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Thread: Bank Statement of the Applicant

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    Oh wow ...... what a small world, we may have even come across each other but I left in the early 1980s:
    I didn't start till 2003. Just a newbie.
    I worked on the Employers Team, Compliance and later with UKBA... whoops secrets are out

  2. #32
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    GRaham so how much exactly is what they need let's say how much are they requiring that you have in your bank account or how much are they requiring that you are saving each month? this is for the sponsor... is it true that the sponsor needs to be able to save 110pounds per week? for 6 months? I wanna know how much exactly...

    Thank you very much to all of you for commenting and giving advices....

    Thanks to Rosie as well for warnings....

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post

    Graham ....... bend over, you naughty man!
    Well, rules are there to be least that's what my MP told me (and most of the accountants in this country).

  4. #34
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    So any idea if it is really 110pounds per week?

    And about the accomodation is there really a requirements about the size of the room like 50 square feet in dimension. I don't even know what's the size of 50 square feet in dimension.

  5. #35
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    I'm afraid I'm not up to date with current financial requirements, but hopefully someone else on the board may be able to advise.

    50 squ feet is about the size of a large CR, so I don't think you'll have any problems with room size here.

    Even a single room apt. should be a little larger than that !

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The extra funds would just be useful to show that there is enough money for air tickets, etc. If for instance my parents decided to donate £5,000 to this fund (savings account) then that is none of the govt's business.
    you might not think so, but without explaining where the large deposit came from and why, you could increase your risks of refusal

  7. #37
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    If the applicant couldn't have shown sufficient funds WITHOUT a few thousand in their savings account, then I'd have thought they would be refused anyway.

    A bit extra won't do any harm.

    When I arranged visas for my stepchildren I wasn't even living in the UK. I was living and working in Hongkong. The ex and the kids were living in the Phils, and later moved to Hongkong for a few months before I returned to the UK.

    What I did have was a Hongkong bank statement showing a credit of several thousand pounds, a written offer of permanent employment in the UK, and a letter plus rental agreement for accommodation at a friend's house.

    Worked for us.

  8. #38
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.
    ... know the feeling only too well!

  9. #39
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO how long exactly is the normal processing once you already submit your application?

  10. #40
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    anything from 1 day to weeks

    but good luck, and hopefully very soon

  11. #41
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Help, I have a little dilemma, I have submitted my spouse visa last week. Until now, I have not heard from the whiteys yet. My husband is eager for me to fly to wet and cold UK.

    I am not sure what took them longer this time to process. (My previous visit visas were refused in just 1 day processing) Can anyone here tell me if me and hubby submitted the right documents?
    - certs from shares and investments
    - bank statements (but hubby doesn't put savings in the bank goes to investments so there are over withdrawals)
    - mortgage statement of the house (showing that he got only this last month to pay and then mortgage is fully paid)
    - council tax
    - let payments of properties from his letting agent
    - p60
    - payslips
    - photocopy of his company ID
    - utility bills (electric and gas)
    - Budget plan

    Do you think would this be enough from him as a sponsor. I have submitted the papers last week though. Just feeling a little impatient because it has been 1 week and only got message that it is still being processed. My husband's birthday is in 3 weeks time.
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  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    Help, I have a little dilemma, I have submitted my spouse visa last week. Until now, I have not heard from the whiteys yet. My husband is eager for me to fly to wet and cold UK.

    I am not sure what took them longer this time to process. (My previous visit visas were refused in just 1 day processing) Can anyone here tell me if me and hubby submitted the right documents?
    - certs from shares and investments
    - bank statements (but hubby doesn't put savings in the bank goes to investments so there are over withdrawals)
    - mortgage statement of the house (showing that he got only this last month to pay and then mortgage is fully paid)
    - council tax
    - let payments of properties from his letting agent
    - p60
    - payslips
    - photocopy of his company ID
    - utility bills (electric and gas)
    - Budget plan

    Do you think would this be enough from him as a sponsor. I have submitted the papers last week though. Just feeling a little impatient because it has been 1 week and only got message that it is still being processed. My husband's birthday is in 3 weeks time.

