A disturbing programme here, abuse and exploitation mainly involving Arabs in London
A disturbing programme here, abuse and exploitation mainly involving Arabs in London
just as disturbing was the program on channel4 last night 'The hunt for Britain's sex traffickers'
you can onlyhow the Chinese
who was in charge was a student enrolled at 5 or 6 different universities
there are 100,000s of British college leavers who cant get a place at uni, yet these low lifes can![]()
I too have been watching both programmes.
Things have been happening that are just mind boggling at how domestic workers are treated by some rich employers!
As for the forced prostution, I cannot undrstand how a man could get pleasure from having sex with a woman who must be shaking with fright!
When I went to Brazil, I stayed at the parent's house of a friend. The family were really great people and made my stay as comfortable as possible. They had a domestic worker who was employed on a part-time basis for about 6 hours a day. To me, it was a new experience (and likely to be the last) having a domestic worker working inside the house. Myself, I cannot say that I enjoyed the experience as I always had this feeling of guilt, knowing she was perhaps paid little money for her work. She seemed a nice lady and as I did with the family, I tried to talk to her in (my version of) Portuguese. After 2 days most of the jobs she was being told to do for me, I did myself, as I did not want her to go round cleaning up after me. When I left, I tried to give her a "thank you" payment as I really did appreciate her efforts, but I think she thought I was trying to give her charity. She would only accept a British £1 coin in the form of a souvenier.
I just watched the Dispatches program provided in the link. It was horrible to realise that such treatment and behaviour is happening in this country. The program highlights cases where the employers are generally from another culture and perhaps it is from this that there is a different mentality with regards to treatment of domestic staff. Cleary some people who are rich think they can get away with treatment and it was good to see the Scottish lady confront those people in the way that she did. It was unfortunate that she could not recover the passports. Shame on the abusers
With regards to the trafficking of women program, I also have watched that program with some curiosity. It seems weird that most of these people who are running the brothels just seem like average people who (to me) do not look like they'd be all that aggressive.
Nobody wants to see people trafficked and it is a good to see the police taking an active involvement in closing down these networks. In the media there are sometimes snippets about the idea of legalising brothels, there are pros and cons I guess, but Amsterdam has a legal red light area. I wonder if that encourages or discourages the trafficking of women into Amsterdam.
"As for the forced prostution, I cannot undrstand how a man could get pleasure from having sex with a woman who must be shaking with fright!"
If a woman is showing any signs of this, then I would think any plain-thinking man would show concern. If a woman was in forced prostitution for a good period of time and had perhaps become "numb" (blocked the thoughts out of their head), then perhaps the man would be completely unaware of her situation.
One good thing from this program being shown is that it could help to educate those who frequent such places. Hopefully it will deter people from using brothels. On the flip side, it could help educate those who will use these places and I guess help them to identify exploitation. In doing so they could tip off the authorities via an anonymous phone number or charity number.
Thinking about it now a little more, I doubt a man would walk into a place with a discreet questionairre for the lady to write answers to, confirming they have been trafficked. Possibly an anonymous phone number that the man can use to tip off police (directly or indirectly) would at least be an idea, if there isn't one already.
I watched episodes 2 & 3 of the "Britain's sex traffickers' last night. I'm not surprised that the (then) Govt withdrew funding for any further national combined operations against these scumbags - the spineless judiciary sent out a serious non deterrent message by handing out 2 and 3 year sentences. The Police went to major lengths and expense to identify and arrest the Chinese "student" goon Joe mentions - he was let out on bail and hasn't been seen since![]()
You couldn't make it up- I wouldn't be surprised if the Labour Govt commissioned the programme as they did with Sky on the limp wristed UK Border Farce
Its not just Arabs as according to the news today a Sri Lankan Brent council management consultant has the same outlook to her servant/slave. Nothing wrong she said, with being on call 24/7 and no days off for months and not being allowed to leave the house.
Everything this country put right over the years has been allowed to be ridden roughshod over, arranged marriages, slavery or in service, planning regulations, rats running about the streets![]()
if the uk is a third world country, why is it that some people from every country in the world want and try some extreme ways to get to are shores, maybe they want 2 come here for free education less crime than ther countries and mainly free nhs, ive been to and lived in a couple of third world countries, and im so glad that i am british and to come back, for example if you get sick that here you can go to a hospital and get treatmant, but in a third world country they would let you die outside the hospital if you dont have any money.(i have experinanced that wen my kid nearly died). im proud to be british and i think its still the best country in the world, even though we do pay high taxes, but u dont get somthing for nothing, anywhere in the world.. and certaintly not in proper classed third world countries...
he's too busy studying at the 5 or 6 unis he was enrolled at, to go back and see the cops
i think it was in the Uk border force programs, where a Chinese guy was on a 'student visa' for years and his dependent wife 'owned' a take away shop and i think the cops found an illegal worker there
it's time the gov scanned everyone's passport and took a finger print of everyone who enters and leaves the uk, so anyone who's picked up by immigration or the cops, they will know which country to send them back to (it's funny how many have 'lost' their passports), with a long 10yr ban from coming back for being illegal or for committing a crime.
'Servants sometimes need a slap - and we don't let ours out of the house': Council worker provokes storm with outrageous Twitter comments
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz0yV5pZxeo
A trough feeder with a 6 figure salary non job no doubt recruited via the Guardians vacancy pages
Miss Mohamed, who is from Sri Lanka, works as a strategic change management consultant at Brent Council in north London, an ethnically diverse area.
dedworth even on my own doorstep
you have tothe bestman walked free and was allowed to finish his studies
uk is the best country in the world, but we have problems like other countries, but are problems are we joined the eu that lets most forigners in to uk the biggest % and a lot of them come here and commit crime, and the goverment seem to be walking on egg shells wen it comes to africans and muslims and welcome them with open arms wen they get to are shores, but if your married to a filipina or another nationalety you have to go through all this visa bullshit and pay lots of money. what our goverment needs 2 do is stop eu nationals coming here and have stricter border rules,ie if u come here as asylum seeker from africa or pakistan etc, send them bak as soon as they get here. and if your british like me and genuinely married to a foreigner this goverment should let them enter uk free with not so many recuirements..
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