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Thread: immigration tightening up

  1. #1
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    immigration tightening up

    It was with great sadness that my good friend Manny Sacalan and his wife Angel were picked up in Hounslow last Sunday by immigration and will fly home to R.p on Friday.Most of the people on the forum are legal but im sure you sympathise with the plight of your T.N.t brothers and sisters.Some of you will have been in their position before.Through work and other matters 90% of my filipino colleagues are illegal.(including my partner).We were hearing stories a few weeks ago about random checks on the underground of non white people and outside the stations.It now appears if reports are correct that around 20 filipinos have been captured.For those who have friends and relatives without papers be vigilant,avoid the underground and be careful attending filipino nightclubs and for sure the Hounslow barrio fiesta.Good luck to all the hard working filipino people who nearly without exception go about their business in a peaceful manner and cause trouble to nobody while scum from other countries(english as well)are making living in london a bad experience especially in certain areas.Strange world we live in

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    All illegal immigrants can not pick & choose which British laws they wish to abide by. If you go to any country you abide by ALL there laws.

    You have now admitted on a public forum that follows immigartion laws to the letter that your partner is an illegal. Whoops

    100% of all Filipino's I know are LEGAL. If they weren't, I'd make sure they done everything to abide by the laws of this country.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    there are double standards thou, you can read in the newspapers everyday of some immigrants committing crimes, not being deported, for a number of reasons, a main one is that if they were deported back to thier own country they would be tortured etc. then the government allows unrestrict access to new european union countires, poland, romanina and bulgaria, the former 2 having major problems with human trafficking, smuggling, money laundering, and other unlawful activities. a simple Id form can get you into the UK, with what police checks?

    lol, it makes me good job the 250,000+ polish who have come here in the last year didnt have to pay and wait months for a visa. imagine the delays of 'processing' 250,000 apps

    last year 400,000 foreign workers came to the UK, the largest ever number... no visa's just need to apply for a work permit !

    and your wife or husband has to apply for visa's and wait and wait. more money and more visa's,,

    its all

  4. #4
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    It all comes down to the lottery of where your born.

    I too agree we have a big problem with eastern europeans, London is swamped, every where I go everyone seems to be speaking russian

    My mates who work on sites or in trades agree also.

    All they have to do is apply for a work permit and they are in, no questions asked and yet when a British citizin wants to bring a loved one to be with them they treat you with pure contempt and make you bend over backwards for the privledge whilst bleeding you dry in the process

    But at least when you do things the right way you know that your girl (or boy) aint genna always be looking over their shoulder or waiting for a knock on the door

    I sympathise entirely but if I had to do it all again I would still do it the right way rather than her overstaying coz now I know that she is here for good and can live life to the full
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its time the Philippines joined the European Union
    if Turkey, described as Euroasian can , then why the hell can't the philippines !
    end all this visa and let decent people in

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If Israel play in the European Cup.....I'd have thought with IRAN being closer, they'd be in it
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Where have these checks on non whites been happening? I travel on the tube all the time, all over london and not seen this happening. I think the media would be full of the stories if so. I doubt the police would have enough manpower to ensure they didn't have a riot on their hands in hounslow for example if they carried out these type of tatics.

    I think now due to the British transport police now carrying pdas which allow them to check the address and details of a person they stop straight away that people are being picked up for various warrents etc.

    Please make yourself clear on what exactly you hear is happening as my wife worries when she hears these type of rumours flying about (even though she has no reason to worry).

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Look on the bright side of life!!..
    At least your mate manny wont have to worry about road pricing and council tax any more and he got a free flight home back to the land of smiles!!
    This country has gone to the dogs..I think I`ll deport myself !!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    All illegal immigrants can not pick & choose which British laws they wish to abide by. If you go to any country you abide by ALL there laws.

    You have now admitted on a public forum that follows immigartion laws to the letter that your partner is an illegal. Whoops

    100% of all Filipino's I know are LEGAL. If they weren't, I'd make sure they done everything to abide by the laws of this country.

