Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
Thank you Languish, Ghee, bher and Steve c. Yes bher, Like I said I had my vasectomy done Jan 1996 and was given at best 50/50 chance. Reason being of course was Jane being just 28yo and in good health, plain and simple I just got to fire the right bullets. looks like your man is much younger than me so you may have a better chance. I did my home work finding the right guy to do the operation. i wont go into detail but the right man was found His name is Duncan Harriss ( that is correct spelling) based at the BMI Park Hospital Nottingham. You look at his web site and what people around the world have to say about him. The cost was £2531. yes It was a gamble but 50% chance is better than no chance In fact Jane and I both said Even he said 5% chance we wld still of gone ahead with it. What he did say was that he will do his bit (operation) I must then do my bit after 2 weeks after op and that is I must use it every day if I can. That we did. Low and behold 5 weeks later she was pregnant. We didnt check until 4 days late Jane was always 29 cycle. I got two cheap testers from pound land then I splashed out on 2 clear blue digi tester. It was like all our Christmases rolled into one. And all just before we go back to Phil. Every time Jane mom called she asked when baby coming. Now they all know. Yehey! Hopefully we will have scan pics as well to take back Jane has scan the day before we leave uk.
hello there gwapito, its a bit expensive but i know it would be worth it.. for now we are not into rush to have babies.. still enjoying each other for now while babies are not yet around.. but we will definitely work that out when the right time come.. thank's for that info..again' i am very happy that your jane is preggy now yipee cheers...