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Thread: About British Embassy Interview

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  1. #1
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    Question About British Embassy Interview

    Hi everyone..I am a Filipina..Me and my British Fiancee are planning to get Marry on November 18, 2010.We already knew each other for about 8 months now and consistently talking in skype,calling in phones,sending emails and postmails. We will be 10 months already before our wedding day. We decided to get marry on november 18 even though we didn't see each other in real yet.It will be our first time to meet in real on november 1, 2010. We love each other and we decide to get marry because we believe that its Gods given & will..
    I am going to apply for spouse visa after our marriage, I would like to ask if will the British Embassy go against with us if we get marry as soon as possible knowing its our first time to meet in real?. Is it the right thing to do to get marry after 2 weeks of seeing and getting to know each other in real?
    I hope you could give me advice regarding with this matter..
    Thank you and Godbless

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Personally, I don't think it's a good idea, to get married on your first meeting.
    Remember you are going to live together, for the rest of your lives. It's not something that should be rushed into.

    You need to get to know each other in person, enjoy that, build up some evidence, you have a genuine relationship, then the Embassy will look on you more favourably.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Personally, I don't think it's a good idea, to get married on your first meeting.
    Remember you are going to live together, for the rest of your lives. It's not something that should be rushed into.

    You need to get to know each other in person, enjoy that, build up some evidence, you have a genuine relationship, then the Embassy will look on you more favourably.
    Sim has given some very sound advice which surely should not be ignored. The trouble with internet long distance relationships is that you only “ see” what you want and cannot possibly get to know the whole person properly in this way. For example, body language accounts for at least 55% of communication and you can’t see that whilst speaking on the phone. I don't for one minute doubt that you feel you love each other but in reality, blinkered love is often a a receipe for disaster and I don’t like to say it but marry in haste, repent at leisure ............ I do hope that you will both be sensible as surely your relationship is worth building upon first rather than hastily saving travelling costs.

    Good luck to you both.
    Rosie x

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    I do hope that you will both be sensible as surely your relationship is worth building upon first rather than hastily saving travelling costs.
    This should definately be in the 'Rule Book' of Fil/Brit relationships

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    immigration law states you must have met, but the more times you meet the better your chances of getting that spouse visa.
    and you should listen to sims post

  6. #6
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    thank u for the response.We believe that marriage is sacred and lifetime commitment and we are both ready to face it..We often talk online through skype everyday for longer hours of time..We had already prepare for our wedding plans including the dress, reception,papers for church and civil registrar.
    On the otherhand, one of the reason why we will get marry after of 2 weeks time of seeing in real its because of the expenses incurs if he will be going back and forth in Philippines several times knowing that we are already sure of getting married for life..My fiancee is not a rich man.
    Is there any chance for the embassy to approve my visa if we will go for marriage after 2 weeks of seeing each other in real with this reason?

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    most of us on here are not rich
    of course there is a chance you could be granted a visa after only meeting once, especially if you have lots of good evidence that your 'relationship is genuine' but your chances of getting the visa would probably increase if you met more than once.

  8. #8
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    my husband and I met twice..... our problem about VISA right now is we didn't know about the bank statement rules etc that there's a need for a certain amount etc.... he doesn't have a healthy bank statement for the past 6 months if the embassy would really require that you have 110 pounds saved money every week... because we spent both our money during his stay here enjoyed going places.... well I guess there's no problem if you are really sure that.. he's the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with... though my husband and I did not decide any wedding during our first meeting well we planned it when he got back to England after a month and then decided to come back here and then get married everything was good on our first meeting.. well I would say sometimes you really don't need a hundred years to know the person or for you to truly feel if you want to spend the rest of your life with that person....
    right now he's back in England and everyday feels like a torture without him

    although they are right that the more you meet the more chances I guess ... well on my side we really wanna get married that's why we did...

  9. #9
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    Hello its ok to get married if u really think ur both ready,but with the rules for spouse visa u have to prove to the home office that u have been married or living together for 2 years.If ur in different country,u should give proofs of your communication its very important all the chat messages all the phone cards he used pictures are very important too,i mean photos of u together,u can try and apply as soon as u got married but i doubt if ur application will be approve as home office might think its a sham marriage..good luck on everything..

  10. #10
    Member katerry's Avatar
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    go go go!!!! know him first though before tying a knot.....

  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    this love thing is very hard to explain and i think its harder to say i love you from a man then a women on just seeing each other on the webcam or phone, thats my experiance anyway,saying i love you is to easy , meaning i love you is harder that comes in time and true love well i hope we all experiance that in our life time, i am not putting anyone down in how they feel, its just that most men get lust and love mixed up when seeing such a beautiful lady saying they love you, and same goes for the ladies yes its nice to hear you saying i love you, but again it takes time to really love that person , just stay together talk and be happy and before you know love has been there a long long time and you both dont realize it, silly it sounds like i am going round the houses but love being such a small word but can mean so much to someone when its ment and always look in there eyes when saying

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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    this love thing is very hard to explain and i think its harder to say i love you from a man then a women on just seeing each other on the webcam or phone, thats my experiance anyway,saying i love you is to easy , meaning i love you is harder that comes in time and true love well i hope we all experiance that in our life time, i am not putting anyone down in how they feel, its just that most men get lust and love mixed up when seeing such a beautiful lady saying they love you, and same goes for the ladies yes its nice to hear you saying i love you, but again it takes time to really love that person , just stay together talk and be happy and before you know love has been there a long long time and you both dont realize it, silly it sounds like i am going round the houses but love being such a small word but can mean so much to someone when its ment and always look in there eyes when saying

  13. #13
    Respected Member tomboo's Avatar
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    is it possible to be truely in love without spending quality time with someone, knowing their good and bad points? i cant seem to get my head around people saying i love you to someone having not spend time in real with them, Its amazing how different people look in real life after seeing them on cam and chatting, you dont see habits, what they do when the cam is off etc. however, everyone is different, so whatever you choose, i hope it works well

  14. #14
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomboo View Post
    is it possible to be truely in love without spending quality time with someone, knowing their good and bad points? i cant seem to get my head around people saying i love you to someone having not spend time in real with them, Its amazing how different people look in real life after seeing them on cam and chatting, you dont see habits, what they do when the cam is off etc. however, everyone is different, so whatever you choose, i hope it works well
    Have to agree with everything that has been said by Steve Wool and Tomboo.

