Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
Plenty of big Football teams over the years where they been far to in the red for a normal company or person to survive. Remember when Tottenham nearly went under over ten million or so back in 1990 or so. HSBC or at least the people connected said there was no chance they would have dared pull the trigger as the amount of money pulled out of accounts and negative publicity would have caused. Even Chelsea when broke before Roman had its big debts but apart from strong pressure there was no way many UK based companies would have dared pulled the trigger on Ken Bates even Leeds and pompey all saved when any typical company would be long gone.

But as you say they will be strong pressure to do things RBS way and any half decent bid will be accepted. You do wonder if one day a Football club will push a major company to far...
I guess we've moved on a few hundred £ millions certainly since 1990 or so with Totnum and possibly Roman in 2003. The other peoples money these Yanks blew on United and Liverpool was obscene and I think soon their houses of card will collapse and the Chickens will come home to roost. RBS like all bankers will want to see that their money is OK - particularly after all the dodgy loans drove them to the wall.