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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Brits not fit to work

    dedworth, instead of buy them rags, get on public transport and start reading the FREE metro, your missing a lot of the news

    A Dutch ferry boss has blasted ‘fat, tattooed’ British job seekers, leading to the RMT's Steve Todd demanding an apology from Stena Line bosses.

    His comments followed reports that Stena was hiring Filipino workers at a rate of £2.20 an hour on its Brit*annica ferry which will run from Harwich, Essex, to the Hook of Holland.

  2. #2
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    It claims the ferry operator is exploiting a loophole in the Race Relations Act to recruit workers from the Philippines and pay them £2.20 an hour – a fraction of the minimum wage of £5.80.
    How do they get away with that

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedworth, instead of buy them rags, get on public transport and start reading the FREE metro, your missing a lot of the news

    A Dutch ferry boss has blasted ‘fat, tattooed’ British job seekers, leading to the RMT's Steve Todd demanding an apology from Stena Line bosses.

    His comments followed reports that Stena was hiring Filipino workers at a rate of £2.20 an hour on its Brit*annica ferry which will run from Harwich, Essex, to the Hook of Holland.

    I read that earlier on the BBC - if Mr Clog isn't a bit more diplomatic he could get one of these bloated, tatted, neanderthals planting a 10 hole Doc Marten on his forehead

  4. #4
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    Our unions are trying hard to make the British Minimum Wage compulsory on the ferry routes to the UK, but it's not happening quickly.

  5. #5
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    A friend in Holland said

    That’s what I thought – hilarious. The Dutch ferry/seamen can talk, they are covered in tats and are overweight with piercings etc so it’s pot calling the kettle black and all that!!!

  6. #6
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    A friend in Holland said

    That’s what I thought – hilarious. The Dutch ferry/seamen can talk, they are covered in tats and are overweight with piercings etc so it’s pot calling the kettle black and all that!!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    AS the saying goes in our industry "if it ain't dutch it ain't much". Brtish crews are finding it harder and harder to get work on ships now due to the trend towards cheaper foriegn labour. Poles now operate the ferries that run from UK to Ireland and have done for a few years. Foriegn workers are actively encouraged in the north sea to work in the british sector, where as in other sectors, dutch, norweign etc brits are persecuted against. Not to mention the states, mexico and Oz. I acutally sailed with an Oz in the north sea. The company flew him half way round the world for a 4 week trip!!! I at the time couldn't get work done there due to their strong union ties.

    Our officers union is very weak (funnily enough its now merged with the dutch officer union!!) and in my experience rolls over way to easily. But the RMT is alot stronger, more pro-active so there maye a chance for the dwindling bristish seaman.
    It's been emontional

  8. #8
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    It's a complex situation stu, mates of mine working on the ferries reckon the british ratings on the north sea routes are top notch. I know the ones on the dover-calais route can be difficult, knew a female officer who quit because couldn't be bothered with the crap from them, the RFA guys have a poor reputation as well.
    On the flip side, for the officers there is absolutely no shortage of work in all areas.

  9. #9
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Know what you mean. I did my cadetship with the RFA and whilst there was some good lads there the rest where, we'll say........a pain in the ****. I basicaly had to apologise to the bosun everytime I went down to give the lads a job. SAying that most of them where bloody good sailors, just a crap attitude. I do actually prefer sailing with filipino crews. I think the trouble most of the british crews had is they just thought they deserved it all and no one in their right mind would chose a foriegnor over them.

    Oh well how things change. Your right about the officers though there does seem to plenty of work about, should count ourselves lucky in this day and age while others are struggling.

    By the way, only just seen the other thread but Congratulations on the birth of your sprog. Hope the wee man and mum are doing well.
    It's been emontional

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