All things must come to an end. When I started this blog, I had no idea where it would lead. At worst, it would fail to attract any readers besides relatives and friends and it would die a natural death a few weeks or months after it was born. Instead, it took on a life of its own, and in the past six years or so I have written some 2,700 posts in 2,100 days, or roughly 1.3 posts per day on average. Many of the posts were brainless, but others took several dozen hours to prepare for, mostly the heirloom or special recipes featured. Over the six year period, readers have clicked on some 23+million page views, for me, a totally mind-boggling number, and have left nearly 90,000 comments that have in many cases added so much to our collective understanding of a topic under discussion. Even so, over the lifetime of this blog, less than 5% of readers have ever left a comment, and just a little more than that have ever participated in a poll. Over the past year, as best I can figure, there have been some 6 million page views, most coming from a regular readership (visit at least 1x a week) of some 15,000-20,000 people from around the globe. It is my personal belief that the blog "peaked" during this past year...

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