With her kids visas, yes she can apply for dependant visas but it will need the consent of their biological father specially hes supporting the kids too.
And there lies a major problem. If he`s concerned about an annulment effecting the kids schooling (which he pays for) then how much more difficult to get him to let them go live 7.000 miles away?

I think Alou`s only chance is to hire a private detective to produce real evidence to secretly prove without any doubt her husbands Concubinage. (which would lead to both guilty parties being sent to prison IF a complaint was filed) Not saying it would go that far but GOOD evidence could force his hand regarding the annulment. Hope you see where Im going with this!
Dave..Please read through this Philippine law site and ask her to do the same..
A brief discussion on Infidelity, Concubinage, Adultery and Bigamy
