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Thread: Slimming coffee

  1. #1
    Member macky's Avatar
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    Slimming coffee

    It's now a fad in Philippines about this slimming coffee..So I have tried it, since I've tried all the diets and never worked. Philippine price is 200Php....UK price £8 plus shipping.
    But it works for me..lost 10lbs now and still going yipee!!!
    Just felt like sharing..

  2. #2
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    yes it does work and I hope there will be no bad side effects on you. As this will keep you perspire lots and makes your heartbeat go fast..
    fad diets doesn't work along with other slimming products because as soon as you stop taking these, your weight will double what you've lost.
    take it easy.. eat healthy natural foods (avoid anything processed) lessen the sugars or anything that contains sugars.. walk more and do more physical.. like walking, running, yoga, swimming and weight resistance as it is good for women to retain bone mass. Or get into a hobby like cycling, dancing, diving.

    Hope your will meet your goal and keep it all the time.

    Good luck.
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  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    my sis sells that...but i'm the only one from all her buyers that isn't losing weight!!! but it does sis lost a lot lof weight..

  4. #4
    Member macky's Avatar
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    I didnt believe it at 1st...but it does work for me...raynaputi it took me 2 weeks to loose some pounds as ur body still adjust on it..Tnx Purple..lucky you ur still fit lol.. I just need 10lbs to go..

  5. #5
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Hi Macky,

    Because I've tried those fad diets when I was at your age.. wow that was long years ago.. and for few weeks it made me lose weights. Like more than 10 pounds but gained it back as soon as I stopped.

    So I did some reading and research.. and found out that the culprit of all these weight gain is sugar and processed food.. since then I stopped eating that contains high sugars, refrain from drinking that contains sugars. I stick to natural or organic foods.

    You can do it sis.
    Life as we make it

  6. #6
    Member macky's Avatar
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    I agree Purple the problem with our society now about losing weight is we want the results quickly. And as a busy family all we buys is ready made food and take always..That results to gaining weight..
    Haven't tried organic food...
    tnx for your advice

  7. #7
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macky View Post
    I agree Purple the problem with our society now about losing weight is we want the results quickly. And as a busy family all we buys is ready made food and take always..That results to gaining weight..
    Haven't tried organic food...
    tnx for your advice
    that is so true.. fast pace life. but going organic or natural will give you long term results.. give it 2-3 months and you will enjoy years of results. very good for your body as well because you're not intoxicating your body with processed foods which I suspect is the cause of these terminal and new found diseases which did not exist many years back.
    In theory, I think that our body is not metabolizing these and instead are deposited in our body, evolve into forms of diseases.

    I hope Doc Alan will look into this. As I'm sure he will have his say.
    Life as we make it

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    actually i'm not that fat..haha..though i used to be very only prob is the tummy..i know it's because of not having any exercise at all..even not much walking since the moment i get ouf of the house or office, cab is just a hail away..and being on a night shift work and in front of the pc isn't helping either..i need to be disciplined i know..haha..

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macky View Post
    It's now a fad in Philippines about this slimming coffee..So I have tried it, since I've tried all the diets and never worked. Philippine price is 200Php....UK price £8 plus shipping.
    But it works for me..lost 10lbs now and still going yipee!!!
    Just felt like sharing..
    That slimming coffee do wonders,a friend of mine in the philippines lost a lot of weight because of that coffee and combine it with exercise,..
    As for me I dont do diets,I just eat and drink what I want whilst am still young , I just make sure I sweat in a day and I'm into aikido training ..and one bad habit I smoke when I feel so full(not recommended)hahaha!!...we cant blame ourselves, it really is an effort to sweat here in the UK and some alternatives like this coffee might help...each of their own they say,and do whatever pleases and makes u happy macky!!!

    Oh by the way sis macky,I like your ninja picture here,are u doing ninjutsu??if yes,that's pretty cool!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
    Member macky's Avatar
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    thanks Sars....Filipinos probably are very concious of their appearance...GLUTHATIONE is one of the fads in Phils as well. I haven't been in Phils for quite a while now and all these products are just suggested by friends who's been back home. It's just ironic that white people want's to be dark skin and most Filipinos want to be white..LOL

  11. #11
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    but be careful macky..those slimming coffees have fake ones that are sold by untrusted sellers..oh and there are now slimming juices for those non-coffee drinkers..haha..

