Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post

I have just returned from Makati where my brother has been taken seriously ill whilst on business. Although he is British, he is resident in another part of the Far East and is self employed. He is currently in a private hospital and it appears that he doesn't have travel insurance so his own funds are being used to pay for his treatment whilst they last. I am desperate to help him and his family to return to the UK but cannot afford an air ambulance (I have been quoted £91k) and he is currently too ill to fly anyway.

He is not married to his partner of 7 years and they have a little boy. His partner is Filippino and has been to the UK 3 times previously on a visitors visa. It is not known whether my brother will recover and if he does, he will need long term care from his devoted partner.

I have reported the situation to the Consular office. Any advice about immigration in these circumstances and anything else would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, I am so worried.
Rosie xx
hi rosie1958 hope your brother is getting better. my daughter was seriously ill ther in rp and she was in icu, but she is ok now after she had op in best hospital in rp, i think that the best hospitals in rp are as good or better than uk, but problem ther is you have to pay every day for ongoing treatment. ive spent well over 1,000,000 peso on treatment for my kids. has your brother got many friends in rp, cuz the local expat community ther mite be able to help him with money, as some help each other in situations like this. i dont think the brit embassy will help with money or visas with compassionet grounds in your brothers situation..