Originally Posted by
Had a read up and think about the subject and now recall a big fuss being made in the papers a while back.
Well seems that it was banned by london underground and the mayor of london on transport for london propety back in the middle of feb.
the new rules
Crucially, under the new rules only people suspected of being faredodgers, drug-dealers or other lawbreakers may be quizzed. Hopefully they keep to the ruling
So hopefully this over the top procedure has been curtailed and with the might of the tube unions plus the racial make up of the staff of lu and tfl keeping the organsations to their promises.
So for those Phills reading this theard unless you are acting suspicously/breaking the law you should not be harrassed. If you do get stoped ask for id and the reason you was stopped. They can't stop you legally just becasue of the colour of your skin, race or nationality.
I have to agree with admin on this subject, visa overstaying in the uk or phill, by either a brit or phill national should be discouraged on this site.
Please note i didn't say condemed.
It could affect many people particulary admin, if this site became known for encouraging overstaying in either country.
Willieboy just out of intrest how are you both marrying in the UK? As i thought the rules were very tight now on checking both parties have the correct papers/visas before allowing the marriage?