Can Virtual Relationship replace the real thing???....
Can you get to know somebody well enough virtually or is this the same as you could do in real life???...
Can Virtual Relationship replace the real thing???....
Can you get to know somebody well enough virtually or is this the same as you could do in real life???...
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
Hi, but will that keep you warm in bed
Surely the answer must be that they cannot replace the real thing. This is not to say that you can't get to know someone well, especially using microphone and webcam in addition to text messaging. It's not how you meet, it's who you meet.
But undoubtedly best to meet for real as soon as possible.
i dont believe you can fall in love with anyone without meeting them and seeing how they are when happy, sad, emotional, under stress etc, you cant feel the sincerity you can from a loving hug, for me its just the first stage in knowing someone, im not a believer in spending months/years in knowing someone without meeting them, its an awful lot of time to get to know someone only to find that you really have nothing in common in real
I respect your opinion tomboo, however i have an alternative view. I met my first wife in the flesh,so to speak, 3 months before I was due to join the RAF. We spent much time together then, and for 7 years after that we remained engaged then finally married. I am now divorced after 22 years of marriage! I knew after 10 years of marriage that there was nothing I could do to fix it. I had chosen the wrong was as simple as that.
Now I am in a virtual relationship. I have known Zeth for 7 months. I know EXACTLY the kind of personality I want, nad I found her. The bonus is that she is also a beautiful Pinay! I have never felt the way I do about anyone else in my life. I am totally in love with her....but we have never met in person.
So my own experience tells me that it IS possible to fall deeply in love without actually meeting.
I agree, the real thing is most important. Virtual relationship is not an assurance unless you have met the person and get to know that person better to make sure if you can accept the negative and positive traits of the person.
Life as we make it
However, about the first point in this thread, no I don't think a virtual relationship can replace the real thing, for all the obvious reasons....a FULL relationship is about ALL the senses, daily interactions, commitment by physical presence and a whole host of more subtle connections.
The other point in this thread was,
Can you get to know somebody well enough virtually or is this the same as you could do in real life???...
well, I think that in the situation most of us are in (that being seperated and communication by internet etc.) it all depends on just how much effort both of you put in. I also think there is something about "emotional maturity" too. By that I mean what is your level of understanding of relationships? How well do you know what you are looking for in a person? How well do you know yourself? How much baggage (I mean the psychological kind) do you have? All these factors will determine just how you will realate with someone. it shouldn't matter whether you are in the same room or 8 thousand miles away. It is just the medium of communication that is different.
Of course, there are issues with L D Rels. as we are all aware, but if you take into consideration the extra difficulties of language and texting misunderstanding, then getting to know someone is the same under most circumstances.
Whoops !! did it again, pressed the wrong button
That's what happens with virtual worlds
My feeling only:- With a virtual relationship that's what you get virtual feelings.
Without that personal contact .... eye-to-eye..... heart-to-heart ....
Ishin-denshin (Japanese, please google for definition. It's worth the effort!) truth cannot be found. If you can survive without truth you are empty, that's virtual reality.
Now I got too seriousLara Croft, my honey, please tell me again, it's only me
OMG sars_notd_virus
Now you got me on my virtual soap box
Did you ever meet someone for the first time and within less than a minute you already decided if you like them or not? or perhaps they reminded you of someone you like or dislike??
DEpends on what u are after
Can you get to know somebody well enough virtually or is this the same as you could do in real life???...[/QUOTE]
Guess what i'm really trying to say is that i think that you can get to know someone online as well if not better than metting them in real as I have know people in real for many years and not really know what they are like as they hide things.. so it is just as easy to hide the real you in person as it is online....even after years of cuddling ect... there's still a chance you dont really know the person till they are caught on the hop....
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
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