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Thread: Spouse Visa Application

  1. #1
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    Spouse Visa Application

    Hi Folks, i'm new here but would really appreciate any advice.I'm a Brit and I am going to the Philippines on Sunday to visit my Filipina wife who i married in Pangasinan in June, and for us to submit our settlement visa application on Wednesday next week, i'm just wondering how long we can expect to wait for a decision and although i think the application is ready any advice would be great, especially on the amount of savings you are supposed to have, i earn around £500 per week but only have £2000 saved, will this be ok?, thanks, Warren and Donna Dempster.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    £2000 - £3000 is a figure often quoted on here, as a reasonable amount in savings, it should be okay.
    As for the wait, it can be any time up to 3 months roughly...Some were getting their visas after a few days recently, but possibly they are taking longer again...Best to expect a longer wait.

    Welcome to the forum & good luck!

  3. #3
    Respected Member tomboo's Avatar
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    hiii, where in pangasinan were u married? and can i ask how long it took to get your marriage registered and the certificate? im getting married there in 3 weeks

  4. #4
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    Question Spouse visa application

    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    £2000 - £3000 is a figure often quoted on here, as a reasonable amount in savings, it should be okay.
    As for the wait, it can be any time up to 3 months roughly...Some were getting their visas after a few days recently, but possibly they are taking longer again...Best to expect a longer wait.

    Welcome to the forum & good luck!

    Hi , this is jeane from Philippines.Me and my British fiancee will get married next month, since it is just our first meeting,but we already planned our wedding 3 months ago.we are about 10 months already getting to know each other very well through online.WE both know that we are destined for each other we have no doubt for each other's love thats why we decided to tie each others knot...Can i ask? After our marriage,how long we will wait inorder for us to apply for spouse visa ?The problem is my husband have no full time job at the moment and he had savings from his part time job but that savings will use for our wedding expenses this coming month..When he gets back tp UK after our marriage, he plan to move into another city,and apply for full time job. just would like to ask if are we going to wait until he have more savings again enable for us to apply for spouse visa? if it happen that he can find job right away when he come back to UK , can we start my spouse visa application or are we going to wait 6 months after he started his new work?what are the best things to do?hope u can give us advice..thank u ..Godbless

  5. #5
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    hi , i also want to ask the same question".how long it took to get your marriage registered and the certificate?" .. im also getting married in 2 weeks.

  6. #6
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    Hi , this is jeane from Philippines.Me and my British fiancee will get married next month, since it is just our first meeting,but we already planned our wedding 3 months ago.we are about 10 months already getting to know each other very well through online.WE both know that we are destined for each other we have no doubt for each other's love thats why we decided to tie each others knot...Can i ask? After our marriage,how long we will wait inorder for us to apply for spouse visa ?The problem is my husband have no full time job at the moment and he had savings from his part time job but that savings will use for our wedding expenses this coming month..When he gets back tp UK after our marriage, he plan to move into another city,and apply for full time job. just would like to ask if are we going to wait until he have more savings again enable for us to apply for spouse visa? if it happen that he can find job right away when he come back to UK , can we start my spouse visa application or are we going to wait 6 months after he started his new work?what are the best things to do?hope u can give us advice..thank u ..Godbless
    Just a suggestion (I know this is not solicited) but go for inexpensive wedding. You would not want a big wedding and jeopardize about not being together with your husband. Instead of spending lots on big wedding. It will take 6 months to get your marriage certificate in SECPA. It will take 10-15 days to get the marriage license. Your fiance needs to get the local CNI. You have to attend a DSWD seminar and need to get CENOMAR for your future hubby too.
    If you really want to be together with hubby, go for simple wedding. You and your hubby and 2 witnesses will make your marriage legal and save the money for spouse visa which is another costly process of being together. Feel and think for your husband, it is your every day marriage you want to live on and not the one day big marriage to impress the relations.
    Life as we make it

  7. #7
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    hi , i also want to ask the same question".how long it took to get your marriage registered and the certificate?" .. im also getting married in 2 weeks.
    If you are friends with the civil registrar or having a civil wedding, you can get it right away. Then it will take months before it appears on the Civil Records for NSO to have a SECPA marriage cert.
    But if you can have it registered right away after the wedding, then you can request for Electronic Endorsement at your local civil registrar's office for you to have a SECPA marriage cert and wait 4 weeks (more or less)
    Life as we make it

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