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Thread: D-Link Outs Boxee Box with Intel Atom CE4100 - Ditches NVidia's Tegra 2 chip in the l

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post D-Link Outs Boxee Box with Intel Atom CE4100 - Ditches NVidia's Tegra 2 chip in the l

    The brewing rivalry between Intel and NVidia in the graphics scene has started to drag hardware makers from one side to the other. D-Link is the latest to jump ship when it just released its Boxee Box Internet TV box powered by Intel’s Atom CE4100 processor system-on-a-chip. This was not the case back when Boxee [...]

    The brewing rivalry between Intel and NVidia in the graphics scene has started to drag hardware makers from one side to the other.

    D-Link is the latest to jump ship when it just released its Boxee Box Internet TV box powered by Intel’s Atom CE4100 processor system-on-a-chip. This was not the case back when Boxee Box was first demoed at CES running NVidia’s Tegra 2 chip. Sorry NVidia.

    With an Intel chip inside, D-Link officials said that the Boxee Box will now offer better support for the high-profile H264 HD playback. It will also enable the box to deliver up to full 1080p HD over a wired or wireless 802.11n network.

    The new Boxee Box is now available for pre-order exclusively through then it would start shipping this November. The unit sells for $199 US and it’s yet unknown when it would, if ever, be available here in the Philippines.

    Hopefully it will because it’s always nice to know that there’s another internet TV device here other than the Apple TV and Smart.
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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ...and the point of these gadgets? ..... you just buy a TV usb for the PC and run the cable to the TV.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I stream all my movies on pc hd quality through my router to ps3 and its perfect (although wired gives better results than wireless)

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