Hi all, I need some advice on something you've probably all heard about before. The story goes a little like this...

Basically, last April my mum went to the Phillippines for a month. Then she came back and eventually told me and my brother that she got married to a man named Rebusa over there, and that he will be coming to the UK when all the legal documents have been sorted out. This was a big surprise to me and my brother. We asked about Rebusa, he is about 43, he has got experience working various jobs, working in a farm and as a tailor making clothes. But he doesn't speak English much at all, and he doesn't have any educational qualifications. I told mum that if he were to arrive here in London, it would very hard to teach him English, find a job, as well as work and keep the house at the same time! My mum said she knew this, and is willing to do it still. Me and my brother still didn't fully approve, knowing as we are hard up for money enough as it is. But we sympathise, because my mum divorced my dad 20 years a go, and has been lonely for a very long time. Also, as she gets older and older, and me and my brother become busier and busier with work, we know we won't always be around 24-7. Rebusa sounded like a kind man, and if it will benefit my mum and make her happier, who am I to stop her, right?

Come October, Rebusa arrives in London Heathrow. He seems a nice guy, very shy, quite thin. He hardly speaks at all - I put this down to him being shy and not knowing how to speak English. He is pretty much a stranger in the house, but he's so quiet, we sometimes forget he's even there! He doesn't intrude on anyone, and likes to watch TV or eat dinner with us sometimes.

It's now February 2007, and he is getting depressed. He is doing English lessons every week, but the financial status in the house isn't very good. We need more money coming in.

Does anyone know anywhere in London that could help train Rebusa with English and work at the same time? The work doesn't necessarily have to be paid work for now, he is willing to work voluntarily.

Any help would be appreciated. I am in the middle of sorting my own job now, so it has been difficult. In fact, even my mum is looking for work because apparently her current company is doing a cut! Geez. lol

Hope the story didn't bore you too much!

Help appreciated!
