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Thread: Sad to Say:Another Brit Murdered

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Yes Doc Alan but its the suddenness of death that always takes people by surprise.
    Here was a family running a business and probably feeling quite safe than life changes in a flash. In these places vigilance is a life saver but it would be a pity if it leads to people getting trigger happy, and as Somebody said, there does seem to be a run of foreigners falling victim to violence in the last few weeks.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    its the suddenness of death that always takes people by surprise.
    , Pete ... when death strikes suddenly - and unexpectedly - in an otherwise healthy individual, the aftermath ... the sheer shock ... of what has occurred is invariably that much HARDER for close family and friends of the deceased to come to terms with, than when it happens to ... say ... someone who's been terminally ill.

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I dont know the figures but from what I pick up from Phills and the news many other non white foreigners are also quite likely to be attacked or at risk.

    Over the 5 years or so of taking notice of events in Phill there does seem to be a lot of Koreans and Chinese also robbed violently and sometimes killed but they dont come on to the radar in most Brit media sites.
    I know in the Wifes local town over the years many Korean and Chinese business people have died as the result of robbery or possible kidnappings often it seems

    It will be interesting how the Authorities deal with the present investigations I did read a couple of phills on FB writing how it appears often after elections and major changes in leadership national and local level "agreements especially at local level alter"
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I dont know the figures but from what I pick up from Phills and the news many other non white foreigners are also quite likely to be attacked or at risk.

    Over the 5 years or so of taking notice of events in Phill there does seem to be a lot of Koreans and Chinese also robbed violently and sometimes killed but they dont come on to the radar in most Brit media sites.
    I know in the Wifes local town over the years many Korean and Chinese business people have died as the result of robbery or possible kidnappings often it seems
    The Chinese are obvious targets because of their general success, they do well in the Phils just like they do here, (Chinese restaurants in the Phils are my favourite in the world but I've not been to Hong Kong yet )

    I've not seen many poor Chinese in the Phils but the Koreans are often despised, Korean males that is, for their attitude to the locals, I have two good friends who worked at the Korean Embassy in Manila at the corner of Jupiter Street in Makati (old embassy) I am going by their word to a fair degree.

    I hate to stereotype people and even worse to make racist comments but my personal experience of the Korean men in the Phils has been poor, I've had a translator on hand unbeknown to the Koreans and been told just what they were really saying when we were supposed to be having a nice conversation. Most Korean ladies that I have met have been very nice though, just as nice and helpful as Filipinos.

    I should also state that I am however very very fond of Korean food, very interesting cuisine

    Whatever the reasons murder is never justified, whether for financial gain or a feeling of injustice against some foreigners, it does not matter no one has the right to take the life of another.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Yes Doc Alan but its the suddenness of death that always takes people by surprise.
    Agreed sudden unexpected deaths are by definition a great shock, whatever the cause. Dealing with them was part of my job for 35 years. It's just that the probability of sudden deaths due to other causes such as road traffic accidents is so much higher that they don't attract the same media attention. In that respect the UK is far safer than the Philippines, but each one is a tragedy, just as a premature death from a heart attack which can also occur without warning.

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