1st 300K is too much. 200k is a normal fee now for annulment 6-8 months. LEGAL . I talked to alot of annulment lawyers. 200K is too much already actually.
cause 100k is lawyers fee...
Psyc doc will cost . 30-50k
then the rest (filing docs , appearances etc ) are cheap.
( when u go to your psych doctor pls dont bring flashy jewelries,cars or anything else...look poor or he will ask for more)

2nd the husband SHOULDNT AGREE AT ALL TO ANY OF THIS. best he doesnt know you would file for annulment. HE having his own family now would be good for her case.
or SOG would say there was a connivance and can still reject the judges ruling.

3rd I am in the same position ( Kids in catholic school and all) The school doesnt have to know. And if they are already enrolled anyway there'll be no problem. Butstill, best is Talk to the school admin AFTER THE annulment ruling .

4th I feel for her not wanting to leave her kids and go to you... BUT her position is not impossible... specially if she has someone like you willing to pay for everything.

Good luck!