you arrived in the UK that counts.

if she arrived in the great city of Manchester on the 8th of march 2009, the earliest she can apply for ILR is when she has been in the UK 2yrs - (upto 28 days)

so 8th march 2009 + 2yrs is 8th March 2011
8th March 2011 - (upto 28days) is 8th feb 2011

in fact she could apply on the day her visa expires (23/05/11) but i would always apply for a visa ASAP, because if there are any problems (with payment being refused by your bank, etc) it gives you time to sort them out, instead of leaving it til the last minute

so she could apply btw 8 feb 2011 and upto around 19th of may 2011 ( as the 23rd is a Monday)