    Just keeping it simple:-

    In terms of accomodation

    Details of suitable accomodation
    Mortgage payments that appear in the bank statements.
    A letter from the mortgage provider and ideally an appropriate entry from the Land Registry

    In terms of finances

    Evidence that you can support yourselves without recourse to public funds.
    Normally, pay slips for at least the last 3 months(6 months is better)
    (P60 if no pay slips available)
    Bank statements for at least the last 3 months (6 months is better)

    Notes: disproportionate deposits and withdrawals in the bank statements need
    to be clearly explained in the sponsor's letter.
    Bank statements should not really show overdrawn accounts
    Showing evidence of savings will help

    I assume that all other docs you supplied are in line with UKBA requirements.

    It may be taking some time to process as you submitted quite a lot of financial docs

  13. #43
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I assume that all other docs you supplied are in line with UKBA requirements.

    It may be taking some time to process as you submitted quite a lot of financial docs
    Thanks a lot Terpe... so looks like it will take weeks for them. I've told hubby but won't listen to me. Thinks he is always right. (sigh)
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  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    Thanks a lot Terpe... so looks like it will take weeks for them. I've told hubby but won't listen to me. Thinks he is always right. (sigh)

    The ECO is not an accountant. They need to very easily see that finances are OK or not.
    Just hang on in there, shouldn't take too much longer.
    I guess your hubby just wants to do the best he can.
    Like all men.

  15. #45
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    I hope so... tnx a lot Terpe, you just make me feel better.
    a bit frustrated because I've applied for visit visas before april (first general visit) second september (family visit) after we got married but all were refused, eco was not convinced I will return but I think its because I applied for wrong category of visa which hubby thinks was right visa. I wonder if its got something to do with previous applications. I mentioned both with references in my spouse application. As I recall, previous applications will not affect my present one. Is that right?
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  16. #46
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    According to the rules each application is made on it's own merits.
    Unless serious like previous overstay or false statements etc

  17. #47
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    According to the rules each application is made on it's own merits.
    Unless serious like previous overstay or false statements etc
    nothing false from previous statements, all were genuine. I did not however submitted bank statements though as I don't have big chunks of savings and we were focusing so much on the sponsorship with visit visas.
    still nothing from uk embassy.
    Life as we make it

  18. #48
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I don't have big chunks of savings
    It doesnt matter how BIG your savings are because the ECO will not expect all the applicants to be rich...what is important is how u manage your accounts,a bank account which is ''consistently overdrawn'' is not a good sign and can be a risk to any visa application.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  19. #49
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus
    It doesnt matter how BIG your savings are because the ECO will not expect all the applicants to be rich...what is important is how u manage your accounts,a bank account which is ''consistently overdrawn'' is not a good sign and can be a risk to any visa application.
    does this mean? that aside from the sponsor I myself needs to have money on my savings all the time or within six months? THis is for EEA Permit, and by the way, how much exactly are they requiring for the bank account statement of sponsor? like how much every month?


  20. #50
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    If it's a spouse visa, don't think they're interested in the wife's finances.

    My wife certainly didn't have a peso.

  21. #51
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    does this mean? that aside from the sponsor I myself needs to have money on my savings all the time or within six months? THis is for EEA Permit, and by the way, how much exactly are they requiring for the bank account statement of sponsor? like how much every month?

    sponsors finances plays the major role when it comes to spouse/fiance visa as what Graham stated above
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  22. #52
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the information, but really right now my husband and I still can't make any application because of financial issue well as we don't know how things work before about bank statement and etc.... a lot of things is a mess right now because of our lack of knowledge about this... well as we all know travelling from UK to Philippines cost a lot that's why we don't have any savings well at least a good one that we can show ... this is why am so concerned about bank statement like how much do they really require? How do they base things? If it is based on earnings.... or they are requiring an amount on how much you should save???

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    Thanks for all the information, but really right now my husband and I still can't make any application because of financial issue well as we don't know how things work before about bank statement and etc.... a lot of things is a mess right now because of our lack of knowledge about this... well as we all know travelling from UK to Philippines cost a lot that's why we don't have any savings well at least a good one that we can show ... this is why am so concerned about bank statement like how much do they really require? How do they base things? If it is based on earnings.... or they are requiring an amount on how much you should save???
    This is what I've posted before:-
    There really isn't any actual amount stated in the 'immigration rules' that indicate
    just how much is considered as 'sufficient'.

