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Thread: Briton slain over Philippine Internet love triangle

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    A British man who went to the Philippines to propose to a woman he met in an Internet chat room was stabbed to death by her jealous lover Sunday, police said.

    This is really so sad
    that is very sad, it could happen anywhere in the world i suppose, but probley more so in more corrupt countries like rp where ther is high poverty and corruption at high level. 2 billion dollars or 13% of rp budget is lost each year 2 corruption and is ramant in every level of goverment from bureau of customs to traffic police pulling over drivers to demand bribes, and i have experianced the police corruption personly. it dose not set a good standerd for most ordinary people from rp. and on internet dating i personly think its very dangerous to meet someone and certaintly from abroad that you no nothing about, only what the other person tells you about online. i personly have not and would never let my kids meet anybody that they met on a computer....

  2. #2
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    that is very sad, it could happen anywhere in the world i suppose, but probley more so in more corrupt countries like rp where ther is high poverty and corruption at high level. 2 billion dollars or 13% of rp budget is lost each year 2 corruption and is ramant in every level of goverment from bureau of customs to traffic police pulling over drivers to demand bribes, and i have experianced the police corruption personly. it dose not set a good standerd for most ordinary people from rp. and on internet dating i personly think its very dangerous to meet someone and certaintly from abroad that you no nothing about, only what the other person tells you about online. i personly have not and would never let my kids meet anybody that they met on a computer....
    Yes it can be true BUT I don't agree that it does happen all the time. I mean, not all you chat on a computer wherever he or she lives is a bad person. Let us take for instance the woman in the news. She could really be in love with her Brit bf.....and decided to want to spend all her life with him.....but unfortunately the wrath of the scorned suitor went insanely ablaze.

    Ecclesiastes 3:17 ...."God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man," for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    Yes it can be true BUT I don't agree that it does happen all the time. I mean, not all you chat on a computer wherever he or she lives is a bad person. Let us take for instance the woman in the news. She could really be in love with her Brit bf.....and decided to want to spend all her life with him.....but unfortunately the wrath of the scorned suitor went insanely ablaze.

    Ecclesiastes 3:17 ...."God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man," for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.
    yes your right les_lady not all people you talk to online that you mite meet are bad, but i certaintly would not let my 17 year old daughter meet a guy that she met by chatting to them on a computer..

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    yes your right les_lady not all people you talk to online that you mite meet are bad, but i certaintly would not let my 17 year old daughter meet a guy that she met by chatting to them on a computer..
    Would you worry about your Daughter meeting a guy when out? Lets be honest many men and women put on a different personna when out just as they might when online..

    In some ways as long as supervised (if underage) or if older sensible steps are taken to check things out and get to know the person It may even be safer.

    Lets be honest who is to say the person met in a cafe or bar (not saying your daughter goes drinking Junior) is who they claim to be? ID can be faked and plenty of people pretend to be what they aren't when out socializing

    I know there have been examples of perverts claiming to be young boys or girls when older, but now Webcams are so common place both on computers and also slowly on mobiles a sensible informed person should be able to make some basic checks and be fairly safe.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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