    I didnt say illegal immigrants should not abide by the laws of the country they are in.but then shouldnt all peopleI am not ashamed that my partner is illegal.Am i going to be arrested in the next few days for harbouring an immigrant?if you had your way probably yes.We are going to get married next month so the "whoops " is irrelevant.sometimes you have to put yourself in other peoples shoes.If i came here on a tourist visa and was lucky enough to get some work and better the life of my family i think i would overstay.Its economics.Its much harder for the guys.The women often get the chance to stay or get here through marriage.
    its your last statement that worries me.Im very happy that 100% of all filipinos you know are legal.That does not hide the fact that many in the u.k are not.You say you would make sure they did everything to abide by the laws of the country.They are already breaking the law by being illegal! a crime is a crime whoever commits it.The laws are in place for everyone.Im not saying that crimes are not commited by illegal people but lets be honest you dont hear about too much trouble from filipnos.Would you report somebody illegal?You have every right.Im just interested if you would.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Where have these checks on non whites been happening? I travel on the tube all the time, all over london and not seen this happening. I think the media would be full of the stories if so. I doubt the police would have enough manpower to ensure they didn't have a riot on their hands in hounslow for example if they carried out these type of tatics.

    I think now due to the British transport police now carrying pdas which allow them to check the address and details of a person they stop straight away that people are being picked up for various warrents etc.

    Please make yourself clear on what exactly you hear is happening as my wife worries when she hears these type of rumours flying about (even though she has no reason to worry).

    Hi AndyPaul.For sure i know there have been checks at these locations.hounslow,Oval,fulham broadway,ladbroke grove,fenchurch st.Probably others but i have no proof.These are immigration officers.They have laptops and can check a name very quickly to see when they entered the U.k and when they should have left.There were a few small articles in the papers at the end of last year that immigration would carry out spot checks.The reason it wasnt on the front pages is probably the lower profile they keep the more success they would have.For sure if they had the same manpower for immigration as the do for parking they would catch everyone!!But thats another subject.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Look on the bright side of life!!..
    At least your mate manny wont have to worry about road pricing and council tax any more and he got a free flight home back to the land of smiles!!
    This country has gone to the dogs..I think I`ll deport myself !!
    Fred you are spot on.I know where you are coming from.I spoke to him last night and now hes over the shock hes looking foward to that first san mig(the real one).Filipinos and adversity.They just deal with it.Bukas,Bukas!

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    hehehehe, yes don't call someone unless you have been in their shoes.

    'Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile way and you have their shoes. ' ~Author Unknown

    how many of you have overstayed your visit to the philippines ??

    just because there is a law, it don't mean its a just law

    hey preachers leave those pinoy's alone, all in all were just another brick in a

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy View Post
    Hi AndyPaul.For sure i know there have been checks at these locations.hounslow,Oval,fulham broadway,ladbroke grove,fenchurch st.Probably others but i have no proof.These are immigration officers.They have laptops and can check a name very quickly to see when they entered the U.k and when they should have left.There were a few small articles in the papers at the end of last year that immigration would carry out spot checks.The reason it wasnt on the front pages is probably the lower profile they keep the more success they would have.For sure if they had the same manpower for immigration as the do for parking they would catch everyone!!But thats another subject.
    Had a read up and think about the subject and now recall a big fuss being made in the papers a while back.

    Well seems that it was banned by london underground and the mayor of london on transport for london propety back in the middle of feb.

    the new rules

    Crucially, under the new rules only people suspected of being faredodgers, drug-dealers or other lawbreakers may be quizzed. Hopefully they keep to the ruling

    So hopefully this over the top procedure has been curtailed and with the might of the tube unions plus the racial make up of the staff of lu and tfl keeping the organsations to their promises.

    So for those Phills reading this theard unless you are acting suspicously/breaking the law you should not be harrassed. If you do get stoped ask for id and the reason you was stopped. They can't stop you legally just becasue of the colour of your skin, race or nationality.

    I have to agree with admin on this subject, visa overstaying in the uk or phill, by either a brit or phill national should be discouraged on this site.
    Please note i didn't say condemed.
    It could affect many people particulary admin, if this site became known for encouraging overstaying in either country.

