Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
Delighted that my nephew and his mum received their British Citizenship this week! I went to the ceremony on Thursday and watched proudly as oaths were taken and their naturalisation certificates were awarded.

What a lovely ceremony it was too with so many different nationalities taking part. I felt so proud to sing our national anthem at the end, especially since I knew the words

It was such a shame that my brother couldn't be there but at least some good has come out of his illness
Well done Rosie,
You must be so proud of what you have helped to happen,
Its so easy in this day and age to forget that others may need our help because of such a fast life many of us live.
Some of us forget what it means to become British citizen and seeing the faces of the people going through this and how proud they all look, silly me stood up and clapped when Emma went out and received hers , and like you say it makes you feel proud too.
Again well done