Hi Fred, thanks again for you support. When I first started to get to know Alou she was very open and told me about the fact she was still married and has two children. When I asked her if we would have any problems getting an annulment and her husbands permission for the kids to come to the UK, she said that there would not be any problems. Apparently they had already discussed an annulment but both of them had decided, due to the cost involved, not to get one until it was needed. She also reasoned that because he only saw his children a couple of times a year that he would not object to them moving abroad.
Maybe both me and Alou were naive in believing that it would be that easy, and now we have found out the hard way that he is not willing to give us what we want.
LIke you say Fred, you do not choose who you fall in love with and I will do whatever it takes to bring Alou and her children to the UK, I just want to make sure I am doing the right things to ensure that happens.
We have even discussed that if all else fails I will go and live with her, although we both know that this is a last, last option as I would find it very hard to find employment in the Philippines.
All I can say is thanks again all for your support and suggestions and like Fred says, wish us luck!