    Willieboy just out of intrest how are you both marrying in the UK? As i thought the rules were very tight now on checking both parties have the correct papers/visas before allowing the marriage?

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Would you report somebody illegal?
    Of course I would, otherwise the value of this web site would be dimished if I was doing the opposite in real life as what I do on here, and that is to help people as much as possible who do follow the immigration laws of this country, whether you agree with them or not.

    Are you also aware that the UK immigration department read this forum, British Embsassy in the Philippines, etc, and any requests they make for details I have to hand over, or get banged up in jail?
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We are going to get married next month so the "whoops " is irrelevant
    Where are you getting married? If in the UK your partner now requires permission off the IND otherwise the marriage is illegal, and as far as I'm aware, the marriage office will need to check the visa anyway.
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    how many of you have overstayed your visit to the philippines ??

    just because there is a law, it don't mean its a just law
    There are a lot of unjust laws all over the world, not just here in the UK.

    Would you rather immigration turned a blind eye to the problem of illegal immigration? It is a just law, you will find most people agree with it.

    I've never over stayed in the Philippines, and never have any intention of, the laws of the country are there for a reason - its simple, just follow the rules and you'll be fine.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I've been to the philippines at least 8 times and like you I have never intended to, nor would I stay longer than I was suppose to

    as for immigration turning a blind eye, nope they shouldnt, but what they should do is not discriminate based on where a person is from, allowing anyone from europe the right to live in the UK, but at the same time wanting people out side europe to require a visa, 'police checks' etc. and someone in IND playing god with your lifes. wether thats the law or not, or injust or just, its not equailty, something I thought the European Union belived in.

    yes checks and visa's for everyone, I've not got a problem with that, if it applies to everyone outside the UK.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Had a read up and think about the subject and now recall a big fuss being made in the papers a while back.

    Well seems that it was banned by london underground and the mayor of london on transport for london propety back in the middle of feb.

    the new rules

    Crucially, under the new rules only people suspected of being faredodgers, drug-dealers or other lawbreakers may be quizzed. Hopefully they keep to the ruling

    So hopefully this over the top procedure has been curtailed and with the might of the tube unions plus the racial make up of the staff of lu and tfl keeping the organsations to their promises.

    So for those Phills reading this theard unless you are acting suspicously/breaking the law you should not be harrassed. If you do get stoped ask for id and the reason you was stopped. They can't stop you legally just becasue of the colour of your skin, race or nationality.

    I have to agree with admin on this subject, visa overstaying in the uk or phill, by either a brit or phill national should be discouraged on this site.
    Please note i didn't say condemed.
    It could affect many people particulary admin, if this site became known for encouraging overstaying in either country.

    Willieboy just out of intrest how are you both marrying in the UK? As i thought the rules were very tight now on checking both parties have the correct papers/visas before allowing the marriage?

    Hi Andypaul,
    We are going to the Philippines to marry.I cant argue with anything you say.i probably didnt phrase the original thread very well.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Will you be living there, as they are unlikely to allow your partner back in the UK, as the visa's will not tie up with the stamps in the passport, or on the database?
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Of course I would, otherwise the value of this web site would be dimished if I was doing the opposite in real life as what I do on here, and that is to help people as much as possible who do follow the immigration laws of this country, whether you agree with them or not.

    Are you also aware that the UK immigration department read this forum, British Embsassy in the Philippines, etc, and any requests they make for details I have to hand over, or get banged up in jail?
    I didnt realise that.And i apologise if i caused you any grief.I was a bit upset when i wrote the original posting.illegal immigration should not encouraged in any way.And the more i have thought about it i i realised that the illegals are making it harder for the people who are going through the correct channels.I suppose thats what good debating is about.Discuss,consider and think again.My girlfriend will probably hate me for this but i got it wrong.

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Those who do the LEGAL process now have to hand over around £1000 to immigration....this is probably to pay the staff who look for ILLEGALS....
    Keith - Administrator

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