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Thread: My boyfriend's nationality is not british, but he works at UK for almost 12 years.

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) MiamorRox's Avatar
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    Smile My boyfriend's nationality is not british, but he works at UK for almost 12 years.

    My boyfriend and I having a trouble with this tourist visa for UK, he will be going to sponsor. But the questions arises in the agency we used to for an assessment. I just wanted to know if it is ok that my boyfriend is an Italian citizen, but his working at UK for almost 12 years, is it not a prove for him to be a sponsored. And also he doesn't have a bank savings for a 6 months durations since he bought a mercedez car which he love much. But in his salary he can gathered up to 2890.00 british pounds. He can proved it through his employer's letter and certification. Is this not enough?Also for me, I just have a show money that worth 150 000.00PHP, just now, and no history of bank savings since 6 months from now. I don't have currently a job. And had haven't yet a property owns since all my parents property is inheritance. I don't have a land title that have my name. What should I do and my boyfriend..

    Thank you so much for help

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes he can sponsor you, but getting a tourist visa can be difficult to get, you need to convince the embassy that you will not overstay and return to the phils and you/him have the finances to support you.

    a letter of support similar to this should help

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) MiamorRox's Avatar
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    Thank you joe for the immediate reply, it helps

    alot, we will try it out. And besides my boyfriend's closed friend offer the sponsorship sincehe is reallya british citizen, they are co-workers too. Is this possible to that his friend can be the sponsorship? Thanks

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you dont need to be a british citizen to sponsor someone for a visit visa, you just have to be legally in the UK.should not be a problem if your b/f has been in the UK 12yrs

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) MiamorRox's Avatar
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    Thank you so much joe!!!!I think it will help!!!

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