Us whitey's don't normally experience a great deal of racism in our homeland, or if it goes on it is behind our backs and we are blissfully unaware of it. I never really experienced much on my first 2 visits to the Phil's, other than the usual White Man Tax on shopping and doubled/trebled taxi fares. However, on my last visit, I seemed to experience a lot more resentment towards me and overheard comments about The Foreigner with a Filipina. Since I've got back and have been chatting to a lot more Filipino's, more has crawled out of the woodwork.
I'm not particularly bothered by it, and I guess it is to be expected as they probably think we are all rich and are taking their future wives from them .
My question is really aimed at our Filipina members, but all are free to answer give their own experiences or thoughts.

What is the general attitude of Filipino's to 'Foreigners'? Do they really dislike us, but tolerate us on the basis that we might come in useful to prop up the family finances? What do they really think about Whitey's dating or marrying Filipina's?