you cannot contest the ex about adultery because he can also find a lawyer to defend him and file a case against both of you,,,you never know if he also got a plan so its better to be safe than sorry.
You are only guessing that the husband has an idea about the new relationship..
From what we have been told this is not the case..Anything else would be pure pure conjecture on your part..
No proof= no case!
From what I have read,Adultery is only applicable to a woman having the affair and is easier to prove for the offended party..
The case against him would be Concubinage(not adultery) which is for some reason harder to establish and why I advised Dave to hire a good private detective (And I mean GOOD) and seek advice from the legal site I linked him to just for starters. This is pivotal to the whole plan.
Many guys prefer to fall in love with women with no baggage and hassle attached and although I can understand why,I for one can respect Dave`s dedication to this lady even more as you cannot always choose who you fall in love with or when..Thats simply the nature of things and probably true love.
This will be a really tough and long journey for Dave and I for one respect his decision for even contemplating it..
Fair play to him and I wish him well!!
Keep us informed Dave.