  12. #12
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    Sounds like Snake Oil

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post

    I hope Doc Alan will look into this. As I'm sure he will have his say.
    I'm happy that slimming coffee and other fad diets work for some people - but not as happy as those making and selling them
    There's a worldwide epidemic of obesity. It results from energy intake exceeding expenditure. Energy balance is affected by metabolic rate, appetite, diet, and physical activity. In most cases it's the result of too much food and too little exercise. It is a risk factor for diseases of the heart, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, osteoarthritis and some cancers. These are "new" in the Philippines in the sense that they have become more common over recent years in part because of obesity.
    The main treatment of the obese individual is a suitable diet and increased physical activity. Attendance at groups such as "Weight watchers" may help. Anti-obesity drugs and / or surgery are not the first line of treatment. Fad diets are just that - if I were obese I would want to see the clinical evidence they work before spending money on them .

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Coffee is flavoured water .... it doesn't do ANYTHING for weight loss, it is all psychological.

    Not one scientific report proving it works, in fact not even one scientific report .... cos they know it'll be a waste of money .... do you with companies spending $Billions on research and looking at atomic levels of proteins to try and find an easy slimming technique they'd have at least first spent a few quid to look at coffe?

    People's weight goes up and down, mine can fluctuate a stone a year. Do these people have a baseline who say they lost weight? That would be their weight recorded daily over a few months, not the staring weight.

    Like the Docs favourite 'magic' water, it's all in the mind
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post

    Like the Docs favourite 'magic' water, it's all in the mind
    It's called "placebo" effect from the Latin "I please". Years ago my Dad (a GP) "prescribed" Vitamin C for an aunt who had difficulty sleeping - it worked wonders because she thought they were sleeping tablets
    As for "magic water", for those new members who didn't read my previous thread, that's homeopathic "treatments" for which there is NO good evidence they work
    I don't wish to sound pompous - but these days ALL treatments for any condition MUST be evidence - based. That means proven after clinical trials, not anecdotes that they ""work"

  16. #16
    Member macky's Avatar
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    Thanks for all ur I've said tried loads of diets,exercise and been in all the activities in the gym..I may say Im not obese but I just want to stay fit. So this SLIMMING COFFEE is a boost for me.."I've never seen my weight gone down for 10 years just now" since Ive taken this cofeee..Which just amuses me...It might work for few people and Im one of them..

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You've never checked your weight so frequently so you have no idea if it's gone up or down over the last 10 years.

    So if people keep drinking the coffee, do they eventually vanish???
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
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    Please read my posts carefully. What I say is based on facts and experience. It's written in a way that can be understood without "dumbing down".
    Whether any member chooses to act on what I say, or persist in beliefs which defy logic and lack evidence, is up to them.

  19. #19
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    A word of warning....

    Slimming coffee has been found to contain Sibutramine.

    Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant used to treat obesity and should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner.
    Sibutramine may cause serious side effects.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    A word of warning....

    Slimming coffee has been found to contain Sibutramine.

    Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant used to treat obesity and should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner.
    Sibutramine may cause serious side effects.
    Just goes to show the risks mug buyers are exposing themselves to

  21. #21
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    Marketing authorisation for sibutramine has been suspended following a review by the European Medicines Agency. The benefits do not outweigh the cardiovascular risks. Prescriptions should not be issued for it and pharmacists will not dispense them.
    It takes some time for new drugs to become available and licensed because serious side effects may not appear immediately. If they appear after licensing they can still be withdrawn. Fads and unlicensed drugs rely on marketing and anecdotes, not proper trials. Buy the mug, not the coffee

  22. #22
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    A word of warning....

    Slimming coffee has been found to contain Sibutramine.

    Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant used to treat obesity and should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner.
    Sibutramine may cause serious side effects.

    Massive trade in "Diet pills" in da Phills the missus had pills she took as did many of her mates (they were all trainee nurses as well!!) Which supressed the need to eat. I had to advise her not to bring over but she found some in her make up bag thankfully we were not searched on the way in As who knows...

    If i recall I think she and her friends were mildly addicted to when they gave up.. So who knows what were in them

    I think some may contain even more potent "chemicals and Drugs" I'd be very careful importing into the UK may attract the attention of Customs and Excise..

