Reading your other posts, you mention that you plan to marry next year and you say that you have applied for the CNI from the UK now. According to the regulations, the CNI needs to be presented within 3 months of being issued
If you are a British Citizen and wish to marry in the Philippines, the local authorities require that you produce a document from this Embassy/Consulate to the effect that you are free to marry. The document produced by the Embassy/Consulate is a local Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) acceptable to the Philippine authorities.
This can be done by the following business day of your application if you can produce a CNI issued by your Registrar of Marriages in the United Kingdom. (The Registrar in the UK will require you to appear personally before him and your Notice of Marriage will have to be posted on his notice board for 22 days before he can issue a CNI). Please note that a CNI issued in Scotland should be presented to this Embassy within 3 months of it being issued.
If one party to the marriage is a Philippine citizen, or is a British Citizen who was previously a Philippine citizen, they must produce a Certificate of No Marriage Certificate (CENOMAR) issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) in Manila. The CENOMAR certifies that the Philippine citizen (or previous Philippine Citizen) has no record of marriage with the NSO. Please note that the CENOMAR issued by the NSO Manila should be presented to the Embassy/Consulate within 3 months of it being issued.