Quote Originally Posted by skinnyenglishgu View Post
i very much doubt a british merchant navy officer would have not even met this "loved up over any white guy with a passport" filipino. of course he would have met her before! it's 100% likely he met her through his job.

i've seen those type of girls before, but they're everywhere, thailand, china, philippines. as soon as a white british guy shows any interest, they're all over them, and 'in a second' will ditch their current native asian bfs........... in this case, obviously this filipino broad was "extremely" dumb

having travelled a lot, and seen a lot, i would be hard pressed to find any girl in asia who didnt immediately think of 'money' or a 'passport' when meeting a white guy, especially a british guy. you can say what you want in reply, scathe me all you want, but i've both seen it and experienced it.
Where are you getting your info to assume the girl was "extremely dumb" The reports I've read there's hardly any mention of her. You should venture out of the bars a bit more when you're on your travels, you'll be surprised whose out there