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Thread: Sad to Say:Another Brit Murdered

  1. #1
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Sad to Say:Another Brit Murdered

    Just read at

    Owned a beach resort in Sipalay.

    Maybe law and order is disintegrating due to all the bad press recently

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Just come in runs I guess but does seem to have been a few
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post

    Maybe law and order is disintegrating due to all the bad press recently
    A tragedy and devastating for the victim's loved ones. But as the Mayor said, this was an isolated incident unlikely to affect the tourism industry in Sipalay.
    Similarly the "internet love triangle " killing was a tragedy for all concerned, but no reason to close down internet dating sites or suspect all filipinas (or other nationalities) using these sites. The recent "Hostage drama in Manila" is more serious in that there were 8 deaths, and lessons have to be learned.
    However, the probabilty of an individual in the Philippines falling victim to any of these events is extremely low ! I've pointed this out in a separate thread. Whether members read or respond to it is not my responsibility. Far more shocking to me is the much greater risk of a fatal road traffic accident, in the Philippines, UK, or as Keith Boss points out in my thread, the USA. One million potentially avoidable deaths, many in children, from malaria is also shocking. There are sadly many more situations where the probability of injury , illness or death should cause serious concern.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Yes Doc Alan but its the suddenness of death that always takes people by surprise.
    Here was a family running a business and probably feeling quite safe than life changes in a flash. In these places vigilance is a life saver but it would be a pity if it leads to people getting trigger happy, and as Somebody said, there does seem to be a run of foreigners falling victim to violence in the last few weeks.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    its the suddenness of death that always takes people by surprise.
    , Pete ... when death strikes suddenly - and unexpectedly - in an otherwise healthy individual, the aftermath ... the sheer shock ... of what has occurred is invariably that much HARDER for close family and friends of the deceased to come to terms with, than when it happens to ... say ... someone who's been terminally ill.

  6. #6
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    Terrible tragedy, but no matter where you are in the world - taking the days takings at the same time everyday, same route, well... These could have had their eye on him for years if the story's right.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Yes Doc Alan but its the suddenness of death that always takes people by surprise.
    Agreed sudden unexpected deaths are by definition a great shock, whatever the cause. Dealing with them was part of my job for 35 years. It's just that the probability of sudden deaths due to other causes such as road traffic accidents is so much higher that they don't attract the same media attention. In that respect the UK is far safer than the Philippines, but each one is a tragedy, just as a premature death from a heart attack which can also occur without warning.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I dont know the figures but from what I pick up from Phills and the news many other non white foreigners are also quite likely to be attacked or at risk.

    Over the 5 years or so of taking notice of events in Phill there does seem to be a lot of Koreans and Chinese also robbed violently and sometimes killed but they dont come on to the radar in most Brit media sites.
    I know in the Wifes local town over the years many Korean and Chinese business people have died as the result of robbery or possible kidnappings often it seems

    It will be interesting how the Authorities deal with the present investigations I did read a couple of phills on FB writing how it appears often after elections and major changes in leadership national and local level "agreements especially at local level alter"
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I dont know the figures but from what I pick up from Phills and the news many other non white foreigners are also quite likely to be attacked or at risk.

    Over the 5 years or so of taking notice of events in Phill there does seem to be a lot of Koreans and Chinese also robbed violently and sometimes killed but they dont come on to the radar in most Brit media sites.
    I know in the Wifes local town over the years many Korean and Chinese business people have died as the result of robbery or possible kidnappings often it seems
    The Chinese are obvious targets because of their general success, they do well in the Phils just like they do here, (Chinese restaurants in the Phils are my favourite in the world but I've not been to Hong Kong yet )

    I've not seen many poor Chinese in the Phils but the Koreans are often despised, Korean males that is, for their attitude to the locals, I have two good friends who worked at the Korean Embassy in Manila at the corner of Jupiter Street in Makati (old embassy) I am going by their word to a fair degree.

    I hate to stereotype people and even worse to make racist comments but my personal experience of the Korean men in the Phils has been poor, I've had a translator on hand unbeknown to the Koreans and been told just what they were really saying when we were supposed to be having a nice conversation. Most Korean ladies that I have met have been very nice though, just as nice and helpful as Filipinos.

    I should also state that I am however very very fond of Korean food, very interesting cuisine

    Whatever the reasons murder is never justified, whether for financial gain or a feeling of injustice against some foreigners, it does not matter no one has the right to take the life of another.


