I worked offshore for many years also subseastu (worked as electronics tech.)
I am a diver also, but only for sport...too many scary stories about doing it as a job for me.
I was in Dokki (in Cairo), Ras Shukier, Ras Gharib back in 1977 and then also in the 80's.
This type of thing happened a lot to me also, I suppose it comes with the territory

You never knew when you were going home until it happened back then.
I was on oil rigs and pipelay barges there also, and had good and bad days.....as we all do.
Try to keep positive, the job situation in the UK is not the best at the moment.
I actually found Egyptians to be fairly competant and was often shocked at how badly the Saudis treated them.
We only had SSB radio for comms in those days, it's a bit different these days LOL
Chin up mate