Good idea here win2win!
With regards to attending the hearings, i had my annulment in Nov 2009 and got the decision in Feb 2010 but i was given an option wether to attend or not. But ive chose not to attend the last hearing and paid a bit of extra then waited for the decision.
I think 300,000 is quite a lot. Alou might wonna ask and look for more where she could get a cheaper one. You need to find out how long its gonna be and from that 300,000 does it includes the NSO Marriage contract with annotations of null and void which is the last bit? So that Alou doesnt have to do it.
With her kids visas, yes she can apply for dependant visas but it will need the consent of their biological father specially hes supporting the kids too.
So what Alou needs, she have to ask the lawyer if it is possible to get the annulment and custody at the same time, well she has the grounds that her ex husband now lives with the other woman and that can be charged as adultery. So if you are willing to pay that 300,000 might aswell include the custody in the package deal because i honestly think that its too much for only an annulment.