    Also be careful of transit countries I know in Dubai Codeine is ilegal I think it is even if prescribed to you in another country.. I would not be surprised if other medicines are also in the same bracket..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  23. #23
    Respected Member shrek48's Avatar
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    being a fat person i can say it is an illness like any other!! we treat alcoholics , force feed / treat anorexic's / help druggies! what do we do for us fatties ? tell to exercise and diet! bloody cheers, i have played rugby until 30 and run and gym work and always been a lump, now in later life i am just fat, yet i walked 5 hours over the mountains this weekend and walk max half hour + every day? even tho i just had major surgery on one achillies and heel and need the other one done.oh and ride my bike a lot. i try to eat sensibly and good food, i cook so not crap pre packed stuff! and still fat !!!! so please not all fat people can be cured by eating right and exercise. my mate is 7 stone wet and hates it and has eaten like a pig the 20 years ive known him?? he cant put it on, so it must be more than food and exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    as for the coffee if its a placebo who cares anything that helps YOU cant be fake can it?????.

  24. #24
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    I'm certainly not being drawn into a discussion of individual cases on a public forum. This is for several reasons, the main one being that I cannot possibly know all their personal circumstances.
    In September, I responded to what was said to be a serious question on gastric banding, which was not acknowledged.
    Obesity is a risk factor for several chronic diseases, and the health - related quality of life is worse than that of normal weight adults.
    Energy balance is controlled by many factors which include metabolic rate, appetite, diet and physical activity, as I have said before. Uncommon causes include "neuroendocrine disorders" which are beyond the scope of this filipino-uk forum.
    As for placebos, how people choose to spend their money is entirely up to them, but I would hope they understand what they are.

  25. #25
    Respected Member shrek48's Avatar
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    doc , did i ask about gastric bands as i am trying to get one and if i did not reply it was cos i lost the thread! i am waiting to see a specialist as we speak prob be feb or march as they are very busy.
    certainly not an argument my friend just merely pointing out that not all fat people dont try and there must be other reasons such as genetics etc.we no that people have different bone sizes i was once told all skeletons are the same size.
    and as for placebo's what i was trying to say was if it works for you is it a placebo|?

  26. #26
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    I believe that these slimming coffees are mostly made of alternative medicines which no further studies have done.

    If only Galen's theories about medicines were thoroughly studied... which I think is quite similar to that of Ancient Chinese medicines and therapies in curing diseases. We can avoid these undisclosed toxicity in modern unprohibited/prohibited drugs.
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  27. #27
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    Use the search function for "Gastric band" and you will see the thread you started in September, with my response.
    Of course "fat people try" and it's especially difficult to diet and exercise at this time of year. There are indeed other factors which may aggravate obesity. Without suggesting these apply to any forum member, they include depression, other psychosocial problems, some drugs, and some medical conditions. It's actually considered safer to give up smoking and gain some weight, than to continue smoking. However, only a minority require anti-obesity drugs or surgery ( both have side effects).
    As for placebos, my aunt slept well taking vitamin C which she thought was sleeping tablets - they were cheap and did no harm! But I would not recommend buying ANYTHING which is not proved to work and be safe !
    It's also not my intention to fall out with any member - obesity is a very common problem in the UK, Philippines and elsewhere. It deserves sympathy, support, and encouragement. Few people are happy being overweight, never mind the health problems it causes. I wish you all the best Shrek

  28. #28
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    what about slimming tea lol....well i drink biguelai tea once in a while...makes clear my stomach everyday

  29. #29
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    Slimming tea Don't read this post if you haven't yet eaten !
    Biguerlai tea comes from the Philippines. It contains senna (a tropical plant) which is a "stimulant laxative" for treating constipation in which there is no underlying cause. It increases bowel motility and often causes cramps and diarrhoea. It may cause low blood potassium, dehydration, and react with other drugs.
    Comments from the internet about Biguerlai tea : "It will surely make you lose a couple of weights fast" / " is to remove excess garbage in your stomach" / " when you do take this tea ... you will need to be at home for two days..."
    This tea is a laxative, not a slimming aid. The only placebo effect might be to look at the senna plant itself which is quite attractive

  30. #30
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    Overall conclution, the suff works, yehey! What happens when you stop taking it? I guess you get fat again. Good for when you want to look your best for a limited time. Other than that, just use your own common sense, dont eat rubbish, get and stay active.

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