    Years ago I met a guy on the internet and we chatted every day for about 5 months on the telephone as well as online with a webcam. He decided that he would fly from Canada to the UK to sweep me off my feet. We agreed to meet in London and as soon as I clamped eyes on him I wanted to run away!!

    I felt that I had to be polite since he had travelled so far and had to spend 3 very long days with this guy which was absolute torture as he had the most severe case of halitosis (bad breath)! His bank balance may have made him a rich man but he was very poor and lacking in so many personal qualities. He also had a huge superiority complex and was extremely rude to everyone he met. The final straw was when he also picked his nose at the dinner table on our first date ............. yuck, yuck, yuck!

  15. #15
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    what a remarkable experienced rosie.. thanks for sharing this

  16. #16
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    you see ladies being rich is great but like me , i make a lady laugh with me and i make her feel so important , but alas i am taken

  17. #17
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Rosie that was and
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  18. #18
    Member sexiimulditah's Avatar
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    rosie that was disgusting lol....soooo unforgetable experience heeheh
    I just do what I want.It's not about what people are saying...It's about Me

  19. #19
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    To be honest I know of 2 Australian men who been talking online and on cam,went to the Phills got married within 10days of arriving there and made heaps of promises to the girls family of support,sure they got spouse visa to come to Australia,now after 2 years getting their perm visa,their relationships are of the girls I got to know, as soon as she got here she started seeing Filipina men ,even after I told her husband after she been here 1 year,he was angry .after she got her perm visa told me the main thing she came here she got her visa so dont have to return to the Phills.
    My filipina wife and my self we spent 3 months together in the Phills,then she came twice to my country on 3 month visitors visa the second time we got married,the point I am trying to make get to know your wife in person visit at least a couple of times,don`t rush into marriage ,even if she gets to your country,it might end up costing you heaps more money in the long run,
    Also I know from personal experience,my ex wife was Filipino,thankfully her visa was not granted,on that occasion I spent 1 month there ,then went over and got married,my story is in relationships,that was a scam.

  20. #20
    Member sexiimulditah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baby38 View Post
    To be honest I know of 2 Australian men who been talking online and on cam,went to the Phills got married within 10days of arriving there and made heaps of promises to the girls family of support,sure they got spouse visa to come to Australia,now after 2 years getting their perm visa,their relationships are of the girls I got to know, as soon as she got here she started seeing Filipina men ,even after I told her husband after she been here 1 year,he was angry .after she got her perm visa told me the main thing she came here she got her visa so dont have to return to the Phills.
    My filipina wife and my self we spent 3 months together in the Phills,then she came twice to my country on 3 month visitors visa the second time we got married,the point I am trying to make get to know your wife in person visit at least a couple of times,don`t rush into marriage ,even if she gets to your country,it might end up costing you heaps more money in the long run,
    Also I know from personal experience,my ex wife was Filipino,thankfully her visa was not granted,on that occasion I spent 1 month there ,then went over and got married,my story is in relationships,that was a scam.
    i agree...knowing your partner or partners to be is a must and also because marriage is not just a thing that u can just back out or dump whenever u want..what im saying is try to know ur partner a little more deeper,there's plenty of time for all of need to rush..but still its u who will decide anyways..i will just wish u goodluck and hope ull do the right what makes u happy but in a wiser way heheeh.
    I just do what I want.It's not about what people are saying...It's about Me

  21. #21
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    You DONT have to be married or even known each other for 2YEARS before you can get a spousal visa/settlement visa... I met my wife in august, married in december and in october this year got a settlement do need to prove you can keep her and support her and take care of her... But there is no figure mentioned of how much you need in the bank or how much in savings or how much is in your wifes account in phily either, so just make sure you can prove you can look after her before applying.. the fee is 47000 pesos so its not cheap and you dont get it back if you fail to get the visa........

  22. #22
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Jeane, it's almost November. I hope you decided to at least give yourself a better shot at that visa by agreeing to get married on a second visit instead of the first. I'm sure it will be worth the wait and extra expense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    ... he had the most severe case of halitosis (bad breath)! His bank balance may have made him a rich man but he was very poor and lacking in so many personal qualities. He also had a huge superiority complex and was extremely rude to everyone he met. The final straw was when he also picked his nose at the dinner table on our first date ............. yuck, yuck, yuck!
    Oh. My. G-- What a pig!!! I'm glad you had enough sense to send him packing, Rosie!

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you see ladies being rich is great but like me , i make a lady laugh with me and i make her feel so important , but alas i am taken
    Definitely right, Steve. If a woman gets swept off her feet because of the gifts you bring, you'd be better off sweeping someone else off their feet. It's very important to be able to laugh with each other and to know that they "get" you.

    Quote Originally Posted by terenchion View Post
    ... the fee is 47000 pesos so its not cheap and you dont get it back if you fail to get the visa........
    OUCH! That's damn expensive! LOL. I think I'll stay here in the US until my bf figures out he's had enough of the distance. I know he's starting to see things my way and he's no longer rushing me into being with him. Maybe by the time we get married, we'll both have enough money to prove we aren't just scamming each other.

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