  10. #10
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    murder no matter where is a bad thing just look at the world as a whole how many poeple are murdered , will not put me off going to a place if that is where i would like to go , just have to be more carefull

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    BACOLOD City – Gov. Alfredo Marañon Jr. of Negros Occidental is offering a reward of half a million pesos to whoever could give information leading to the arrest of the killers of a British national in Sipalay City.

    Sixty-four-year-old businessman Anthony Nicholas was shot on Monday night. He owned several businesses in Sipalay City, southern Negros Occidental.

    Marañon ordered the Sipalay police to hasten the investigation.

    He also asked the National Bureau of Investigation to conduct a parallel probe.

    Marañon considered the case an “isolated incident” but did not discount the possibility that it will adversely affect his province’s tourism industry.

    Nicholas, married to a Filipina, ran a beach resort, a grocery store and pension house in Sipalay City.

    “We have been trying very hard to promote our province to tourists and investors,” said Marañon.

    Mayor Oscar Montilla Jr. of Sipalay City assured Negrenses, tourists and businessmen that the local police is on top of the situation.

    Sipalay City boasts of many white sand beaches and world-class dive sites. Its Campomanes Bay and Punta Ballo Beach are frequently visited by divers and other adventure-seekers.

    Resort owners who are mostly foreigners sought an audience with Montilla right after the killing.

    Paul Platt, a Canadian national and owner of a resort and restaurant in Sipalay City, said the death of his friend Nicholas saddened him. But he expressed confidence that justice will be served.

    Platt also believes that the incident will not affect the province’s tourism industry.

    He said he will continue convincing friends abroad to visit Sipalay City./PN

  12. #12
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    They must be worried Fred as that is a large reward, I reckon there are lots of foreign owners rethinking their future in some of these paradise locations. It wont look like paradise if they have to start living in secure fortresses and walking around with a gloch strapped around there waist. There was a white woman killed on a remote beach location a few years ago and I`m not sure if they ever found the culprits.

    I concur with you JimOttley on Koreans and Chinese, I had a good friend who was Korean and he had such an attitude to filipino`s who never refused him anything but loathed him behind his back. He cut quite a figure in Angeles as he was always impeccably dressed and everwhere we went he had an aura that demanded attention. To be fair though he treated his own Korean aides just as badly.
    Unfortunately he met a violent end a few years ago

  13. #13
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    I made a Korean friend in Davao last year. Top bloke Took about 15 of us out on a boat for the day. That said, there were quite a few Korean fellas in the building I stayed in this year, hard pressed to get a hello out of most of them

  14. #14
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    We stopped at a Korean Hotel in March, the Korean's never smiled or spoke to anybody.

  15. #15
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    The News Media always seek to dramatise headlines.

    But there are around 50 murders a year in London, of mainly Brits so what the problem in RP ?

    But having said that, maybe that’s why so many Brits wanna come to live in Spain where crime is so low.

    PS But that’s a secret, as I am sure we all know that, according to the UK media, this is the Costa Del Crime, should be “Costa del almost no crime” though

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

    But there are around 50 murders a year in London, of mainly Brits so what the problem in RP ?
    Yeah but 50 murders in a city filled with millions of Brits is good ratio, hearing one brit gets mowed down with machine gun fire in a place with very few Brits gives a slightly different perspective. I would think its quite rare to get shot up with machine guns outside countries with rebellions/wars going on.
    I think it comes down to the connection we feel with the situation because we all have interests in the Philippines and are mostly Brits on this forum, so we feel connected rightly or wrongly with these situations because we feel it could be us or someone we now.

    I quite often tend to feel safer in the Philippines than here, but a foreigner can be seen as an easy target as well as being treated as a welcomed guest.

    I'm always surprised by the visual lack of Police activity in the Philippines, only time I tend to see any in action is either on traffic duty or escorting important people in cars. Only time i hear sirens is when an Ambulance goes past.

  17. #17
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    Its always difficult to be precise, and as you say we tend to over react. Its a fact that when there is a problem anywhere in Europe many Americans cancel their holidays to everywhere in Europe.

    Back to RP. I just saw that in 2007 it was anticipated that foreign tourism to RP would exceed 3million a year in 2008. If that is any where near correct then as percentage its practically an infinitesimal risk.

    On the point of seeing police in RP.

    The number of officers actually policing an area can seldom be estimated by the number of officers ones sees. I say that as a former police officer in London and 16 years as a volunteer interpreter with police in Spain. In that position I see the number of officers who patrol in civvies. There are considerably more of them than those in uniform, however, people still write to the papers complaining that there so few police on the streets.