    Basically, the UKBA will be looking at the amount of money left after any key fixed/regular
    expenditure (such as rent or mortgage payments etc)
    We all have different key fixed/regular outgoings.
    (eg payments of Child support would also be considered a key fixed/regular payment)

    Various Immigration Tribunal's have concluded that it would not be appropriate to have
    immigrant families existing on resources that were less than the 'Income Support
    Level' for a British family of the same size. This is probably the best guide available.

    In principle this means that if it is likely that the amount of money that the applicant and sponsor will
    have to live on would fall short of that available for a family of similar size from welfare benefits
    then the ECO may consider this as appropriate grounds for refusal.

    The 'Income Support' rates I have managed to find are:-

    Type of person...............Weekly amount (2010/2011)

    Single - age under 25.......................51.85
    Single - 25 or over.........................65.45
    Lone Parent - under 18......................51.85
    Lone Parent - 18 or over....................65.45
    Couple - both under 18......................51.85
    Couple - 1 under 18, 1 aged 18 to 24........51.85
    Couple - 1 under 18, 1 25 or over......... 65.45
    Couple - both 18 or over...................102.75
    Each dependent Child - up to 20 ............57.57

    This was the source for these amounts:-

    You will see for a couple that you should ideally have about £103 per week AFTER deduction of key unaviodable outgoings.
    This does not necessarily mean it must be saved, just that it is disposible for use
    Hope this helps

  24. #54
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus
    It doesnt matter how BIG your savings are because the ECO will not expect all the applicants to be rich...what is important is how u manage your accounts,a bank account which is ''consistently overdrawn'' is not a good sign and can be a risk to any visa application.

    your applying for a family permit ?, I think your husband is Lithuanian ?
    then savings do not matter as much, if your husband is exercising his treaty rights in the uk, then he has a virtual legal right to bring you to the UK.

    the only reason they could refuse you is if they think its a sham marriage.

    has he registered with the WRS ?
    how long has he been working in the uk ? i think i've asked you this b4

    stop worrying about savings and bank accounts most if not all of this olny applies to those married to Brits

  25. #55
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Yes he is registered to Worker Registration Scheme and he submitted an application for EEA1 I think 2 weeks ago.

    Yeah you asked me that before about how long has he been working Well it's ok , I know you've been answering so many questions here so it's normal not to remember every detail . He's been in UK since 2008 and been working since then. Though right now he is working on a different company since October of this year.

    What exactly are their basis to accuse you of "Sham Marriage"?

    I aksed this question before am not sure if you're the one who answered it. But I remember it says like If you don't have a common language that you can use to communicate with each other, Got married after first meeting, applying right after the marriage.... those are kind of suspicious and obvious, what about anything that is not obvious .... well you wouldn't know they will just decide out of the blue on their own like they'll just decide on their own opinion that you have a Sham Marriage and you're clueless why.... LOL

    I know I ask too much question, I'm just worried/scared because I kind of don't like to fail, like you're hoping and hoping and waiting then you'll find out you're disapproved....
    My husband most of the time is positive about things and the way he thinks, and me am the one who's always before you do this I wanna know more and more first, I don't want him to be more frustrated, he has already been this past 2 months because of this issue.

    I am glad that there are those people like you, who helps people like me.


  26. #56
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how many times have you met ? how long have you known each other?

    you should not need to worry about the sham marriage, as long as you provide everything asked for with your family permit app you should be granted your visa.. , its very difficult for the embassy to refuse you becuase its his legal right that as your wife you can join him.

    so relax take it easy

  27. #57
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    Well as for being in a relationship it's more than a year, we met last April stayed here till the first week of May... then the second one is August then stayed till the first week of Sept... and now he's back to England :(

    OKay, I guess I will have to check and read everything thoroughly, he was actually just asking for some advice to some solicitor though we are not convinced about what he said. You see he's the one who adviced to apply for spousal visa when before we are really preparing for EEA and now we both wrote to ukba and some online initial help and here everyone says EEA. so now we are back to EEA but we still need to check on everything....

    Thanks so much for your help!!!! Really Good one....

  28. #58
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you shouldn't have any problems getting your visa

    so stop worrying

  29. #59
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    Thanks a bunch .... it's really good here that you guys are helping, without your help I dunno maybe I still don't know about what we really need... and would still be in circus "no how"

  30. #60
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    According to my lawyer, you need at least £1,000 in your bank account with a weekly income of at least £200.

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