I think some people lose their mind when they enter the world of online dating. This definately isn't limited to Filipina's, you also have Thai, Chinese, Russians etc doing the same. Then we have the Male and Female golddigging scammers from the Western Countries, who can be very evil.
It may be that someone who has been lonely or unhappy, clings on to the good and positive messages that are being sent to them, they will themselves to believe in that person, despite the obvious signs of being taken for a ride. Then even after meeting that person, they convince themselves that it's cultural differences that are the barrier, and they everything will be ok eventually.
But why commit yourself to someone, that your not really ready to be with, only once your comfortable with each other and know each other should you make that commitment. That also includes the financial commitments, because even through your speaking to someone from a poverty stricken country, if the are have a truly good Filipino Heart, they will have far more pride then to ask you for support at this stage. In fact, many of the upstanding girls from the hard backgrounds, will even deny themselves support from you once they are in the UK, and want to work.

The good girls in the Philippines are there, and plentiful. I have met many couples from this forum and another Cebu based forum, and have seen some real success stories. I met some intelligent, beautiful and interesting Filipina's, who's relationship works because both sides have made it work.
The unlucky situations with scamming exist, and sometimes you get a little bite from one, but learn from it and move on. If you really want to find a wonderful Filipina, and are struggling and nervous via the internet dating, then maybe it's time to head out to the Philippines.
Once you've been to the Philippines, you'll understand a lot more the culture, and you'll be able to relate a lot more to the women knowing the reality.