    I don't know the figures for police in RP so like everyone else I could only make a wild guess, which is usually totally wrong and seldom helpful.

  18. #18
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    I never thought about plain clothes Police in Philippines, so thats a good point, but I mention the sirens and Ambulance because in terms of being proactive and seeming to respond to crime emergencies it just seemed non existent, and when I asked my wife about how we phone the emergency services and she didn't even know, it maybe because she comes from a rural area, maybe its different in Manila! Just seems to highlight the way crime and policing and peoples attitudes in Philippines probably differs in some ways to ours.

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    May I take advice from my forum friends ? I'm thinking of returning to the Philippines next year. I first visited in 1978 when Ferdinand Marcos was President, and re-visited 4 months ago. I have many friends in the country, understand the culture and speak Tagalog.
    Before my trip there's a 1/3 chance of me getting cancer , 1/5 dropping dead from a heart attack, and on the way to the UK airport I could be one more of the 3000( +) annual road fatalities. I could have a deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism on the flight.
    One of my trusted filiipina friends might have a jealous boyfriend. I might be robbed, or taken hostage. What should most concern me ? Should I take sensible precautions and ask for advice on the forum ? What if I'm considering living in the Philippines?
    I love the UK and I'm lucky to live in a beautiful coastal town with a view of the sea from my apartment. But I also love the Philippines and miss my friends there ...

  20. #20
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Dear Doc Alan, I would advise you to leave immediately for the Philippines and leave me the keys to your coastal pad

    Actually Brits are low down on the list of foreigners being killed in the P.I., its seems to be the Indians who suffer most from violent deaths but its just a case of being careful in a poor country.Just seems to be a run of foreign crime victims at the moment.
    I have met lots of West Indians who for years have dreamt of retiring back in the Caribbean but the reality is they are a target for robbery and burglary when there and have given up and returned to UK.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Dear Doc Alan, I would advise you to leave immediately for the Philippines and leave me the keys to your coastal pad
    Give me 6 months (to return, not my life expectancy ! ) Might also be safer for me not to attempt to visit all my filipina friends

  22. #22
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Hey Doc Alan.. I was just told today that a SMB cost 80 Pesos in Bohol plaza. Is that correct? Just as well you didnt ask me to meet you there!! (if its true).. Only time I went there was to become a compadre at a wedding and the wine and food was free..

  23. #23
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Dear Doc Alan, I would advise you to leave immediately for the Philippines and leave me the keys to your coastal pad

    Actually Brits are low down on the list of foreigners being killed in the P.I., its seems to be the Indians who suffer most from violent deaths but its just a case of being careful in a poor country.
    Perhaps the Indians are targeted so as to avoid paying the extortionate loan + interest?(said in jest but so was many a true word!)

    I never thought about plain clothes Police in Philippines, so thats a good point,
    Never saw an official one except when he wanted to extort money from me..
    Actually,thats a fib.. once my Mrs did call the cops from home (luzon in province) when we had an intruder in the house and they were there within 5 mins..
    I would elaborate but the wind has just picked up sharply and nearly blew over my vodka and sprite..
    Big Typhoon about to hit here by the looks of it..

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Hey Doc Alan.. I was just told today that a SMB cost 80 Pesos in Bohol plaza. Is that correct?
    Remember last time I had 3 filipina tour guides Fred ?
    Could be cheaper and safer for me next time to visit you, even if it means paying for the odd SMB, and not to mention it on facebook

  25. #25
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Remember last time I had 3 filipina tour guides Fred ?
    Could be cheaper and safer for me next time to visit you, even if it means paying for the odd SMB, and not to mention it on facebook
    Doc Alan..
    Im sure your tour guides were perfectly lovely but how on earth could they not guide you away from an 80 PHP SMB?
    That is unless they offered you something else that was discounted?

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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Im sure your tour guides were perfectly lovely but how on earth could they not guide you away from an 80 PHP SMB?
    That is unless they offered you something else that was discounted?
    Buy one, get 2 free ?
    This started as a serious thread about avoiding danger ...

  27. #27
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Buy one, get 2 free ?
    This started as a serious thread about avoiding danger ...
    Its been moderated

  28. #28
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    More news today of a British guy killed in Angeles City. This was a targeted killing,

    more on the story at

    it also mentions that 2 americans were killed the day before, 1 in northern Philippines, somewhere in Luzon I presume, and another down the south in LLigan.

    It seems to be getting very dangerous just as I was contemplating visiting the family in Angeles in the next few weeks.

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